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Every business, organization or individual is classified as being part of an industry. The industries, which there is a long list of, are determined by the Center for Responsive Politics and help to identify how various areas of society and the economy influence politics and in turn how politics benefits those industries through policy and legislation.

Some of this data may be out of date

State influence data from the National Institute on Money in State Politics changed in format and availability during the 2013-2014 election cycle. While we work to integrate their new style of data release, state-level campaign finance data for the 2014 cycle and beyond will be unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience, but heartily recommend trying out their snazzy new site at FollowTheMoney.org!

Campaign Finance

$29,893,641,151 GIVEN

The charts below display industry contributions to federal and state races. For federal races, only political contributions over $200 are included in these totals. This is because the Federal Election Commission only requires campaigns to itemize contributions that are more than $200. For state races, the threshhold for itemizing each contribution varies by state.

For more information, see our Campaign Finance Methodology page.

federal data covers from 1989 roughly through Q2 2014
state-level data is not available in bulk for 2014. for current state data, browse http://followthemoney.org/

Contributions to Parties from Industries

Breakdown of all ContributionsDemocrats: $11.2BRepublicans: $11.1BOther: $3.9BAll($26.3B)Democrats($11.2B)Republicans($11.1B)Other($3.9B)All
Top Ten Overall$1,795,653,834$866,544,195$740,058,275$734,062,177$690,575,280$686,325,732$658,867,556$592,607,928$523,915,935$521,818,697Lawyers/Law FirmsReal EstateLawyers/Law FirmsSecurities & InvestmentPublic Sector UnionsReal EstateHealth ProfessionalsSecurities & InvestmentInsurancePublic Sector Unions
These charts depict which political parties receive the most money from each industry. The pie chart shows the overall industry-related giving broken down by party, while the bar chart ranks industry giving by the parties they give to. Click the pieces of the pie to see the top ten industries in terms of giving to each party. The "other" portion of the pie represents third party giving.

Contributions to Committees and Politicians' Campaigns from Industries

Breakdown of all ContributionsPolitician: $15.7BCommittee: $14.2BAll($29.9B)Politician($15.7B)Committee($14.2B)All
Top Ten Overall$1,944,512,210$1,040,063,520$993,816,785$950,487,808$925,702,350$892,502,172$816,313,836$688,711,548$594,928,680$574,504,284Lawyers/Law FirmsSecurities & InvestmentReal EstateLawyers/Law FirmsHealth ProfessionalsPublic Sector UnionsReal EstateSecurities & InvestmentCasinos/GamblingInsurance
These charts show how giving from industries break down by recipient type, specifically politicians and committees (including super PACs). The bar chart shows the top ten industries that give to politicians and committees. The interactive pie chart can be used to toggle between recipient type on the bar chart.

Contributions from Industries in State and Federal Races

Breakdown of all ContributionsFederal: $17.5BState: $12.4BAll($29.9B)Federal($17.5B)State($12.4B)All
Top Ten Overall$1,643,044,280$1,356,077,490$1,251,955,738$1,078,906,304$1,041,464,353$967,332,730$768,666,268$577,290,517$515,535,450$493,775,681Lawyers/Law FirmsSecurities & InvestmentLawyers/Law FirmsPublic Sector UnionsReal EstateHealth ProfessionalsReal EstateInsuranceCasinos/GamblingHealth Professionals
These charts show the breakdown of contributions from the different industries to federal and state political races. The bar chart shows the top ten industries to give on the state and federal levels. The interactive pie chart can be used to toggle between the two levels of government on the bar chart.

Contributions from Industry Organizations' Committees and Their Associated Individuals

Breakdown of all ContributionsOrg Individuals: $16.4BOrg PAC: $13.5BAll($29.9B)Org Individuals($16.4B)Org PAC($13.5B)All
Top Ten Overall$2,184,769,582$1,542,239,915$1,316,341,030$1,277,462,816$882,163,941$710,230,436$605,092,351$578,944,470$532,667,805$514,856,109Lawyers/Law FirmsSecurities & InvestmentPublic Sector UnionsReal EstateHealth ProfessionalsLawyers/Law FirmsInsuranceHealth ProfessionalsReal EstateBuilding Trade Unions
These charts show what money comes from political action committees associated with a particular industry and what money comes from individuals associated with an industry. The bar chart shows the top ten industries to give money via their PACs or from industry-associated individuals.
  • Sunlight Foundation
  • Open Secrets
  • National Institute on Money in State Politics
  • Project on Government Oversight

The Sunlight Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit that advocates for open government globally and uses technology to make government more accountable to all.