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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: July 27, 2014 | 6:16 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers April 1, 2014 through April 30, 2014
Total receipts: $552,595
Total spending: $709,950
Ending cash: $797,709
Outstanding debts: $95,289
Originally filed May 20, 2014, 11:40 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Tricou, John C Tinley Park, IL 604776568 $2,500 2014-04-01 Self Employed Physician
SA11AI Murphree, Terence H Houston, TX 770772578 $2,000 2014-04-24 United Steel Structures Construction Executive
SA11AI Epstein, Hal M Pawling, NY 125641623 $1,500 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Sullivan, Jerry G Reno, NV 895119505 $1,500 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Geldermann, Thomas A Lake Geneva, WI 531474008 $1,200 2014-04-04 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ross, John M Reno, NV 895110718 $1,000 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Brehmer, John R Orchid, FL 329639508 $1,000 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Gayden, Cynthia N Dallas, TX 752252813 $1,000 2014-04-02 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Lamothe, William E TTEE Ave Maria, FL 341429514 $1,000 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Denzel, David E Lockport, NY 140941633 $1,000 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI McElligott, Mildred R Lafayette, LA 705033510 $1,000 2014-04-02 Self Employed Preisdent Marco Companies
SA11AI Wacker, Richard Honolulu, HI 968212530 $1,000 2014-04-14 American Savings Bank Executive
SA11AI Lamothe, William E TTEE Ave Maria, FL 341429514 $1,000 2014-04-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Walter, John V Dallas, TX 752065101 $1,000 2014-04-24 Information Requested
SA11AI Casey, Betty B Potomac, MD 208541115 $1,000 2014-04-14 Self Employed
SA11AI Wells, Edward R Cincinnati, OH 452242988 $1,000 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Jones, Waldo S Chula Vista, CA 919104474 $1,000 2014-04-21 unemployment Unemployed
SA11AI Gore, David W W Corvallis, OR 973309728 $1,000 2014-04-23 W.L. Gore Assoc. Director
SA11AI Dean, Virginia H TTEE Sandpoint, ID 838647504 $850 2014-04-22 Self Employed
SA11AI Welsh, Paul Newark, DE 197113023 $800 2014-04-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Stephenson, Jack W Gilford, NH 032496705 $700 2014-04-04 Information Requested
SA11AI Malone, Robert E Rio Verde, AZ 852637164 $700 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Dennison, David L Carefree, AZ 853771105 $700 2014-04-29 Information Requested
SA11AI Huebner, Arthur D San Antonio, TX 782587703 $600 2014-04-02 CCC Group Inc Contractor
SA11AI Schaad, Daniel Lake Charles, LA 706014365 $600 2014-04-29 Resturant Owner
SA11AI McDaniel, Kam A Johns Island, SC 294556074 $600 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Damuth, Gary T San Antonio, TX 782662910 $500 2014-04-09 Damuth Homes Inc. Carpenter
SA11AI Reinke, Henry S Elgin, IL 601208131 $500 2014-04-18 Building Products
SA11AI Estes, Eleanor L Morristown, NJ 079603418 $500 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Schoenhals, Elmer Perryton, TX 790706560 $500 2014-04-07 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Henderson, Charles Newtown Square, PA 190733914 $500 2014-04-07 Self Employed Insormic Consultant
SA11AI Rice, Anita L Carrollton, OH 446159274 $500 2014-04-08 Information Requested
SA11AI Greer, Jonah Akron, OH 443202411 $500 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Zehr, Harvey W Jr. Urbandale, IA 503224116 $500 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Eagleson, Jon B Kennebunkport, ME 040465804 $500 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Etling, Benjamin H Solvang, CA 934639506 $500 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Field, Lawrence N Beverly Hills, CA 902105301 $500 2014-04-11 NSB Associates Inc Real Estate
SA11AI Todd, John R Palm Springs, CA 922649695 $500 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Duncan, Carl M Littleton, CO 801203650 $500 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Myers, Georgia Odessa, TX 797682306 $500 2014-04-03 N/A Veteranian
SA11AI Hershaw, Curt K Grand Prairie, TX 750501755 $500 2014-04-15 Harshaw Asset Mngmt Corp Owner
SA11AI Johnson, Bradley Burnsville, MN 553373400 $500 2014-04-02 Center Line Freight Freight Services
SA11AI Devries, Linda Forreston, IL 610309452 $500 2014-04-04 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Gray, Robert A Portland, OR 972247070 $500 2014-04-25 Self Employed Contractor
SA11AI Venable, Duplecie Carencro, LA 705205730 $400 2014-04-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Harris, A K Clearwater Beach, FL 337672783 $400 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Nieschwietz, Frank Falls City, TX 781130100 $400 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Russell, Margaret Naples, FL 341102755 $400 2014-04-14 Information Requested
SA11AI Heisler, James B Saint Peters, MO 633767844 $400 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Cobb, Eleanor L Los Angeles, CA 900362707 $330 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Poston, John W College Station, TX 778411938 $330 2014-04-24 Information Requested
SA11AI Berger, Brian B M.D. Austin, TX 787463208 $300 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bodley, Laurence Littleton, CO 801257964 $300 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Beaman, James W Sr. Destin, FL 325413405 $300 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Parson, Josephine San Diego, CA 921172405 $300 2014-04-30 Information Requested
SA11AI Ellison, Ernest II Charlotte, NC 282103480 $300 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Shaffer, Mary M Matamoras, PA 183362406 $300 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Feather, Eileen M Nesconset, NY 117671054 $300 2014-04-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Stevens, Mark S Ltc Ret US Kennebunk, ME 040436616 $300 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Dobski, Anthony E Laredo, TX 780412036 $300 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Calloway, Hugh M Maryville, TN 378036411 $300 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Kimber, Eldred D D Temecula, CA 925921197 $300 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Logue, Ruth A Dallas, PA 186121864 $300 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Schumacher, Steven Neoga, IL 624472832 $300 2014-04-23 Effingham Taxi Owner
SA11AI Simon, Jerome M DDS Stamford, CT 069031104 $300 2014-04-07 DCS Dentist
SA11AI Keyston, David H TTEE Carmel, CA 939217066 $300 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Liu, William C San Diego, CA 921294106 $300 2014-04-29 Information Requested
SA11AI McLaughlin, Adrienne G Beaverton, OR 970078381 $300 2014-04-03 Self Employed
SA11AI Larriviere, Joseph J Jr. Houston, TX 770557208 $300 2014-04-02 LFFCO Restaurantor
SA11AI Adams, Conrad R II South Bend, IN 466351056 $300 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Kitko, John C Tampa, FL 336152553 $297 2014-04-23 Refinining Systems Inc. Small Business Owner
SA15 Postage For Direct Mail Fundraising Herndon, VA 201714682 $254 2014-04-07
SA11AI Moore, Leon E Destin, FL 325412421 $250 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Knopp, Joyce Cody, WY 824149601 $250 2014-04-16 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Hardison, Leslie C Barrington, IL 600102437 $250 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Knopp, Joyce Cody, WY 824149601 $250 2014-04-21 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Robbins, L D Midland, TX 797014442 $250 2014-04-18 Self Employed Geologist
SA11AI Dacey, James T Doylestown, PA 189012046 $250 2014-04-29 Information Requested
SA11AI Wavell, John C Los Alamitos, CA 907200727 $250 2014-04-16 Wavell Showcase Businessman
SA11AI McElligott, Mildred R Lafayette, LA 705033510 $250 2014-04-02 Self Employed Preisdent Marco Companies
SA11AI Bryson, Kathleen Provo, UT 846045693 $250 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Morse, Janey C Freeport, IL 610326611 $250 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Turk, Sam C Gonzales, TX 786294732 $250 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Baptiste, John San Jose, CA 951245823 $250 2014-04-02 Almaden Oaks Realtors Realtor
SA11AI Ervin, Ted Johnson City, TN 376047223 $250 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Whittington, Danny C Summit, MS 396667554 $250 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Simon, Allen H Chandler, AZ 852261307 $250 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Edwards, Kenneth C Eufaula, AL 360273533 $250 2014-04-28 Keystone Foods / US Proteins Live Production Manager
SA11AI Coles, Jerry Sedona, AZ 863517932 $250 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Hamilton, Paul R R Fredericksburg, TX 786243113 $250 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Grisez, Thomas C North Canton, OH 447206964 $250 2014-04-03 Information Requested
SA11AI Leimbach, Janice M Quincy, IL 623014243 $250 2014-04-25 Information Requested
SA11AI Schmidt, J E Valencia, CA 913542141 $250 2014-04-01 Self Employed Composer
SA11AI Griffith, Richard S Houston, TX 770029531 $250 2014-04-01 Richard Griffith Investor
SA11AI Rothen, Lora C Saxonburg, PA 160560515 $250 2014-04-04 Du-lo Ceramics Company Business Owner
SA11AI Nicolay, Ernest L Farmington Hills, MI 483343272 $250 2014-04-04 Retired Retired
SA11AI Cordano, Janet R Garden City, NY 115303011 $250 2014-04-25 SYNAGRO Custodial
SA11AI Peden, Gordon M Cozad, NE 691304115 $250 2014-04-04 Information Requested
SA11AI Brunson, Candace E Tyler, TX 757032200 $250 2014-04-04 Self Employed Investment Advisor
SA11AI Malin, Thomas H M.D. Camp Hill, PA 170111305 $250 2014-04-07 GTW Consultants Part-Time Physician
SA11AI Hohensee, James E Wilson, NY 141729687 $250 2014-04-07 Self Employed Physician
SA11AI Dipasquale, Alfred M Longview, TX 756053147 $250 2014-04-07 Information Requested
SA11AI Knopp, Joyce Cody, WY 824149601 $250 2014-04-09 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Schieberle, Janice Seguin, TX 781559578 $250 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI McDonald, Harold M Annapolis, MD 214016851 $250 2014-04-09 Information Requested
SA11AI Morrill, Justin E Columbia, MD 210441505 $250 2014-04-10 Northrup-Grumman Configuration Mgr
SA11AI Wallace, Michael A Fullerton, CA 928332619 $250 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Valentine, Suzy Bonita Springs, FL 341355552 $250 2014-04-10 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI O'Bryan, Robert K Beaumont, TX 777067716 $250 2014-04-10 Self Employed Physician
SA11AI Hebert, Dennis Homestead, FL 330351191 $250 2014-04-23 Samico, Inc. Writer
SA11AI Culver, Stanley R TTEE Bonita Springs, FL 341345658 $250 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Hoxton, Constance C III Shepherdstown, WV 254430589 $250 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Goblrisch, Aloysius J Elk River, MN 553309242 $250 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Scriba, Ralph D Palos Verdes Estates, CA 902741306 $250 2014-04-14 Information Requested
SA11AI Asplundh, Myra J Bryn Athyn, PA 190090011 $250 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Connors, Thomas J Poland, OH 445147517 $250 2014-04-22 Simon Property Group Leasing Representative
SA11AI Abrams, Robert C Bakersfield, CA 933092470 $250 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Doak, J B Dallas, TX 752110949 $250 2014-04-15 Self Employed Veternarian
SA11AI Stiskin, Mayer A New York, NY 100214374 $250 2014-04-15 Information Requested
SA11AI McDonald, Harold M Annapolis, MD 214016851 $250 2014-04-15 Information Requested
SA11AI Lance, Charles E Georgetown, TX 786287118 $250 2014-04-16 Self Employed Attorney
SA11AI Hales, Lester Gadsden, AL 359058958 $225 2014-04-04 Big Oak Ranch House Parent
SA11AI Otte, Leonard Maria Stein, OH 458609776 $222 2014-04-10 Information Requested
SA11AI Enloe, Howard El Paso, TX 799266486 $220 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Watenpaugh, Christy Grapevine, TX 760512931 $220 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Bragdon, Todd Danielson, CT 062393309 $220 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Brooks, Howard Ward Fallbrook, CA 920289528 $220 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Payne, Nelson L Greenbackville, VA 233562617 $200 2014-04-24 Information Requested
SA11AI Whittlesey, Curtis C Burlington, NC 272153206 $200 2014-04-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Couillard, Charlotte F Visalia, CA 932929386 $200 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Douglas, Paul W Sanford, NC 273321950 $200 2014-04-22 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Boling, Henry Mooresville, IN 461582729 $200 2014-04-25 Helebo Trucking inc. Excavating Contractor
SA11AI Krick, Donald H H Dauphin, PA 170189649 $200 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Eichstaedt, Donald W Lathrup Village, MI 480767005 $200 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Koerten, Peter G San Leandro, CA 945774063 $200 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Glockler, Herrmann J Reno, NV 895198041 $200 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Long, Robert D Hilton Head Island, SC 299262693 $200 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Fitterer, Dwight W W Jr MD San Francisco, CA 941111126 $200 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Denniston, Charles L Brunswick, OH 442123090 $200 2014-04-17 NASA Glen Research Center Aerospace Engineer
SA11AI Butler, Tazwell Lilburn, GA 300483557 $200 2014-04-16 Phellc Installer
SA11AI Holt, Clinton L Schertz, TX 781542824 $200 2014-04-01 Information Requested
SA11AI Perrell, Charles F Los Altos Hills, CA 940224479 $200 2014-04-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lancaster, Alan B San Diego, CA 921191467 $200 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Woodson, Steven A Moro, IL 620671543 $200 2014-04-08 Ameren Utility Lineman
SA11AI Maxwell, Robert Bartow, FL 338306559 $200 2014-04-01 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Mast, Eric Richland, WA 993523634 $200 2014-04-30 Unemployed Engineer
SA11AI Keyston, David H TTEE Carmel, CA 939217066 $200 2014-04-01 Retired Retired
SA11AI Koerten, Peter G San Leandro, CA 945774063 $200 2014-04-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Koerten, Peter G San Leandro, CA 945774063 $200 2014-04-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Chance, Robert M Ijamsville, MD 217549502 $200 2014-04-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ykema, John I Media, PA 190635585 $200 2014-04-24 n/a best efforts
SA11AI Williams, John Columbus, OH 432143218 $200 2014-04-24 Weilind's Market Owner
SA11AI Verhoeven, Charlotte Ontario, CA 917626723 $181 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Dakovich, Darlene J Fallbrook, CA 920289731 $180 2014-04-07 N/A Retired
SA11AI Moeller, George E Washington, DC 200152750 $175 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Kunkel, Lawrence W Collierville, TN 380178619 $150 2014-04-01 Information Requested
SA11AI Collins, Richard M Sr. Hillsborough, CA 940107428 $150 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Finlay, Kay P Rancho Mirage, CA 922703808 $150 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Irving, J.R. Marion, IN 469522661 $150 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Pabian, Franklin A Spokane, WA 992084930 $150 2014-04-25 Information Requested
SA11AI Rose, Ingrid R Washington, DC 200152416 $150 2014-04-25 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI McKee, Richard Flower Mound, TX 750226343 $150 2014-04-25 American Airlines Pilot
SA11AI Wilkes, Clyde A III Manning, SC 291026640 $150 2014-04-24 Information Requested
SA11AI Stinson, Jesse C Jr. Birmingham, AL 352223922 $150 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Good, Richard Naples, FL 341149444 $150 2014-04-22 Information Requested
SA11AI Flamm, Donald L Glendale, AZ 853089300 $150 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Conti, Jesse D Colorado Springs, CO 809012301 $150 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ham, Jack Post, TX 793565138 $150 2014-04-21 Self Employed Rancher
SA11AI Berry, Johanna S S Newberg, OR 971326301 $150 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Wood, William Yucaipa, CA 923990818 $150 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Nazarian, Manochehr Los Angeles, CA 900362572 $150 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Rhodea, Paul Gwinn, MI 498419058 $150 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Edwards, Mark S Minneola, FL 347157981 $150 2014-04-15 Information Requested
SA11AI Ewing, Virginia W Houston, TX 770193302 $150 2014-04-11 Virginia Ewing Antiques Retired
SA11AI Hunter, Graeme J Dallas, TX 752251828 $150 2014-04-07 N/A Retired
SA11AI Goga, Lise M Mililani, HI 967896524 $150 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Carey, John A Washoe Valley, NV 897049524 $150 2014-04-02 Media Temple Inc. President
SA11AI Thomason, Dianne Ardmore, OK 734010819 $140 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Arthur, Gerald Rocheport, MO 652799710 $120 2014-04-02 University Of Missouri Researcher
SA11AI Delacey, William H Sherwood, OR 971407064 $120 2014-04-28 None Retired
SA11AI Ross, Linda D Fremont, CA 945363694 $120 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Brown, Michael K Bakersfield, CA 933085153 $120 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Judd, Edwin L Coalville, UT 840170086 $120 2014-04-29 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Vanderkop, Mathew C Pasadena, TX 775025412 $120 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Vanderkop, Mathew C Pasadena, TX 775025412 $120 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Leegard, Eric M. Juneau, AK 998032806 $112 2014-04-14 Information Requested
SA11AI Kucklick, Anne E Los Gatos, CA 950338523 $110 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Schneider, Ronald N Franklin, WI 531328948 $110 2014-04-17 Information Requested
SA11AI Schneider, Ronald N Franklin, WI 531328948 $110 2014-04-11 Information Requested
SA11AI Schaetzle, Kurt C Omaha, NE 681072138 $108 2014-04-24 Marcorp Electric Electrician
SA11AI Diekman, Fredrick Racine, WI 534023900 $104 2014-04-29 Expe. F. Services Truck Driver
SA11AI Johnston, Harrison Tucson, AZ 857187833 $101 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Krout, Jack L. L USAF Ret Petaluma, CA 949528020 $100 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Dwyer, William G G Beavercreek, OH 454322321 $100 2014-04-16 W.G.Dwyer, LLC Sr. Analyst
SA11AI Rosbottom, Henry Webster, MN 550882441 $100 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bause, Fred W Commerce Township, MI 483822217 $100 2014-04-30 Premier Steel Management
SA11AI Phelps, John Vail, CO 816581041 $100 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Marcley, Mike Santa Rosa, CA 954038903 $100 2014-04-02 Self/ Marcley Realty RE Broker
SA11AI Atsaves, Louis Lake Forest, IL 600453237 $100 2014-04-02 Louis Atsaves, Ltd. Attorney
SA11AI Brunner, Alexander Howell, MI 488438015 $100 2014-04-21 VersaIMAGE Software Corp. Executive
SA11AI Archer, Van H Jr. San Antonio, TX 782122322 $100 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Heflin, Sharon Springfield, IL 627079306 $100 2014-04-15 N/A Retired
SA11AI Trippiedi, Richard Oxford, NY 138303263 $100 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI McElveem, Ronald Karnes City, TX 781183025 $100 2014-04-21 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Murov, Charles Rye Brook, NY 105731624 $100 2014-04-17 Information Requested
SA11AI Neel, Alice T San Antonio, TX 782393072 $100 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lewandowski, Edward Hillsborough, CA 940106309 $100 2014-04-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Taylor, Ronald W Willow, AK 996889705 $100 2014-04-16 Information Requested
SA11AI Carey, John A Washoe Valley, NV 897049524 $100 2014-04-15 Media Temple Inc. President
SA11AI Norton, Arthur Grantham, NH 037530678 $100 2014-04-18 Blackthorn Defense LLC Defense Consultant
SA11AI Crimins, Ronald J Glendale, CA 912062701 $100 2014-04-22 Information Requested
SA11AI Biegel, Herbert K Potomac, MD 208541031 $100 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Steiger, Joseph Altadena, CA 910012516 $100 2014-04-26 MRS Billing/Collection
SA11AI Pendery, David A Pottsboro, TX 750764618 $100 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Develyn, Diane F La Quinta, CA 922532141 $100 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Harpster, Benjamin F Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 295754803 $100 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Sprankle, Joseph F III Chesapeake, VA 233224260 $100 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Payne, Billy J Sr. Clinton, TN 377163425 $100 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Weaver, John Jr. Port Ludlow, WA 983659316 $100 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Etheridge, John E Pasadena, MD 211223850 $100 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Keller, Donald H H Mendon, MA 017561118 $100 2014-04-21 Self Employed Automotive
SA11AI Maxwell, Robert Bartow, FL 338306559 $100 2014-04-28 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Archibald, Thomas USA Ret Artesia, NM 882109429 $100 2014-04-01 Retired Retired
SA11AI Helgerson, Lowell H Bottineau, ND 583181462 $100 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Baranek, George L USA Ret Boynton Beach, FL 334267722 $100 2014-04-29 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Fargher, Lawrence Santa Clara, CA 950515373 $100 2014-04-02 Self (Realcom Associates) Realtor
SA11AI Simonson, Gerald W Minneapolis, MN 554361937 $100 2014-04-16 Omnetics Connector Corporation President
SA11AI Sherman, Wayne F Westland, MI 481864850 $100 2014-04-05 Retired Retired
SA11AI Mosher, Frank A Mechanicsburg, PA 170558701 $100 2014-04-24 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Dawes, Willie R Lillington, NC 275468182 $100 2014-04-24 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Lewandowski, Edward Hillsborough, CA 940106309 $100 2014-04-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Cory, David E Oklahoma City, OK 731122939 $100 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Unsworth, Elizabeth L Price, UT 845017802 $100 2014-04-04 Information Requested
SA11AI Miller, Thomas H Brandon, FL 335091487 $100 2014-04-04 Information Requested
SA11AI Crellin, Catherine G Spencertown, NY 121650063 $100 2014-04-25 Information Requested
SA11AI Cory, David E Oklahoma City, OK 731122939 $100 2014-04-04 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lundberg, James T Wausau, WI 544039222 $100 2014-04-04 Retired Retired
SA11AI Dake, Maurice L Lantana, FL 334623904 $100 2014-04-04 Retired Retired
SA11AI Heersink, Bernhard M.D. Newburyport, MA 019503735 $100 2014-04-04 Self Employed Physician
SA11AI Brown, Barry Peoria, AZ 853450706 $100 2014-04-25 Information Requested
SA11AI Beck, Marsha L Evans, GA 308093243 $100 2014-04-04 Janvs Research Cyber Analyst
SA11AI Morrison, John A Arlington Heights, IL 600044614 $100 2014-04-25 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Buzbee, Jack De Soto, IL 629241512 $100 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Knudson, Liv J Rocklin, CA 957654365 $100 2014-04-04 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Horner, Rodney W Manito, IL 615467945 $100 2014-04-27 Retired Retired
SA11AI Heersink, Bernhard M.D. Newburyport, MA 019503735 $100 2014-04-22 Self Employed Physician
SA11AI Walter, James C Calvin, OK 745310400 $100 2014-04-21 Self Employed Cattle Rancher
SA11AI Johnson, Jeffrey D Egg Harbor, WI 542090530 $100 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Koerten, Peter G San Leandro, CA 945774063 $100 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Boyd, Gilbert H Lakeway, TX 787345128 $100 2014-04-22 Retired Self Employed
SA11AI Johnson, Gerald L Harrison, OH 450301416 $100 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Vanderkop, Mathew C Pasadena, TX 775025412 $100 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Couillard, Charlotte F Visalia, CA 932929386 $100 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Smith, Margaret K TTEE Great Falls, VA 220663819 $100 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Weaver, Shirley U Marietta, GA 300664207 $100 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI White, H E Prairie Du Chien, WI 538210004 $100 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Fargher, Lawrence Santa Clara, CA 950515373 $100 2014-04-11 Self (Realcom Associates) Realtor
SA11AI Dietz, Richard C San Antonio, TX 782571314 $100 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Justin, Elliot W Bozeman, MT 597159388 $100 2014-04-11 Pegasus Emergency Group CEO
SA11AI Keyston, David H TTEE Carmel, CA 939217066 $100 2014-04-01 Retired Retired
SA11AI Archibald, Thomas USA Ret Artesia, NM 882109429 $100 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Michaud, Connie K Howell, MI 488439639 $100 2014-04-11 Information Requested
SA11AI Fargher, Lawrence Santa Clara, CA 950515373 $100 2014-04-30 Self (Realcom Associates) Realtor
SA11AI Griffith, Spruce G Granbury, TX 760482818 $100 2014-04-10 Information Requested
SA11AI Flamm, Donald L Glendale, AZ 853089300 $100 2014-04-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Work, Lucian E Centreville, VA 201212370 $100 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Wright, Marvin H Blue Lake, CA 955250738 $100 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Powers, Lue Lynden, WA 982642010 $100 2014-04-10 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Wright, Marvin H Blue Lake, CA 955250738 $100 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lathrop, Glen H Jr. Webbers Falls, OK 744709754 $100 2014-04-23 Information Requested
SA11AI Harmon, Thomas R Sr. Baltimore, MD 212092205 $100 2014-04-23 Information Requested
SA11AI Taylor, Ronald W Willow, AK 996889705 $100 2014-04-09 Information Requested
SA11AI Anderson, Gene S Caledonia, IL 610119627 $100 2014-04-23 n/a best efforts
SA11AI Smith, Margaret K TTEE Great Falls, VA 220663819 $100 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bruce, Gene K K M.D. San Mateo, CA 944023257 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired Orthropidict
SA11AI Hamilton, Jack K Jr. Newport Beach, CA 926634139 $100 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Walter, James C Calvin, OK 745310400 $100 2014-04-09 Self Employed Cattle Rancher
SA11AI Conant, Kim U Poway, CA 92064 $100 2014-04-21 Retired Retired Teacher
SA11AI Burridge, William J South Hamilton, MA 019821816 $100 2014-04-18 Information Requested
SA11AI Hortin, Bruce T Albion, IL 628064748 $100 2014-04-24 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Gray, William S III Burr Ridge, IL 605275049 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bills, Gary D Washington, UT 847802391 $100 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Sawyer, Charlie W Vancouver, WA 986851290 $100 2014-04-07 Sawyer Systems LLC Owner
SA11AI Kolb, Scott R Leakey, TX 788730526 $100 2014-04-07 Information Requested
SA11AI Martin, Frank L Watsonville, CA 950762633 $100 2014-04-07 Retired Best efforts
SA11AI Van Zanten, A G Rochester, NY 146103018 $100 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Boteler, Don E Lubbock, TX 794133110 $100 2014-04-07 Self Employed Self employed
SA11AI Kubin, Daniel D Houston, TX 770084441 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Yoder, Lowell B Holland, OH 435280444 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bills, Gary D Washington, UT 847802391 $100 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Hannemann, J H Cape Elizabeth, ME 041072330 $100 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Kappen, Orville H Livonia, MI 481503681 $100 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Rutherford, David L San Diego, CA 921193530 $100 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Rutledge, John C Westerville, OH 430829230 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ross, Linda D Fremont, CA 945363694 $100 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Morisky, Donovan F Portland, OR 972675883 $100 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Meyer, Jack W Austin, TX 787351419 $100 2014-04-24 Saudi Aramco Retired Civil Engineer
SA11AI Elmore, Virginia A Waggoner, IL 625729013 $100 2014-04-02 N/A Retired
SA11AI Cameron, Clyde L Oxford, PA 193633932 $100 2014-04-24 n/a Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Clair, Thomas E. Pittsburgh, PA 152371700 $100 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Brunner, Alexander Howell, MI 488438015 $100 2014-04-17 VersaIMAGE Software Corp. Executive
SA11AI Talbot, Maurice Newburgh, NY 125508830 $100 2014-04-05 Retired Retired
SA11AI Smith, Margaret K TTEE Great Falls, VA 220663819 $100 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Sottosanto, Margaret Summerfield, FL 344918014 $85 2014-04-10 Information Requested
SA11AI Munson, Carl J J Orange, CA 928692024 $80 2014-04-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Thurmond, Rod Lilburn, GA 300481759 $78 2014-04-22 Information Requested
SA11AI Pierce, Wayne D Washington, DC 200096400 $75 2014-04-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Winder, Sylvia J Lubbock, TX 794166039 $75 2014-04-02 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Briggs, Roderick C Gainesville, VA 201552827 $75 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Pierce, Wayne D Washington, DC 200096400 $75 2014-04-02 Retired Retired
SA11AI Collins, Richard M Sr. Hillsborough, CA 940107428 $75 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lessley, Robert L Capitola, CA 950102133 $75 2014-04-21 Retired Retired Engineer
SA11AI Engevik, Luther Eden, SD 572326218 $75 2014-04-23 Information Requested
SA11AI Keane, John R Staten Island, NY 103122501 $75 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Turnage, Robert L USN Ret Hoover, AL 352261912 $70 2014-04-11 Retired Retired
SA11AI Odell, James M Fredonia, KS 667367379 $65 2014-04-22 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Baughman, Jo Ann Philomath, OR 973701269 $60 2014-04-20 Retired Retired
SA11AI Keller, Donald H H Mendon, MA 017561118 $60 2014-04-03 Self Employed Automotive
SA11AI Minton, Joseph R Jr. Belvidere, NC 279190146 $54 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Thurmond, Rod Lilburn, GA 300481759 $52 2014-04-01 Information Requested
SA11AI Cornell-D'Echert, Blaise Jr. Leavenworth, KS 660487743 $50 2014-04-22 US Army Training Consultant
SA11AI Kennedy, Charles J Arvada, CO 800041321 $50 2014-04-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ihle, David P Hudson, WI 540168141 $50 2014-04-18 National Business Systems CEO
SA11AI Buzbee, Jack De Soto, IL 629241512 $50 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Condreay, Conrad A Burns Flat, OK 736240974 $50 2014-04-18 Information Requested
SA11AI Knoell, Louise C Meridianville, AL 357592218 $50 2014-04-17 n/a Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Kennedy, Charles J Arvada, CO 800041321 $50 2014-04-30 Retired Retired
SA11AI Levy, Paul A Springfield, MO 658102554 $50 2014-04-21 Mercy Health Systems Registered Nurse
SA11AI Fehsenfeld, John A Las Vegas, NV 891335200 $50 2014-04-16 Retired Retired
SA11AI Skutnik, Dwayne E Cheyenne, WY 820094233 $50 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Conant, Richard A Littleton, NC 278508058 $50 2014-04-01 US Navy Retired Reired US Military
SA11AI Ozorkiewicz, Marie Newport Beach, CA 926606205 $50 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Seiberlich, Trudy G Haymarket, VA 201691120 $50 2014-04-21 Best Efforts Made Best Efforts Made
SA11AI Crandall, Rose S Folsom, CA 956301637 $50 2014-04-21 Information Requested
SA11AI Winder, Sylvia J Lubbock, TX 794166039 $50 2014-04-21 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Buzbee, Jack De Soto, IL 629241512 $50 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Price, H. Vance Waitsburg, WA 993610666 $50 2014-04-22 Information Requested
SA11AI Levy, Paul A Springfield, MO 658102554 $50 2014-04-22 Mercy Health Systems Registered Nurse
SA11AI Roberts, Kenneth S Chestertown, MD 216201700 $50 2014-04-11 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI McNeely, Donna L Oklahoma City, OK 731221011 $50 2014-04-22 Information Requested
SA11AI Fleming, Peter D D Middletown, NY 109407637 $50 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Robert, Dorothy B Santa Barbara, CA 931082257 $50 2014-04-24 Best Efforts Best Efforts
SA11AI Simon, Allen H Chandler, AZ 852261307 $50 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Phelps, John Vail, CO 816581041 $50 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Martin, Paul R Seattle, WA 981774506 $50 2014-04-07 Information Requested
SA11AI Goffron, Jerome L Spring Grove, IL 600818161 $50 2014-04-07 Retired Retired
SA11AI Vanderkop, Mathew C Pasadena, TX 775025412 $50 2014-04-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Gee, James Cleveland, TN 373235145 $50 2014-04-07 Information Requested
SA11AI Brunner, Alexander Howell, MI 488438015 $50 2014-04-05 VersaIMAGE Software Corp. Executive
SA11AI Stephenson, Jack W Gilford, NH 032496705 $50 2014-04-25 Information Requested
SA11AI Conant, Richard A Littleton, NC 278508058 $50 2014-04-28 US Navy Retired Reired US Military
SA11AI Yoder, Lowell B Holland, OH 435280444 $50 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Lessley, Robert L Capitola, CA 950102133 $50 2014-04-02 Retired Retired Engineer
SA11AI Unsworth, Elizabeth L Price, UT 845017802 $50 2014-04-28 Information Requested
SA11AI Wilson, Mary Lou L TTEE Midland, TX 797071607 $50 2014-04-29 N/A Retired
SA11AI Hartsoch, Arley R Ray, ND 588499243 $50 2014-04-02 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Schoner, Philip Lexington, VA 244501811 $50 2014-04-02 4634850 Retired
SA11AI Crimins, Ronald J Glendale, CA 912062701 $50 2014-04-02 Information Requested
SA11AI Thomas, David A Chula Vista, CA 919107901 $50 2014-04-30 Retired USN Retired
SA11AI Robbins, Warren M Sun Lakes, AZ 852486887 $40 2014-04-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Robbins, Warren M Sun Lakes, AZ 852486887 $40 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Robbins, Warren M Sun Lakes, AZ 852486887 $40 2014-04-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Abrams, Sara P Seymour, TN 378654112 $40 2014-04-16 Self Employed Tax Preparer
SA11AI Neel, Alice T San Antonio, TX 782393072 $35 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Jones, Charles L III Charlotte, NC 282770212 $35 2014-04-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Douglas, Paul W Sanford, NC 273321950 $35 2014-04-01 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Peck, Carol W Mesa, AZ 852016207 $30 2014-04-23 Retired Retired
SA11AI Morse, Dorothy J Sacramento, CA 958654671 $30 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Vaterlaus, Barbara Mesa, AZ 852107655 $30 2014-04-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Cornell-D'Echert, Blaise Jr. Leavenworth, KS 660487743 $25 2014-04-22 US Army Training Consultant
SA11AI Demello, John E Danbury, NH 032300022 $25 2014-04-07 Self Employed Handyman
SA11AI Beck, Marsha L Evans, GA 308093243 $25 2014-04-24 Janvs Research Cyber Analyst
SA11AI Stanforth, Leroy D Bethel, OH 451061032 $25 2014-04-15 Retired Retired
SA11AI Hitechew, Robert L Las Vegas, NV 891061423 $25 2014-04-01 Retired Retired
SA11AI Robbins, Warren M Sun Lakes, AZ 852486887 $20 2014-04-29 Retired Retired
SA11AI Wood, William Yucaipa, CA 923990818 $2 2014-04-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Clair, Thomas E. Pittsburgh, PA 152371700 $-100 2014-04-15 Retired Retired