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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION filing #910503

Last update: June 19, 2016 | 1:19 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Nov. 1, 2013 through Nov. 30, 2013
Total receipts: $56,927
Total spending: $19,970
Ending cash: $1,412,151
Originally filed March 5, 2014, 4:53 p.m.

This filing is an amendment! See an earlier version here Filing #898056.
Type: F3XA: Monthly/quarterly report (AMENDED).
This filing also includes 21 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Citizens Club for Growth, Inc., Citizens Club for Gr Washington, DC 20036 $44,551 2013-11-25 n/a n/a
SA11AI Pusta, Lenora Hall Payson, AZ 855416152 $2,000 2013-11-11 n/a Retired
SA11AI Fortini-Campbell, Alan Evanston, IL 602012146 $1,000 2013-11-04 The Fortini-Campbell Company Consultant
SA11AI Simon, Allen H. Chandler, AZ 852261307 $1,000 2013-11-23 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Shepard, Allen C. Jr. San Francisco, CA 941151322 $1,000 2013-11-05 None Retired
SA11AI Powell, James San Angelo, TX 769036370 $1,000 2013-11-05 Self Rancher
SA11AI Fogel, David L. Fairfield, CT 068242151 $1,000 2013-11-06 IndexIQ Private Equity
SA11AI Zarras, Dean Bedford, NY 105061625 $500 2013-11-01 SESCO Enterprises LLC CTO
SA11AI Tykeson, Donald E. Eugene, OR 974016722 $500 2013-11-01 Tykeson / Associates Enterprises Private Investments
SA11AI Reif, Michael E. Burnsville, NC 287143182 $500 2013-11-19 n/a retired physician
SA11AI Terner, Jacob Beverly Hills, CA 902104894 $500 2013-11-21 Prospect Medical Holdings Inc. Retired
SA11AI Ferguson, Wilbert Verona, PA 151473859 $500 2013-11-21 self employed retired/investor
SA11AI Mattsen, Vernon M. Ham Lake, MN 553046742 $500 2013-11-06 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Forster, Tom Chevy Chase, MD 208152849 $300 2013-11-26 na Retired
SA11AI Alton, Duane Liberty Lake, WA 990198531 $250 2013-11-26 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Fulkerson, Robert Paul San Antonio, TX 782172554 $200 2013-11-05 Self oil/gas/real estate
SA11AI Putegnat, Barry Brownsville, TX 785213451 $200 2013-11-18 Service Industrial Inc. Co-Owner/President
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-11-08 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-11-21 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-11-05 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Buus, Karl D. Yucaipa, CA 923993959 $75 2013-11-04 None Retired
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $50 2013-11-07 Marriott International tech support