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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, MISSISSIPPI CONSERVATIVES filing #925795

Last update: Sept. 20, 2016 | 10:46 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Jan. 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014
Total receipts: $717,993
Total spending: $688,330
Ending cash: $29,663
Outstanding debts: $230,150
Originally filed May 17, 2014, 12:24 p.m.

This filing is an amendment! See an earlier version here Filing #919038.
This filing has been amended by another filing! See a newer version here: Filing #1097686.
Type: F3XA: Monthly/quarterly report (AMENDED).
This filing also includes 12 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA13 Trustmark Bank Jackson, MS 39201 $250,150 2014-01-29
SA11AI Sanderson, Joe Laurel, MS 39441 $100,000 2014-01-21 Sanderson Farms Chairman and CEO
SA11AI Wax, Richard Amory, MS 38821 $50,000 2014-02-21 Self-Employed The Wax Company
SA11AI Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, LA 70374 $25,000 2014-02-14
SA11AI Crest Investment Company Houston, TX 77002 $25,000 2014-03-27
SA11AI Stephens, Warren Little Rock, AR 72203 $25,000 2014-03-21 Stephens Inc. President
SA11AI Day, Robert Los Angeles, CA 90017 $25,000 2014-03-31 TCW Group, Inc Founder
SA11AI Ergon Jackson, MS 39215 $25,000 2014-02-07
SA11AI Leach, Howard New York, NY 10022 $25,000 2014-03-31 Leach Capital LLC President
SA11AI Roberts, Donna Ruth Oxford, MS 38655 $25,000 2014-02-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Mounger, W.D. Jackson, MS 39211 $25,000 2014-01-27 Self-Employed Oil Gas Investor
SA11AI Barksdale, James L. Ridgeland, MS 39157 $25,000 2014-01-27 Barksdale Managment Corp. President
SA11AI Tellus Operating Group LLC Ridgeland, MS 39157 $15,000 2014-03-20
SA11AI Barbour, Haley Yazoo City, MS 39194 $10,000 2014-01-30 BGR Group Founding Partner
SA11AI Retzer, Mike Greenville, MS 38704 $10,000 2014-02-12 Self-Employed Restaurant Owner
SA11AI Mizel, Larry Denver, CO 80237 $10,000 2014-03-31 MDC Holdings Executive
SA11AI Creekmore, Wade Ridgeland, MS 39157 $10,000 2014-03-06 Telapex President
SA11AI Creekmore, James Jackson, MS 39211 $10,000 2014-03-06 Telapex Vice President
SA11AI Feather, Tony Jefferson City, MO 65109 $5,000 2014-03-03 FLS Connect Partner
SA11AI Tollison, Amanda Oxford, MS 38655 $5,000 2014-02-21 Butler Snow Attorney
SA11AI Rone, Lee Memphis, TN 38103 $2,500 2014-03-20 COO Youth Villages
SA11AI Miller III, Hal Jackson, MS 39215 $2,000 2014-03-17 Miller Transporters Inc. Executive VP
SA11AI Dane III, John Gulfport, MS 39503 $2,000 2014-03-03 Trinity Yachts LLC CEO
SA11AI Sanderson, Marie Thomas Ocean Springs, MS 39564 $1,500 2014-03-20 Cardinal Group LLC Consultant
SA11AI Calhoon, Rick Jackson, MS 39201 $1,000 2014-03-24 Pruett Oil Company Executive
SA11AI Bradshaw, Sally Havanna, FL 32333 $1,000 2014-02-07 Self-Employed Consultant
SA11AI Rounsaville, John Madison, MS 39110 $1,000 2014-03-04 Waggoner Engineering Vice President of Strategic Services
SA11C BGR PAC WASHINGTON, DC 20005 $693 2014-03-04
SA11AI Ward, Giles Louisville, MS 39339 $500 2014-02-25 State of Mississippi State Senator
SA11AI Canup, B.J. Fulton, MS 38843 $400 2014-02-24 Tremont Floral Supplies, Inc. Owner