Presidential fundraising
Last update: June 2, 2015 | 10:27 a.m.
It's too early to track presidential candidates' fundraising comprehensively, but we've been keeping tabs on which PACs are which, regardless of whether someone's officially in or out of the race for President. We'll have more details once more reports have been filed.
Possible Candidates
Bolton, John (R)
John Bolton PAC
John Bolton Super PAC
Brewer, Jan (R)
Bush, Jeb (R)
Right to Rise PAC
Right to Rise Super PAC
Right to Rise Policy Solutions (c4)
Carson, Ben (R)
Christie, Chris (R)
Leadership Matters for America
America Leads
Cruz, Ted (R)
Cruz for President
Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund
Stand for Principle PAC | Draft Ted Cruz for President | Keep the Promise PAC | Keep the Promise I | Keep the Promise II | Keep the Promise III
Paul, Rand (R)
Rand Paul For President, Inc.
Human Action Super PAC | America's Liberty PAC
Pence, Mike (R)
Win Back America PAC
Perry, Rick (R) Inc.
Opportunity and Freedom PAC
Rubio, Marco (R)
Marco Rubio for President
Reclaim America PAC
Americans for Marco Rubio Super PAC
Santorum, Rick (R)
Patriot Voices (hybrid super PAC)
Walker, Scott (R)
Unintimidated PAC
Our American Revival (527)
Biden, Joe (D)
Clinton, Hillary (D)
Hillary for America
Priorities USA | Ready PAC
O'Malley, Martin (D)
O' Say Can You See
O' Say Can You See (527)
Sanders, Bernie (D)
Progressive Voters of America
Webb, Jim (D)
Born Fighting PAC
Pataki, George (R)
We the People, Not Washington
Americans for Real Change (c4)
Fiorina, Carly (R)
Cali for Carly Fiorina
Carly for America
Graham, Lindsey (R)
Fund for America's Future
Security Through Strength (527)
Klobuchar, Amy (D)
Follow the North Star Fund
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R)
Huckabee, Mike (R)
Huck PAC
Pursuing America's Greatness
Jindal, Bobby (R)
Believe Again PAC
Believe Again PAC
American Future Project (527)