Safeway Inc

Safeway Inc. (NYSE: SWY), a Fortune 500 company, is North America's third largest supermarket chain, with, as of December 29, 2007, 1743 stores located throughout the western and central United States and western Canada. It also operates some stores in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Eastern Seaboard. The company is headquartered in Pleasanton, California. Supermarket News ranked Safeway No. 4 in the 2007 "Top 75 North American Food Retailers" based on 2006 fiscal year estimated sales of $40.5 billion. Based on 2005 revenue, Safeway is the tenth largest retailer in the United States.

Source: Wikipedia

Campaign Finance


Figures are based on itemized contributions reported to the Federal Election Commission and state agencies. Please note that:

  • contributions under $200 are not reported, and so are not included in totals.
  • only contributions from individuals and organizations to candidates are included. Various accounting measures and more exotic contribution types are excluded.
  • contributions are matched based on organization and recipient name reported within each election cycle. Contributions using an incorrect or non-standard version of the name may be missed.
  • corporate name changes and mergers may cause figures to differ from those of the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • organization totals include known subsidiaries of the organization.

For more information, please see our campaign finance methodology page. Lobbyist bundling data is described on our lobbyist bundling methodology page.

Latest FEC Data

covers through committee's August 31, 2012 filing.
  • Summary

    overview of the committee's finances
    Total Raised:
    Total Spent:
    Cash on Hand:

Standardized Donation Information

covers through June 2012. may lag behind FEC section above, as donors and industries are identified by hand.
View all campaign finance data for Safeway Inc Sources:


$1,490,000 Spent

Figures are based on lobbying activity reported to the Senate Office of Public Records. Reported dollar amounts are required to be accurate only to the nearest $20,000. For organizations whose primary business is lobbying, we display total income and top clients. For organizations that are not primarily lobbying firms, we display total amount spent on lobbying and top lobbying firms hired.

For more information, please see our lobbying methodology page.

covers through Q2, 2012

Lobbying On Behalf of Safeway Inc

  • Names of Lobbyists
  • Firm Hired Amount
    Alston & Bird $540,000
    Miller & Chevalier $90,000
  • Most Frequently Disclosed Lobbying Issues
    • Taxes,
    • Food Industry,
    • Health Issues,
    • Energy & Nuclear Power,
    • Banking,
    • Fed Budget & Appropriations,
    • Law Enforcement & Crime,
    • Agriculture
  • Most Frequently Disclosed Bills
    Bill No. Title
    H.R.1063 Strengthening Medicare And Repaying Taxpayers Act of 2011
    S.575 Debit Interchange Fee Study Act of 2011
    H.R.1081 Consumers Payment System Protection Act
    H.R.2701 Main Street Fairness Act
    H.R.3156 Consumer Debit Card Protection Act
    H.R.3179 Marketplace Equity Act of 2011
    H.R.891 Medication Therapy Management Benefits Act of 2011
    H.R.1971 Pharmacy Competition and Consumer Choice Act of 2011
    H.R.2112 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012
    H.R.6083 Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2012
View all lobbying data for Safeway Inc Sources:


12 Mentions; 1 Submissions

All data is based on documents downloaded from The first table shows mentions: all documents that include the name of the company anywhere in the document or document metadata. The second table shows submissions: all documents where the submitter metadata included the company name. Each table shows the top 10 dockets, ranked by number of occurrences.

Matches are based on a search for the company name. Variations in the company name, such as acronyms, nicknames or alternate names may cause documents to be missed. The mention of a company name in a document may be incidental and does not necessarily indicate that the company has any relevance to the document. Company names that are common English words may erroneously match with text that is not referring to the company.

Not all agencies submit public comments to For a list of participating and non-participating agencies see here. Agencies that do submit to have varying levels of accuracy and completeness.

Regulations and public comments can be downloaded in bulk here.

updated from on September 27, 2011

The tables show occurrences of "Safeway Inc" in public comments on proposed federal regulations.

  • Documents Submitted by the Organization
    • Submissions
    • Agency
    • Docket
    • Date
    • Toggle 1 NLRB Proposed rule amending representation-case procedures 2011
  • Mentions in Document Text
    • Mentions
    • Agency
    • Docket
    • Date
    • Toggle 2 FMCSA Pilot Program on NAFTA Long-Haul Trucking Provisions 2011
    • Toggle 2 NLRB Proposed rule amending representation-case procedures 2011
    • Toggle 2 DOS 60–Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: DS–5513, Biographical Questionnaire for U.S. Passport, 1405–XXXX 2011
    • Toggle 1 DOT Order Soliciting Small Community Grant Proposals 2011
    • Toggle 1 EPA NESHAP for Secondary Lead Smelting Amendments Based on the Risk and Technology Review 2011
    • Toggle 1 LMSO Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act; Interpretation of the "Advice" Exemption 2011
    • Toggle 1 EPA Fipronil Registration Review 2011
    • Toggle 1 NOAA Pacific Halibut Fisheries; Catch Sharing Plan for Guided Sport and Commercial Fisheries in Alaska 2011
    • Toggle 1 FAA Notice of Proposed Modification to the June 1, 2006 MOA FAA/Subscriber Memorandum of Agreement for ASDI/NASSI Industry Access and Request for Comments 2011
    • Toggle 1 VA AN94 - Interim Final Rule - Caregivers Program 2011