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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: Oct. 23, 2014 | 2:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Sept. 1, 2014 through Sept. 30, 2014
Total receipts: $2,018,640
Total spending: $1,550,380
Ending cash: $3,813,153
Outstanding debts: $200,329
Originally filed Oct. 20, 2014, 4:34 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
This filing also includes 47 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI American Federation Of State, County Municipal Employees Washington, DC 200365665 $500,000 2014-09-04
SA11AI Bonderman, David Fort Worth, TX 761024133 $150,000 2014-09-02 TPG Capital Founder
SA11AI Barron, Thomas Boulder, CO 803025001 $100,000 2014-09-08 Self-Employed Author
SA11AI Sturm, Joanna Washington, DC 200072901 $50,000 2014-09-16 Retired Homemaker
SA11AI desJardins, David Burlingame, CA 940105102 $50,000 2014-09-30 Self Consultant
SA11AI Kowalski, Michael Kinnelon, NJ 074052275 $25,000 2014-09-30 Tiffany Co Executive Assistant
SA11AI Hazen, Ann-Eve Belvedere Tiburon, CA 949201521 $20,000 2014-09-23 Self-Employed Philanthropist
SA11AI Avis, Gregory Palo Alto, CA 943013642 $15,000 2014-09-03 Summit Partners Venture Capitalist
SA11AI Rosenberger, Paul Manhattan Beach, CA 902664616 $10,000 2014-09-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Davis, Alan San Francisco, CA 941590780 $10,000 2014-09-26 ASDavis Media Group Publisher
SA11AI Carlson, Alison San Francisco, CA 941233832 $5,000 2014-09-23 Forsythia Foundation President
SA11AI Field, David Gladwyne, PA 190351317 $5,000 2014-09-15 Entercom Communications Corp. President CEO
SA11AI Holtzman, Steve Berkeley, CA 947052807 $5,000 2014-09-27 Boies, Schiller Flexner LLP Lawyer
SA11AI Dunning, Harrison Davis, CA 956163516 $5,000 2014-09-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lyke, Audrey Wilmington, DE 198082913 $4,000 2014-09-30 Exelon Analyst
SA11AI Hoguet, Robert New York, NY 100750324 $3,500 2014-09-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ruby, Michael Seattle, WA 981038320 $3,000 2014-09-19 Envirometrics, Inc. Engineer
SA11AI Franklin, Naomi Salt Lake City, UT 841043415 $3,000 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Schmidt, Robin Indianola, WA 983420019 $2,000 2014-09-09 Retired Retired teacher
SA11AI McCormack, Joel Boulder, CO 803029472 $2,000 2014-09-24 Nvidia Corp. Programmer
SA11AI Pasarell, Georgene San Rafael, CA 949013581 $2,000 2014-09-24 Retired Office Manager
SA11AI Ferguson, Kay Charlottesville, VA 22901 $1,500 2014-09-18 Self-Employed homesteader, arts educator, actress
SA11AI van Wyk, Menno Mercer Island, WA 980403326 $1,000 2014-09-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Swaney, James Estes Park, CO 805176700 $1,000 2014-09-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Baker, David Felton, DE 199434455 $1,000 2014-09-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Pomerance, Rafe Washington, DC 200091508 $1,000 2014-09-30 Self Consultant
SA11AI Gamse, Roy Arlington, VA 222071321 $1,000 2014-09-16 Imagine Schools Educator
SA11AI Robinson, Nicholas Sleepy Hollow, NY 105911322 $1,000 2014-09-12 Pace University School Of Law Professor
SA11AI Stroock, Lucy Cambridge, MA 021402247 $1,000 2014-09-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Strahm, Philippa Lansdowne, PA 190502127 $1,000 2014-09-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Truett-Hurst Inc. Healdsburg, CA 954488210 $852 2014-09-10
SA11AI Lagally, Max Madison, WI 537054744 $800 2014-09-19 University Of Wisconsin Professor
SA11AI Weiss, David Rockville, MD 208503668 $700 2014-09-29 Energy Solutions Center Executive Director
SA11AI Courtheoux, Richard Glencoe, IL 600222040 $600 2014-09-30 Marketing Analysis Applications, Inc. Consulting
SA11AI Karpinski, Gene Arlington, VA 222012007 $500 2014-09-11 League of Conservation Voters executive
SA11AI Sher, Justin New York, NY 100114139 $500 2014-09-24 Kobre Kim Llp Attorney
SA11AI Schmidt, Jacob Rockville, MD 208523749 $500 2014-09-11 Natural Resources Defense Council International Climate Policy Director
SA11AI Dotson, Greg Washington, DC 200032232 $500 2014-09-11 U.S. House of Reps Staff
SA11AI Silverthorne, Katherine Washington, DC 200152361 $500 2014-09-11 EcoAdapt Board Secretary
SA11AI White, Heather Citrus Heights, CA 956213320 $500 2014-09-10 Environmental Working Group Executive Director
SA11AI Smith, Bill Washington, DC 200042312 $500 2014-09-07 Civitas Public Affairs Group, LLC Partner
SA11AI Eickholt, Michele Dexter, MI 481309545 $500 2014-09-30 City of Edmonton Analyst
SA11C NRDC ACTION FUND INC PAC NEW YORK, NY 10011 $500 2014-09-19
SA11AI Smoot Tewes Group Washington, DC 200062742 $500 2014-09-26
SA11AI Frangione, Kathleen Washington, DC 200102623 $500 2014-09-08 McBee Strategic Consulting Lobbyist
SA11AI Srivastava, Swati Playa Del Rey, CA 902938438 $500 2014-09-27 Self-Employed Filmmaker
SA11AI Viola, Beth Arlington, VA 222074535 $500 2014-09-11 Holland Knight Lobbyist
SA11AI Goldston, David Arlington, VA 222012041 $500 2014-09-05 Nrdc Director Of Government Affairs
SA11AI DiMartino, David Silver Spring, MD 209101735 $500 2014-09-03 Blue Engine Message Media Partner
SA11AI The Organizing Group, Inc. Washington, DC 200064112 $500 2014-09-08
SA11AI Thomas, Robert Fremont, CA 945396051 $500 2014-09-14 Retired Engineer
SA11AI Krauskopf, Dana Oakton, VA 221241029 $500 2014-09-12 Owner at Oakton Woods Mgmt Owner
SA11AI de Garmo, Marcia Santa Fe, NM 875056610 $500 2014-09-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Nicholes, Linda Anaheim, CA 928074070 $500 2014-09-13 Retired Retired
SA11AI Berlin, Kenneth Bethesda, MD 208172809 $500 2014-09-09 Coalition for Green Capital President CEO
SA11AI Morrow, Kathryn State College, PA 168033658 $500 2014-09-29 Self freelance
SA11AI Hickey, Konstanze Tierra Verde, FL 337151800 $500 2014-09-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI McCrea, John Bolinas, CA 949240057 $500 2014-09-30 Silent Tribunal Musician
SA11AI Stones' Phones, Inc. Rancho Mirage, CA 922704678 $500 2014-09-09
SA11AI Hoffman, Jane Dallas, TX 752252721 $500 2014-09-15 Self-employed Housewife
SA11AI Thomas, Robert Fremont, CA 945396051 $500 2014-09-22 Retired Engineer
SA11AI Lippmann, Ken Brooklyn, NY 112313014 $500 2014-09-24 Kenseal Manager
SA11AI Judd, Judy Ann Arbor, MI 481052006 $500 2014-09-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Heitner, John Southington, CT 064893938 $495 2014-09-24 Central Connecticut State University University Professor
SA11AI Kolb, Marcia Oakland, CA 946181344 $450 2014-09-23 Chabot College Teacher
SA11AI Birr, David Lake Barrington, IL 600101775 $400 2014-09-30 Synchronous Energy Solutions Energy Engineer
SA11AI Scholle, Stephen Hartsdale, NY 105301605 $400 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Stephens, Ralph Chevy Chase, MD 208154206 $400 2014-09-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Morton, Robert Corte Madera, CA 949251907 $400 2014-09-19 None None
SA11AI Cohen, Philip Cleveland, OH 441131241 $400 2014-09-27 DFAS computer programmer
SA11AI Brocious, Pamela New York, NY 101285552 $400 2014-09-29 citistaffing llc personnel
SA11AI Schmidt, David San Francisco, CA 941142424 $333 2014-09-20 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency writer/editor
SA11AI Giesy, Theo Norfolk, VA 235082805 $300 2014-09-30 none homemaker
SA11AI Olmer, Judith Cabin John, MD 208181705 $300 2014-09-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bremigan, Ralph Muncie, IN 473043339 $300 2014-09-22 Ball State University Professor
SA11AI Whitcomb, Jane Pasadena, CA 911043847 $300 2014-09-13 University of Southern California Student
SA11AI Goodman, Idy Milwaukee, WI 532171022 $300 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Stenzel, Malea Alexandria, VA 223047319 $300 2014-09-10 NWF A Fund Associate Director
SA11AI Van Sickle, Krae East Hampton, NY 119374300 $250 2014-09-30 Saunders Real Estate
SA11AI Brodersen, Shelagh Berkeley, CA 947051441 $250 2014-09-12 Retired Retired
SA11AI Burke, Michael Cheverly, MD 207853014 $250 2014-09-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Hammond, Bruce Lyme, NH 037683809 $250 2014-09-23 None farmer/homemaker
SA11AI Hager, Barry Chevy Chase, MD 208156059 $250 2014-09-11 Hager Associates Attorney
SA11AI Parker, Richard West Newbury, MA 019852316 $250 2014-09-26 FairRep, Inc. Sales
SA11AI Glauster, Sylvia Chicago, IL 606155937 $250 2014-09-30 Ancona School Teacher
SA11AI Bardwell, Avelina Santa Fe, NM 875018924 $250 2014-09-30 csvrmc Physician
SA11AI Soles, Jennifer Arlington, VA 222011930 $250 2014-09-24 Arlington County Naturalist
SA11AI Westfold, Stephen Woodside, CA 940624244 $250 2014-09-22 Kestrel Institute Computer Scientist
SA11AI Lateiner, Ulysses Somerville, MA 021434135 $250 2014-09-30 Elsevier/Cell Press Operations Coordinator
SA11AI Brame, Ken Leicester, NC 287489738 $250 2014-09-25 self employed Management Consultant
SA11AI Lorenz, Renee Saint Paul, MN 551012249 $250 2014-09-30 Abbott N.W. Hospital Medical Secretary
SA11AI Atkins, Elizabeth Belmont, MA 024782034 $250 2014-09-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Stonington, Louise Seattle, WA 981122829 $250 2014-09-30 Retired Teacher
SA11AI Moench, Thomas Towson, MD 212861446 $250 2014-09-22 ReProtect, Inc. Medical scientist
SA11AI Seligson, Daniel Palo Alto, CA 943013822 $250 2014-09-30 Self-Employed writer
SA11AI Siciliano, Sam Vancouver, WA 986631008 $250 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Schwartz, Suzanne Dagsboro, DE 199399222 $250 2014-09-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lessard, Marie Abington, MA 023511324 $250 2014-09-22 Boston Medical Center RN
SA11AI Burnett, Margaret Los Angeles, CA 90066 $250 2014-09-28 University of Southern California Physician
SA11AI Reames, Sherry Madison, WI 537265348 $250 2014-09-28 Retired former college teacher
SA11AI Emerson, Ralph Athens, GA 306054417 $250 2014-09-19 Retired Retired Rn
SA11AI Richardson, Tom Oak Brook, IL 605231408 $250 2014-09-13 Retired Retired
SA11AI Singer, Stephanie Santa Cruz, CA 950606523 $250 2014-09-28 Sutter Maternity Surgery Center of S Healthcare Manager
SA11AI Griffin, Claire Brooklyn, NY 112014284 $249 2014-09-26 Self-Employed writer
SA11AI Juarez, Fernando Castro Valley, CA 945463203 $225 2014-09-24 San Francisco Fire Dept Firefighter
SA11AI Wittwer, Jon Santa Cruz, CA 950609758 $210 2014-09-28 Wittwer Parkin, LLP Attorney
SA11AI Ernsberger, Wes Owego, NY 138271522 $200 2014-09-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Whitcomb, Jane Pasadena, CA 911043847 $200 2014-09-24 University of Southern California Student
SA17 Suntrust Bank Orlando, FL 328622227 $187 2014-09-30
SA11AI Borie, Edith Karlsruhe, Germany, ZZ 76187 $150 2014-09-01 Retired Physicist
SA11AI Kahn, Charlotte Ipswich, MA 019381357 $150 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Kahn, Charlotte Ipswich, MA 019381357 $150 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Cavuoto, John Nyack, NY 109602455 $100 2014-09-30 Canon Solutions of America Field Engineer
SA11AI Faulkner, Sarah Lookout Mountain, TN 373501132 $100 2014-09-17 None Homemaker
SA11AI Herbert, Georgia The Plains, VA 201980021 $100 2014-09-28 Georgia H. Herbert, PC Lawyer
SA11AI Dannenbring, Cheryl Duluth, MN 558032509 $50 2014-09-28 Retired Former Teacher
SA11AI Harris, Daniel Toledo, OH 436063067 $50 2014-09-03 Self Musician
SA11AI Harry, Deborah New York, NY 100111460 $50 2014-09-23 Self-Employed Singer
SA11AI Hoverman, Roger Kanab, UT 847416198 $50 2014-09-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI oko, benjamin Ridgefield, CT 068772416 $50 2014-09-21 None Retired
SA11AI Postell, Elizabeth Evanston, IL 602014825 $50 2014-09-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI TURK, CHARLES Wilmette, IL 600913463 $50 2014-09-22 Self Psychiatrist
SA11AI Arnsparger, John Houston, TX 770596448 $35 2014-09-06 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Ahrens, Christopher Mission Hills, KS 662081737 $25 2014-09-25 Gilmore Bell, P.C. Attorney
SA11AI Holsten, Elizabeth Chapel Hill, NC 275174406 $25 2014-09-02 Retired Unc-ch retired archivist
SA11AI Mueller, Kathryn Hewitt, TX 766433102 $25 2014-09-28 Baylor University College Professor
SA11AI Yelverton, Bonnie Fontana, CA 923360856 $25 2014-09-02 None science and math teacher
SA11AI BARRETT, Mary Montclair, NJ 070421933 $25 2014-09-23 Self Psychotherapist
SA11AI Phillips, Heather Bolton, MS 390419591 $12 2014-09-24 American School of Kuwait Teacher
SA11AI Phillips, Heather Bolton, MS 390419591 $12 2014-09-21 American School of Kuwait Teacher