State of Georgia

Georgia (i /ˈdʒɔrdʒə/) is a state located in the southeastern United States. Georgia was established in 1732, the last of the original Thirteen Colonies. It is named after King George II, of Great Britain. Georgia was the fourth state to ratify the United States Constitution, on January 2, 1788. It declared its secession from the Union on January 21, 1861, and was one of the original seven Confederate states. It was the last state to be restored to the Union, on July 15, 1870.

Source: Wikipedia

Campaign Finance

$15,700 Given

Figures are based on itemized contributions reported to the Federal Election Commission and state agencies. Please note that:

  • contributions under $200 are not reported, and so are not included in totals.
  • only contributions from individuals and organizations to candidates are included. Various accounting measures and more exotic contribution types are excluded.
  • contributions are matched based on organization and recipient name reported within each election cycle. Contributions using an incorrect or non-standard version of the name may be missed.
  • corporate name changes and mergers may cause figures to differ from those of the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • organization totals include known subsidiaries of the organization.

For more information, please see our campaign finance methodology page. Lobbyist bundling data is described on our lobbyist bundling methodology page.

covers through 2011
View all campaign finance data for State of Georgia Sources:


$20,000 Spent

Figures are based on lobbying activity reported to the Senate Office of Public Records. Reported dollar amounts are required to be accurate only to the nearest $20,000. For organizations whose primary business is lobbying, we display total income and top clients. For organizations that are not primarily lobbying firms, we display total amount spent on lobbying and top lobbying firms hired.

For more information, please see our lobbying methodology page.

covers through Q3, 2011

Lobbying On Behalf of State of Georgia

View all lobbying data for State of Georgia Sources:


29 Mentions

All data is based on documents downloaded from The first table shows mentions: all documents that include the name of the company anywhere in the document or document metadata. The second table shows submissions: all documents where the submitter metadata included the company name. Each table shows the top 10 dockets, ranked by number of occurrences.

Matches are based on a search for the company name. Variations in the company name, such as acronyms, nicknames or alternate names may cause documents to be missed. The mention of a company name in a document may be incidental and does not necessarily indicate that the company has any relevance to the document. Company names that are common English words may erroneously match with text that is not referring to the company.

Not all agencies submit public comments to For a list of participating and non-participating agencies see here. Agencies that do submit to have varying levels of accuracy and completeness.

Regulations and public comments can be downloaded in bulk here.

updated from on September 27, 2011

The tables show occurrences of "State of Georgia" in public comments on proposed federal regulations.

  • Mentions in Document Text
    • Mentions
    • Agency
    • Docket
    • Date
    • Toggle 23 FEMA Major Disaster and Related Determinations; Amendment No. X to Notice of a Disaster Declaration; Emergency and Related Determinations; Amendment No. X to Notice of an Emergency Declaration 2011
    • Toggle 6 EPA Draft Guidance on Identifying Waters Protected by the Clean Water Act 2011
    • Toggle 4 EPA Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired, Electric Utility, Industrial-Commercial-Institutional, and Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Unit 2011
    • Toggle 3 EPA Deferral of Application of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V Programs to CO2 emissions from Bioenergy and Other Biogenic Sources 2011
    • Toggle 3 CMS FY 2012 Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System and FY 2012 Rates 2011
    • Toggle 2 FMCSA Pilot Program on NAFTA Long-Haul Trucking Provisions 2011
    • Toggle 1 APHIS Monsanto Co.; Availability of Petition and Environmental Assessment for Determination of Nonregulated Status for Soybean Genetically Engineered for Insect Resistance 2011
    • Toggle 1 SEC Meetings; Sunshine Act 2011
    • Toggle 1 SEC Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes: NASDAQ Stock Market LLC 2011
    • Toggle 1 NEIGHBOR Meetings; Sunshine Act 2011

Federal Spending

27 grants; 36 loans

Federal grants, contracts and loans are reported by federal agencies using the FPDS and FAADS systems. The data is made available to the public at Please note that the completeness and quality of the data varies greatly by agency.

Only grants, contracts and loans with amounts over $1 million are shown.

Because company names are not reported in a standardized manner, we cannot reliably determine the company receiving the contract or award. The results shown here are based on a search for the company name. Individual records may be missed or erroneously included because of name variations. For more information, please see our federal spending methodology page.

covers through's March 1, 2012 release

Note: Company names in federal spending data are not standardized. The table below is included only as a sample of what is available in the data and has not been reviewed for accuracy or completeness. To investigate the data further, use the links at the bottom of the table.

Type Recipient Name Year Agency Description Amount
State Of Georgia 2011 Army MCCA ARMED FORCES RESERVE CENTER PROJECT 130109 $30,442,428
State of Georgia 2011 Federal Aviation Administration Improve Existing Airport $26,791,906
State of Georgia 2011 Federal Transit Administration GA TRANSIT FY 2012 PROGRAM (FTA FY $21,529,256
State Of Georgia 2011 Army MCCA P/N:130127 CUMMINGS READINESS CENTER $15,998,231
State of Georgia 2011 Federal Transit Administration GDOT Consolidated 5307 Grant for FY $9,227,955
State Of Georgia 2011 Army APPENDIX 1 ARNG O&M $6,865,168
State Of Georgia 2011 Army APPENDIX 1 ARNG O&M $5,774,417
State of Georgia 2011 Federal Aviation Administration Improve Existing Airport $5,000,000
State Of Georgia 2012 Army APPENDIX 1 ARNG O&M $4,481,444
State Of Georgia 2011 Army YOUTH CHALLENGE-APPENDIX 3 $4,473,000
View all grant & loan data for State of Georgia View all contract data for State of Georgia Sources:

Advisory Committees

2 people on 2 committees

Data is based on disclosures required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). Matches are based on the occurrence of the company name in the committee member affiliation. Variations in company names may cause some matches to be missed.

The table shows only the top 10 agencies. To search and download raw records from the complete dataset see the FACA data section.

covers through 2011

Table shows employees of "State of Georgia" that sat on federal advisory committees.

  • Agency
  • Representation
  • Toggle Department of Homeland Security 1 person on 1 committee
  • Toggle Office of the United States Trade Representative 1 person on 1 committee
View all advisory committee data for State of Georgia