political photo

Mitt Romney

Office Sought:
State Candidancy or Office Held:
See also: State profile for Mitt Romney

Willard Mitt Romney (born March 12, 1947) is an American businessman, and a Republican who was the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007, was a candidate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and is a likely candidate in the 2012 presidential election.

Source: Wikipedia

Campaign Finance

$393,763,716 Received

Figures are based on itemized contributions reported to the Federal Election Commission and state agencies. Please note that:

  • contributions under $200 are not reported, and so are not included in totals.
  • only contributions from individuals and organizations to candidates are included. Various accounting measures and more exotic contribution types are excluded.
  • contributions are matched based on organization and recipient name reported within each election cycle. Contributions using an incorrect or non-standard version of the name may be missed.
  • corporate name changes and mergers may cause figures to differ from those of the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • organization totals include known subsidiaries of the organization.

For more information, please see our campaign finance methodology page. Lobbyist bundling data is described on our lobbyist bundling methodology page.

Latest FEC Data

covers through candidate's October 17, 2012 filing. independent expenditures updated daily.
  • Summary

    overview of how much the candidate raised and spent, and who contributed it
    Individuals (70%)Transfers (29%)PACs (0%)Party (0%)
    Total Raised:
    $393,763,716 #2 of 40 Presidential candidates
    Total Spent:
    $360,443,911 #2 of 40 Presidential candidates
    Cash on Hand:
    $52,702,010 #2 of 40 Presidential candidates
  • Contributions Over Time

    reflects only contributions over $200, as smaller contributions are not individually reported. For some candidates a significant portion of their fundraising may not be captured by this chart.
    $0$50,000,000$100,000,000$150,000,000Jan. 1Apr. 1Jul. 1Oct. 1Jan. 1Apr. 1Jul. 1Oct. 1Mitt Romney (R)Barack Obama (D)Ron Paul (L)
  • Independent Expenditures

    outside groups that spent money supporting or opposing the candidate
    Committee Name Support/Oppose Total Spending
    Priorities USA Action
    Restore Our Future, Inc.
    American Future Fund
    Planned Parenthood
    Crossroads GPS
    American Crossroads
    Service Employees International Union
    Ending Spending Fund
    Winning Our Future
    Planned Parenthood Votes
note: data comes from latest FEC filings and has not been cleaned or standardized. See section below for standardized data.

Donor Information

covers through June 2012. may lag behind FEC section above, as donors and industries are identified by hand.
  • Top Industries

    OpenSecrets.org and FollowTheMoney.org classify contribution data into about 100 industries.
    $19,994,196$10,764,854$5,988,558$5,705,539$3,866,975$3,160,770$2,625,819$2,557,275$2,249,362$1,765,105RetiredSecurities & InvestmentLawyers/Law FirmsReal EstateMisc FinanceHealth ProfessionalsBusiness ServicesMisc BusinessCommercial BanksOil & Gas
    70% of the total amount raised came from an identifiable industry.
  • In State vs. Out of State

    contributions from individuals, in dollars
    out-of-state (100%)in-state (0%)
  • Top Contributors

    Employee Color Block
    PAC Color Block
    Includes contributions from an organization’s employees, their family members and its political action committee.
  • Bundled Lobbyist Contributions

    Lobbyists and lobbying firms that raised money from multiple donors on behalf of the politician. Contributions from the lobbyist or firm itself are not included.
    Bundler Amount
    Patrick Durkin, Barclays $837,200
    Wayne L Berman, Ogilvy Government Relations $358,125
    Austin Barbour, Clearwater Group L.L.C. $210,700
    T Martin Fiorentino Jr, Fiorentino Group $181,975
    David Beightol, Dutko Worldwide $162,520
    Bill Simmons, Dutko Group $134,684
    Robert T Grand, Barnes & Thornburg $110,150
    Ignacio E Sanchez, DLA Piper $86,700
    Drew Maloney, Ogilvy Government Relations $56,750
    Judith Rhines, Rath Group $34,200
  • Recent and upcoming fundraisers

    Full invitations can be viewed at Party Time
    Date Event
    Nov. 2, 2012
    Reception and Dinner with Bob McDonnell and Sen. Ron Johnson at The home of Ron and Christina Gidwitz
    Oct. 26, 2012
    Private VIP Reception with Paul Ryan and the Republican Team at The home of Phil and Lauren Hughes
    Hosted by:
    Peter Brown, David Wilkins, Laura Baur, Mike Baur, Tanis Bowles, Bill Bowles, Lisa Brown, Terry Brown, Pam Brown, Cindy Daniel, Bart Daniel, Jane Hipp, Van D. Hipp, Jr., Susannah Hubbell, Matt Hubbell, Lauren Hughes, Phil Hughes, Karen Iacovelli, Peter Iacovelli, Sharon Kingman, Rus Kingman, Curtis Loftis, Michael Haley, Karen McClaran, Daniel McClaran, Jodie McClean, Pierre DeLucy, Vikki Scott, Hank Scott, Susan Wilkins, Deanie Wynn, Barry Wynn
    Oct. 26, 2012
    Morning Reception with Paul Ryan and the Republican Team at The home of Phil and Lauren Hughes
    Hosted by:
    Peter Brown, David Wilkins, Laura Baur, Mike Baur, Tanis Bowles, Bill Bowles, Lisa Brown, Terry Brown, Pam Brown, Cindy Daniel, Bart Daniel, Jane Hipp, Van D. Hipp, Jr., Susannah Hubbell, Matt Hubbell, Lauren Hughes, Phil Hughes, Karen Iacovelli, Peter Iacovelli, Sharon Kingman, Rus Kingman, Curtis Loftis, Michael Haley, Karen McClaran, Daniel McClaran, Jodie McClean, Pierre DeLucy, Vikki Scott, Hank Scott, Susan Wilkins, Deanie Wynn, Barry Wynn
    Oct. 26, 2012
    Reception and Roundtable with Paul Ryan at The Von Braun Center
    Oct. 25, 2012
    Lunch Reception with Dick Cheney and Josh Romney at The home of Sabrina and Jay Brown
View all campaign finance data for Mitt Romney Sources: OpenSecrets.org Party Time