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Deprecation Notice

The advanced search feature, as well as the Influence Explorer API are approaching end of life, and will be retired on December 31st, 2015. Please refer to our deprecation notice for more details.


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Federal Lobbying

End Point

Lobbying data is not available in CSV since its nested structure does not lend itself to the format.

JSON response format:


Excel response format:




The amount spent on lobbying in US dollars in one of the following formats:

Example Description
500 exactly 500 dollars
>|500 greater than or equal to 500
<|500 less than or equal to 500
Full-text search on the name of the client for which the lobbyist is working.
Full-text search on the name of the parent organization of the client.

Type of filing as identified by CRP. CRP recommends the following rules be used:

  • Do not total e records unless they are larger than the associated s record.
  • Count c records in both total and industry when filing_included_nsfs is n. Don't count it in total or industry when filing_included_nsfs is y.
  • Count b records in both total and industry when filing_included_nsfs is n. Exclude from total and include in industry but subtract it from the total of the parent when filing_included_nsfs y.
Code Meaning
n non self filer parent
m non self filer subsidiary for a non self filer parent
x self filer subsidiary for a non self filer parent
p self filer parent
i non self filer for a self filer parent that has same catorder as the parent
s self filer subsidiary for a self filer parent
e non self filer subsidiary for a self file subsidiary
c non self filer subsidiary for a self filer parent with same catorder
b non self filer subsidiary for a self filer parent that has different catorder
Full-text search on the name of the lobbyist involved in the lobbying activity.
Full-text search on the name of the person or organization filing the lobbyist registration. This is typically the firm that employs the lobbyists. Use the registrant_is_firm field to filter on firms v. individuals.
Report ID given by the Senate Office of Public Records.
The type of filing as reported by the Senate Office of Public Records. http://assets.transparencydata.org.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/transaction_types-20100402.csv

The year in which the registration was filed. A YYYY formatted year, 1998 - 2010.

Example Description
2006 2006
2006|2008 2006 OR 2008