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Realtime Federal Campaign Finance

Connecticut House, District 04

Last update: July 4, 2014 | 3:16 a.m.

Alerts: Get automatic alerts whenever a candidate in this race files an electronic report, or is targeted by an independent expenditure

Total candidate fundraising: $2,446,284
Total candidate spending: $1,237,331
Total outside spending: $10
Candidate + outside spending: $1,237,341

Incumbent: James A. Himes (D)
Rothenberg Political Report rates this seat: Currently Safe Democrat

Next scheduled election: primary to be held 8/12/14

Map tiles by Stamen Design. Data by OpenStreetMap.


These are candidates who have filed paperwork to report fundraising with the Federal Elections Commission; they may not actually appear on the ballot. Only candidates who have reported raising at least $1,000, or who have been targeted by $1,000 or more in independent expenditures are shown.

Candidate (Party)
Cash on hand
Cash on hand date
Candidate Fundraising
Candidate Spending
Outside Spending For
Outside Spending Against
HIMES, JIM (D) Y $1,420,007 4/24/14 $1,672,107 $966,041 $10 $0
DEBICELLA, DAN (R) N $337,299 4/26/14 $575,468 $199,168 $0 $0
BENTIVEGNA, JOE (R) N $103,583 4/26/14 $117,644 $11,561 $0 $0
SHABAN , JOHN T (R) N $10,233 4/26/14 $66,983 $56,750 $0 $0
HIGBLE, CARLTON MILO IV (R) N $8,810 3/31/14 $14,080 $3,810 $0 $0

Most recent candidate committee filings

Committee registration changes and filings superseded by amended reports are excluded.

Filing ID (Type)
Coverage Date
Cash on hand
924659 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received DEBICELLA FOR CONGRESS 2014 5/12/14 - 5/12/14 $7,800 $0
924478 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received HIMES FOR CONGRESS 5/10/14 - 5/11/14 $14,700 $0
924447 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received DEBICELLA FOR CONGRESS 2014 5/11/14 - 5/11/14 $5,200 $0
924294 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received DEBICELLA FOR CONGRESS 2014 5/9/14 - 5/9/14 $2,000 $0
924014 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received DEBICELLA FOR CONGRESS 2014 5/7/14 - 5/7/14 $8,200 $0