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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Disbursements, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION filing #921543

Last update: July 27, 2014 | 8:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule B disbursements itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers March 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014
Total receipts: $816,611
Total spending: $469,088
Ending cash: $3,310,223
Originally filed April 18, 2014, 2:52 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
This filing also includes 18 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SB28A Corporation, Rosebush Philadelphia, PA $100,000 2014-03-07 refund of contribution originally received on 9/13/12.
SB21B Stephen Clouse and Associates Ashburn, VA $76,284 2014-03-05 fundraising, mail production costs
SB21B Stephen Clouse and Associates Ashburn, VA $45,791 2014-03-21 fundraising, mail production costs
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $30,000 2014-03-14 advance for future expenses
SB21B Sun Trust Bank Washington, DC $5,035 2014-03-10 credit card processing fees
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $4,516 2014-03-31 Pull from advance, line 21, for admininstrative, compliance, fundraising support
SB21B Red Sea, LLC Bethesda, MD $2,500 2014-03-03 general strategy consulting
SB21B Wiley Rein, LLC Washington, DC $1,741 2014-03-31 legal fees
SB28A Gasser, Richard Fort Worth, TX $1,485 2014-03-13 refund of contribution
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $1,188 2014-03-15 Pull from advance, line 21, for admininstrative, compliance, fundraising support
SB21B Avalanche Services Kearneysville, WV $763 2014-03-19 stationary supplies
SB21B Big Eye Direct Oak Hill, VA $526 2014-03-31 mail costs, postage
SB21B FatLab, LLC Alexandria, VA $125 2014-03-06 website maintenance
SB21B Authorize.Net American Fork, UT $89 2014-03-01 credit card processing fees
SB21B District 13, LLC Tucson, AZ $75 2014-03-31 internet consulting
SB21B Sun Trust Bank Washington, DC $70 2014-03-20 bank fees
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-43 2014-03-25 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-54 2014-03-21 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-71 2014-03-10 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-79 2014-03-25 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-176 2014-03-11 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-315 2014-03-27 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-483 2014-03-21 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-1,188 2014-03-15 pull from advance for operating expenditure line 21
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-1,382 2014-03-24 pull from advance for I.E. Line 24
SB21B Club for Growth Washington, DC $-4,516 2014-03-31 pull from advance for operating expenditure line 21