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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, WOMEN VOTE! filing #960002

Last update: Oct. 20, 2014 | 2:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Sept. 1, 2014 through Sept. 30, 2014
Total receipts: $1,562,913
Total spending: $771,684
Ending cash: $1,664,691
Originally filed Oct. 16, 2014, 1:07 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
This filing also includes 5 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Sussman, Donald North Haven, ME 04853 $350,000 2014-09-11 Trust Asset Management Chairman
SA11C Committee on Letter Carriers Political Education Washington, DC 20001 $250,000 2014-09-24
SA11AI Bloomberg, Michael New York, NY 10075 $250,000 2014-09-09 Bloomberg LP Executive
SA11AI Shenker, Scott Berkeley, CA 94707 $200,000 2014-09-29 Icsi Scientist
SA11C Drive Committee Washington, DC 20001 $100,000 2014-09-30
SA11C AAJ PAC Washington, DC 20001 $75,000 2014-09-30
SA11AI Michaels, Laurie Fort Worth, TX 76102 $75,000 2014-09-03 Self-Employed Psychologist
SA11AI Bass, Anne Fort Worth, TX 76107 $50,000 2014-09-26 Self Investor
SA11AI Blank, Diana Bozeman, MT 59715 $25,000 2014-09-23 Requested Requested
SA11AI Scrivner, Melinda Peterborough, NH 03458 $25,000 2014-09-19 Self Employed Teacher
SA11AI Thomas, Mary Anchorage, AK 99507 $25,000 2014-09-22 None Retired
SA11AI Susman, Stephen Houston, TX 77019 $15,000 2014-09-10 Susman Godfrey Llp Attorney
SA11AI Bohnett, David Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $10,000 2014-09-29 Baroda Ventures Llc Investor
SA11C House Majority PAC Washington, DC 20007 $10,000 2014-09-18 In-Kind Polling
SA11AI Woods, Laure Portola Valley, CA 94028 $10,000 2014-09-29 Self Employed Philanthropist
SA11AI Taft, Anne Binghamton, NY 13903 $10,000 2014-09-11 None Retired
SA11AI Leiwant, David Medfield, MA 02052 $10,000 2014-09-12 None None
SA11AI Carlson, Nancy Dallas, TX 75205 $10,000 2014-09-26 Carlson Capitol Lp Attorney
SA11AI Soffer, Jill Santa Monica, CA 90402 $8,000 2014-09-23 Self Interior Designer/Real Estate
SA11AI Reed, Doris Endicott, NY 13760 $5,000 2014-09-10 None Retired
SA11AI Stuart, Barkley Dallas, TX 75380 $5,000 2014-09-14 Glazer's Exec
SA11AI Maxwell, Joan Washington, DC 20008 $5,000 2014-09-09 None None
SA11AI Beidler, Prudence Lake Forest, IL 60045 $5,000 2014-09-17 Self Volunteer
SA11AI Halprin, Lee Cambridge, MA 02138 $5,000 2014-09-29 Self Employed Writer
SA11AI Burke, Kathleen Tiburon, CA 94920 $5,000 2014-09-30 None Retired
SA11AI Westervelt, Effie Tiburon, CA 94920 $5,000 2014-09-19 Requested Requested
SA11AI Rachlin, Marjorie Washington, DC 20008 $3,000 2014-09-05 None retired
SA11AI Havemeyer, Eugenie New York, NY 10028 $3,000 2014-09-29 Exploring The Metropolis, Inc. Dir. Nonprofit Servi
SA11AI Love, Marcena Winnetka, IL 60093 $2,000 2014-09-17 None Activist
SA11AI Wolf, Wendy Haverford, PA 19041 $2,000 2014-09-19 Retired Sociologist
SA11AI Crown, Kaye Philadelphia, PA 19147 $1,500 2014-09-29 None None
SA11AI Meislin, Barbara Tiburon, CA 94920 $1,070 2014-09-25 Self Author
SA11AI Wolf, Wendy Haverford, PA 19041 $1,000 2014-09-29 Retired Sociologist
SA11AI Honig, Judy Bethesda, MD 20817 $1,000 2014-09-29 Lapine Group Consultant
SA11AI Birdwhistell, Nan Branford, CT 06405 $1,000 2014-09-04 Murtha Cullina Llp Attorney
SA11AI Perrins, Susan Placerville, CO 81430 $1,000 2014-09-05 Requested Requested
SA11AI Davidson, Kristin Philadelphia, PA 19103 $500 2014-09-19 None Retired
SA11AI Kung, Marcia Philadelphia, PA 19103 $300 2014-09-23 None None
SA11AI Pierson, Helene Malibu, CA 90265 $250 2014-09-26 REQUESTED REQUESTED
SA11AI Radcliffe, Deborah Fargo, ND 58102 $250 2014-09-27 None None
SA11AI Fischer-Davidson, Irene Portland, OR 97210 $100 2014-09-11 None Retired
SA11AI Kalik and Associates Inc Bethesda, MD 20817 $100 2014-09-16