Some of this data may be out of date
State influence data from the National Institute on Money in State Politics changed in format and availability during the 2013-2014 election cycle. While we work to integrate their new style of data release, state-level campaign finance data for the 2014 cycle and beyond will be unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience, but heartily recommend trying out their snazzy new site at!
Campaign Finance
$29,893,641,151 GIVENThe charts below display industry contributions to federal and state races. For federal races, only political contributions over $200 are included in these totals. This is because the Federal Election Commission only requires campaigns to itemize contributions that are more than $200. For state races, the threshhold for itemizing each contribution varies by state.
For more information, see our Campaign Finance Methodology page.
state-level data is not available in bulk for 2014. for current state data, browse