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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, WOMEN VOTE! filing #925201

Last update: Sept. 21, 2016 | 7:07 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers April 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014
Total receipts: $493,750
Total spending: $223,422
Ending cash: $733,079
Outstanding debts: $77,018
Originally filed May 15, 2014, 4:48 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
This filing also includes 6 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Delaney, Mary Oakland, CA 94612 $300,000 2014-04-10 Akonadi Foundation Executive
SA11AI Shenker, Scott Berkeley, CA 94707 $100,000 2014-04-22 ICSI Scientist
SA11AI Woods, Laure Portola Valley, CA 94028 $60,000 2014-04-11 Laurel Foundation President
SA11AI Gabel, Marianne Delaware, OH 43015 $25,000 2014-04-29 self Attorney
SA11AI Ford, Sylvia Columbia, SC 29209 $5,000 2014-04-04 Federal Govt Physician
SA11AI Dale, Ellen Orinda, CA 94563 $1,000 2014-04-24 None None
SA11AI Barker, William Chicago, IL 60611 $1,000 2014-04-28 Dentons Us, Llp Lawyer
SA11AI Stowe, Barbara Reston, VA 20194 $100 2014-04-24 None Retired