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Realtime Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: June 8, 2014 | 2:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Jan. 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014
Total receipts: $2,556,657
Total spending: $937,942
Ending cash: $7,681,986
Originally filed April 15, 2014, 7:18 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Weaver, Delores Barr Jacksonville, FL 322044610 $500,000 2014-03-20 John Gorrie Investment Group, LLC Managing Partner
SA11AI Ballmer, Connie E. Hunts Point, WA 980041110 $250,000 2014-02-28 Partners for Our Children Board Chair
SA11AI Rosenstein, Lizanne New York, NY 100230031 $100,000 2014-01-27 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Tisch, Andrew H. New York, NY 100658029 $50,000 2014-02-27 Loews Corporation Co-Chairman of the Board
SA11AI Lee, Brian S. Los Angeles, CA 900771321 $25,000 2014-03-31 Legal Zoom Co Founder
SA11AI Shirley, Jon A Medina, WA 980390685 $20,000 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Beitel, David Seattle, WA 98112 $15,000 2014-03-21 Zillow CTO
SA11C HOUSE MAJORITY PAC WASHINGTON, DC 20005 $10,125 2014-02-07 * In-Kind: Polling information
SA11AI Lambert, Benjamin New York, NY 10013 $10,000 2014-03-26 Eastdil Secured Chairman
SA11AI Mehiel, Karen White Plains, NY 10601 $10,000 2014-03-21 KAMPACK Inc. CEO
SA11AI Ward, Charles Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 $10,000 2014-03-21 June Street Architecture, Inc. Architect
SA11AI Little, William Jr New York, NY 10128 $10,000 2014-02-27 None Retired
SA11AI Blume, Ann Seattle, WA 98112 $10,000 2014-03-25 self community leader
SA11AI Donofrio, Anita M. Ridgefield, CT 068774901 $5,500 2014-03-06 self Builder/Developer
SA11AI Dale, Kelly Los Gatos, CA 950305937 $5,000 2014-02-05 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Paine, David Newport Beach, CA 92663 $5,000 2014-03-07 Exprtise CEO
SA11AI Horne, Timothy P. Andover, MA 018104847 $5,000 2014-03-06 Watts Water Technologies Consultant
SA11AI Donahue, Caroline Atherton, CA 940273101 $5,000 2014-03-08 Intuit Senior Vice President
SA11AI Weiner, Gwen Tucson, AZ 85718 $5,000 2014-03-10 self business
SA11AI Braden-Harder, Lisa Ridgefield, CT 06877 $3,000 2014-02-19 Appen Butler Hill Manager
SA11AI Nierman, Kristin Southport, CT 06890 $3,000 2014-02-14 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Espedal, Patricia Seattle, WA 98105 $3,000 2014-02-10 retired retired
SA11AI Eisenberg, Stanley Boca Raton, FL 334343245 $3,000 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Horne, Timothy P. Andover, MA 018104847 $2,600 2014-01-27 Watts Water Technologies Consultant
SA11AI Ni, Robert Oro Valley, AZ 85737 $2,500 2014-02-04 n/a retired
SA11AI Lassiter, Mai Los Angeles, CA 90067 $2,500 2014-03-27 Jarola Artist Management Director
SA11AI White, James Palo Alto, CA 94304 $2,500 2014-03-13 SHV Investor
SA11AI Beraznik, Stan San Francisco, CA 94114 $2,500 2014-03-10 29th Street Capital Managing Principal
SA11AI Gund, Agnes New York, NY 100214254 $2,000 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Meehl, Brian Redding, CT 06896 $2,000 2014-01-04 Brian Meehl, Inc. Writer
SA11AI Altman, Rory Newton, MA 02459 $2,000 2014-01-11 AVCo. Consultant
SA11AI Barker, Elizabeth Tucson, AZ 85751 $1,500 2014-02-28 self investor
SA11AI Proctor, Joseph B. Silver Spring, MD 209045452 $1,500 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Stockel, Allison Ridgefield, CT 068775526 $1,500 2014-03-06 The Ridgefield Playhouse Owner
SA11AI Gilliam, Julie A Santa Monica, CA 904053913 $1,500 2014-02-21 N/A Retired
SA11AI Higgins, David L Scottsdale, AZ 85254 $1,200 2014-02-24 AICI LLC MANAGER
SA11AI Zicarelli, Caroline Westlake, OH 441455110 $1,000 2014-03-11 n/a retired
SA11AI Proctor, Joseph B. Silver Spring, MD 209045452 $1,000 2014-03-05 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Bacal, Martin Harry Tucson, AZ 857186144 $1,000 2014-03-31 N/A Retired
SA11AI Bader, Ann M. Annapolis, MD 214016874 $1,000 2014-03-31 Self Piano Teacher
SA11AI Carter, Laura H. Kirkland, WA 980346010 $1,000 2014-02-04 Microsoft Asst General Counsel
SA11AI Wexler, Natalie Washington, DC 200152532 $1,000 2014-01-09 Self Writer
SA11AI Wening, Jen New York, NY 10011 $1,000 2014-01-03 Brown Harris Stevens Broker
SA11AI Cole, John Jacksonville, FL 32256 $1,000 2014-02-06 Gunster Attorney
SA11AI Coon, Sevren Tucson, AZ 85750 $1,000 2014-03-11 Sevanden Enterprises Inc. researcher
SA11AI cowie, ardelle woodbridge, CT 06525 $1,000 2014-01-10 chelsea company, new haven ct owner, retired (landlord)
SA11AI cowie, ardelle woodbridge, CT 06525 $1,000 2014-02-04 chelsea company, new haven ct owner, retired (landlord)
SA11AI cowie, ardelle woodbridge, CT 06525 $1,000 2014-02-10 chelsea company, new haven ct owner, retired (landlord)
SA11AI Ward, David Houston, TX 77024 $1,000 2014-03-27 Shell Engineer
SA11AI cowie, ardelle woodbridge, CT 06525 $1,000 2014-03-10 chelsea company, new haven ct owner, retired (landlord)
SA11AI Addessi Square LLC Ridgefield, CT 068774601 $1,000 2014-02-27
SA11AI Darcy, Christopher Mystic, CT 06355 $1,000 2014-02-04 Coastal Rheumatology physician
SA11AI Edmondson, Charles Atlanta, GA 30309 $1,000 2014-02-05 None Retired
SA11AI Farese, Nancy Kentfield, CA 949041540 $1,000 2014-01-05 none not employed
SA11AI Fisher, Franklin Cambridge, MA 021385779 $1,000 2014-03-18 n/a retired
SA11AI Galvin, Elizabeth W Washington, DC 200163203 $1,000 2014-02-24 N/A Homemaker
SA11AI Stern, Lessing S Park City, UT 840603533 $1,000 2014-02-24 Royal Street Corporation President/COO
SA11AI Gofen, William H. Chicago, IL 60611 $1,000 2014-01-09 Gofen Glossberg LLC investments
SA11AI Graves, Barbara Prairie Village, KS 66208 $1,000 2014-02-26 retired research psychologist
SA11AI Green, Nancy Hamilton, MT 598409369 $1,000 2014-03-20 n/a Retired
SA11AI Halperin, Lauren Scarsdale, NY 10583 $1,000 2014-02-28 unemployed unemployed
SA11AI Hearst, Gillian Stayton, OR 97383 $1,000 2014-02-08 self-employed farmer/writer
SA11AI Sieroty, Alan Los Angeles, CA 900363616 $1,000 2014-03-11 Sieroty Co, Inc Real Estate Management
SA11AI Sieroty, Alan Los Angeles, CA 900363616 $1,000 2014-01-24 Sieroty Co, Inc Real Estate Management
SA11AI Judd, Judy M. Ann Arbor, MI 481052006 $1,000 2014-01-28 n/a retired
SA11AI Judd, Judy M. Ann Arbor, MI 481052006 $1,000 2014-03-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Karp, Roberta New York, NY 10023 $1,000 2014-02-24 N/A attorney
SA11AI Kendall, Suzanne Pendleton Tucson, AZ 857510272 $1,000 2014-01-13 N/A Retired
SA11AI Krausz, Steven Portola Valley, CA 94028 $1,000 2014-03-31 US Venture Partners Venture Capital
SA11AI Schonwetter, Seymour Scottsdale, AZ 852511673 $1,000 2014-03-21 n/a retired
SA11AI Lichtig, Leo Latham, NY 12110 $1,000 2014-03-12 Aon Health Economist
SA11AI White, Flor S. Summerfield, NC 27358 $1,000 2014-03-31 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Loya, Jennifer Fairfield, CT 068246335 $1,000 2014-02-10 Westport Asset Management Bookkeeper
SA11AI Marshall, Darren Ridgefield, CT 06877 $1,000 2014-02-18 rEvolution executive
SA11AI McFarland, Joyce Excelsior, MN 553318832 $1,000 2014-01-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI McIlwain, Jean Watchung, NJ 070696030 $1,000 2014-01-08 n/a Retired
SA11AI McNelis, Susanne Ridgefield, CT 06877 $1,000 2014-02-18 none Homemaker
SA11AI Mitchell-Namdar, Andrew Stamford, CT 06903 $1,000 2014-02-12 mitchells owner
SA11AI Moetell, Holly Scarsdale, NY 10583 $1,000 2014-01-27 Lateral Link legal recruiter
SA11AI Morgan, Laurence Mill Valley, CA 94941 $1,000 2014-03-10 CBRE Real Estate Broker
SA11AI Morrison, Holmes Charleston, WV 25314 $1,000 2014-01-08 Retired Retired
SA11AI Zoukis, Suzan M Sullivans Is, SC 29482 $1,000 2014-03-03 N/A Retired
SA11AI Snowdon, Edward New York, NY 10024 $800 2014-03-31 Self Theatrical Producer
SA11AI Welch, Robert West Boylston, MA 015831015 $750 2014-03-18 N/A Retired
SA11AI Davidson, Jennifer A. Bethel, CT 068011430 $700 2014-03-06 n/a none
SA15 The Campaign Group Philadelphia, PA 19103 $642 2014-03-31 Refund
SA11AI White, Ellen T Overland Park, KS 66213 $620 2014-03-03 Saint Thomas Aquinas Hs Registrar
SA11AI Nejame, Joseph West Haverstraw, NY 109931134 $600 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Meda, Chris Walnut Creek, CA 94596 $542 2014-02-04 IncellDx CBO
SA11AI Flodin, Betty Fairbanks, AK 997013774 $500 2014-03-21 n/a Retired
SA11AI Free, Jenna Seattle, WA 98109 $500 2014-01-01 self writer and editor
SA11AI Freed, Martin Evanston, IL 60201 $500 2014-01-15 Self Lawyer
SA11AI Friedler, Kathleen Southport, CT 06890 $500 2014-02-14 tommy hilfiger Vice President International Visual Me
SA11AI McIver, William B Sausalito, CA 949652062 $500 2014-02-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Giffords, Bruce Rego Park, NY 11374 $500 2014-01-29 Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Book editor
SA11AI Giffords, Reiko Rego Park, NY 113743440 $500 2014-01-29 USTA Tennis Instructor
SA11AI Sullivan, Stephen San Jose, CA 95124 $500 2014-01-24 Apple Inc. Technical Manager
SA11AI Stroock, Lucy Cambridge, MA 021402247 $500 2014-01-23 n/a retired
SA11AI Burton, Daryl R. Phoenix, AZ 850181900 $500 2014-01-17 Presson Co. President
SA11AI Ginty, James Philadelphia, PA 19118 $500 2014-03-29 retired retired
SA11AI Glasgo, Michael Seattle, WA 98122 $500 2014-03-04 TeleCommunication Systems, Inc Senior Director of Development
SA11AI Appel, Heidi Mclean, VA 22101 $500 2014-01-27 Medstar Georgetown University Hospital Pediatrician
SA11AI Rosenberg, Seth Scottsdale, AZ 85255 $500 2014-01-08 PML Finance
SA11AI Steele, Charles R. Stanford, CA 94305 $500 2014-03-14 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Stasch, Julia Chicago, IL 60614 $500 2014-03-31 MacArthur Foundation VP
SA11AI Golden, Joseph Newtown, CT 064702524 $500 2014-01-11 n/a Retired
SA11AI Goldstone, Liz Ridgefield, CT 068774513 $500 2014-02-20 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Graham, Julie Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 $500 2014-01-24 self writer
SA11AI Gray, Sheila Ridgefield, CT 06877 $500 2014-02-20 Homemaker Homemaker
SA11AI Spektor, Charline New York, NY 10014 $500 2014-01-12 BookHampton Book Store Owner
SA11AI Gropper, David B. Danbury, CT 068113443 $500 2014-03-06 Self Pediatrician
SA11AI Burgdorff, Jean Merritt Is, FL 329524883 $500 2014-01-28 Self Realtor
SA11AI Halliday, Deborah W Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 $500 2014-01-08 retired retired
SA11AI Poole, John Salem, OR 97302 $500 2014-02-04 Poole's Inc. Officer
SA11AI Teich, Lois New York, NY 10014 $500 2014-03-10 Lois Teich artit
SA11AI Teich, Lois New York, NY 10014 $500 2014-01-10 Lois Teich artit
SA11AI Whelan, M.A. Cooperstown, NY 13326 $500 2014-03-04 retired md
SA11AI Calabro, Anne Red Bank, NJ 07701 $500 2014-02-24 Information Requested Nurse
SA11AI Fahrmeier, Ruth Woodbine, MD 21797 $500 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Finkel, Fern F Wilmette, IL 60091 $500 2014-02-24 retired retired
SA11AI Petrus, Frank Atlanta, GA 303414356 $500 2014-03-06 Gantner Consultant
SA11AI Craig, William D. Ridgefield, CT 06877 $500 2014-03-06 Craig's Fine Jewelry Owner
SA11AI Ulrich, Janice Tucson, AZ 85718 $500 2014-03-27 retired retired
SA11AI Crannell, Hall Silver Spring, MD 209031617 $500 2014-02-07 n/a Retired
SA11AI Ulrich, Janice Tucson, AZ 85718 $500 2014-01-10 retired retired
SA11AI Akerson, Dorothy Saint Louis, MO 631283306 $500 2014-03-31 Univ of Missouri College of Nursing Professor
SA11AI McDowell, Jennifer Pittsburgh, PA 15228 $500 2014-03-25 self retired
SA11AI Daughety, Andrew Nashville, TN 37212 $500 2014-03-25 Vanderbilt University Professor
SA11AI Cobelli, Donna A. Ridgefield, CT 068771203 $500 2014-03-06 self physician
SA11AI Thonet, Kathi Pittstown, NJ 08867 $500 2014-03-14 Thonet Associates Inc. administrator
SA11AI Thonet, Kathi Pittstown, NJ 08867 $500 2014-03-11 Thonet Associates Inc. administrator
SA11AI Devereaux, Marjorie Madison, WI 53703 $500 2014-01-24 retired retired
SA11AI Chan, Eva Ridgefield, CT 068774901 $500 2014-02-05 n/a Retired
SA11AI Cary, Laura H. Denver, CO 80210 $500 2014-01-24 none not employed
SA11AI Dortenzio, Mary Fairfield, CT 06824 $500 2014-02-19 Glencore Ltd. Business Change Analyst
SA11AI Dowd, Cheryl Fairfield, CT 068247111 $500 2014-02-17 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Oelschlaeger, Terry Waxhaw, NC 28173 $500 2014-03-10 none retired
SA11AI Teich, Lois New York, NY 10014 $500 2014-02-10 Lois Teich artit
SA11AI Heller, Ruth San Rafael, CA 94903 $500 2014-03-11 none retired
SA11AI Herron, Jeannette Emily Pasadena, CA 911052819 $500 2014-02-12 n/a not employed
SA11AI Buhler, Virginia M. Mount Pleasant, WI 534051738 $500 2014-03-17 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Hill, Abby Newtown, CT 06470 $500 2014-02-14 The Exceptional Pet, LLC Dog Trainer
SA11AI Hill, Richard Berkeley, CA 94703 $500 2014-02-04 San Francisco AIDS Foundation administrator
SA11AI Simons, Kent New York, NY 100171824 $500 2014-03-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Horing, Patty Larchmont, NY 10538 $500 2014-02-03 self artist
SA11AI Roca, Megan Houston, TX 77018 $500 2014-01-01 Memorial Hermann RN
SA11AI Shumaker, Dianne C Fairway, KS 66205 $500 2014-03-12 Retired Retired
SA11AI Brooks, David E Tucson, AZ 857181204 $500 2014-01-09 N/A Retired
SA11AI Brickfield, Helen Sandy Hook, CT 06482 $500 2014-02-18 a New Beginning Salon and Spa social media
SA11AI Hughes, James Marshfield, MA 02050 $500 2014-01-08 S. Shore Anesthesia Assoc., Inc. Physician
SA11AI Begg, William Newtown, CT 064701779 $500 2014-02-10 Danbury Hospital physician
SA11AI Iscol, Jill New York, NY 100751738 $500 2014-01-17 n/a not employed
SA11AI Jacobson, Paul Southport, CT 06890 $500 2014-02-20 Thomson Reuters Finance
SA11AI Palmer, John Pompano Beach, FL 33062 $500 2014-01-24 retired retired
SA11AI Rabinowitz, Leon Saratoga, CA 95070 $500 2014-03-19 Hospice of the Valley Physician
SA11AI Ransavage, Eric Las Vegas, NV 89129 $500 2014-03-18 shinnick ryan ransavage attorney
SA11AI Muns, Ronald Austin, TX 787464144 $500 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Klingenstein, Lee P. Scarsdale, NY 105832147 $500 2014-02-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Knowles, Lesley Chesterfield, MO 630173503 $500 2014-01-23 n/a retired
SA11AI Needham, Wayne Gilbert, AZ 852343525 $500 2014-01-24 none retired
SA11AI Beal, Joan Agoura, CA 913011854 $500 2014-01-28 Self Studio Singer
SA11AI Basch, Ethan Chapel Hill, NC 27516 $500 2014-01-28 UNC Physician
SA11AI Lath, Anshuman Arcadia, CA 910061737 $500 2014-01-17 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Le Compte, Ross Las Cruces, NM 880075614 $500 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Sean O'Kane Ridgefield, CT 068774532 $500 2014-03-06
SA11AI Leaman, Nanette Oak Harbor, WA 98277 $500 2014-01-08 Penn Cove Veterinary Clinic Owner.
SA11AI Bas, Hernan Detroit, MI 48214 $500 2014-02-28 Hernan Bas Artist
SA11AI Lee, Mindy Port Washington, NY 11050 $500 2014-01-10 Goldman Sachs Software Developer
SA11AI Reimer, Ronald Paradise Valley, AZ 852533301 $500 2014-03-25 n/a retired
SA11AI Neumann, Jr., Harry Ridgefield, CT 06877 $500 2014-02-18 Self Real Estate
SA11AI Yaun, David Ridgefield, CT 06877 $500 2014-02-06 IBM Marketing and Communications
SA11AI Scales, Lisa Boise, ID 83712 $500 2014-03-18 Gem State Radiology physician
SA11AI Arnow, Robert Scarsdale, NY 105831618 $500 2014-01-24 Weiler Arnow Management Co. Inc. Investor
SA11AI Sanders, W. Ferrell Palo Alto, CA 94301 $500 2014-01-02 n/a Retired
SA11AI Long, Carroll Washington DC, DC 20009 $500 2014-01-28 n/a Retired
SA11AI Newcomb, Richard Thomas Tucson, AZ 857047008 $500 2014-03-19 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Mahood, Stephen H Jacksonville, FL 32256 $500 2014-02-21 Oncure Medical Corp Medical Physicist
SA11AI Marcus, Marvin Atlanta, GA 303293940 $500 2014-01-15 n/a Retired
SA11AI Marino, Patricia Cranbury, NJ 085123322 $500 2014-01-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Weinstein, Arthur Chevy Chase, MD 20815 $500 2014-01-09 MedStar Washington Hospital Center Physician
SA11AI Collins, John W. Geyserville, CA 954410001 $500 2014-02-05 n/a Retired
SA11AI Collins, Rebecca Los Angeles, CA 90019 $500 2014-01-15 RAND Corporation research
SA11AI Marquette, James J Cambridge, MD 216131360 $500 2014-02-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Martin, Linda Denver, CO 802306889 $500 2014-01-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI McCollum, Linda D. Jonestown, TX 786454489 $500 2014-02-26 n/a Retired
SA11AI Cohen, Martin Louis Tucson, AZ 857122312 $500 2014-01-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI McCurdy, Mollie Waynesboro, VA 229805309 $500 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Walker, Kelly New Canaan, CT 068403235 $500 2014-02-03 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Wade, Emily Bedford, MA 017301275 $500 2014-03-17 n/a homemaker
SA11AI McDowell, Jennifer Pittsburgh, PA 15228 $500 2014-01-27 self retired
SA11AI Van Slyke, James Topeka, KS 666111849 $500 2014-02-11 Central National Bank Banker
SA11AI Varghese-Kroll, Eizabeth Owings Mills, MD 21117 $475 2014-03-12 EHR Physician
SA11AI Newdick, Richard Sarasota, FL 342382574 $450 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Marston, Barbara Columbia, MO 652021412 $450 2014-02-19 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Abrams, Patricia H Lake Bluff, IL 600442811 $450 2014-02-24 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Lautenberg, Lois West Orange, NJ 070526601 $405 2014-02-20 n/a Retired
SA11AI Nusblatt, Ellen Portland, OR 972394527 $400 2014-03-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Hickey, Marilyn Norfolk, VA 235041126 $400 2014-03-10 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Edwards, Jimmy C. Cincinnati, OH 452243167 $400 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Alexanian, Sara Lexington, MA 02421 $400 2014-01-30 Boston university physician
SA11AI Rausch, Sandra L Oro Valley, AZ 857377209 $400 2014-03-12 n/a retired
SA11AI Sortino, Liz Sandy Hook, CT 06482 $400 2014-02-20 self-employed fitness trainer
SA11AI Nusblatt, Ellen Portland, OR 972394527 $400 2014-01-22 n/a retired
SA11AI McGuire, Juliann B Saint Paul, MN 551022649 $400 2014-02-24 Self-Employed Information Requested
SA11AI Sinatra, Nancy Los Angeles, CA 90035 $384 2014-01-29 Self-Employed Entertainer
SA11AI Pitofsky, Liz Brooklyn, NY 112013333 $382 2014-01-06 Lady Handmade, LLC Owner * In-Kind: Event catering
SA11AI Delacroix, Mavis P Oakland, CA 94610 $365 2014-01-14 The Grubb Co Realtor
SA11AI Pugh, Dorothy Gunther Memphis, TN 381045213 $350 2014-01-17 Ballet Memphis Founding Artistic Director and CEO
SA11AI Burgess, M Elaine Phd Walla Walla, WA 99362 $300 2014-02-20 N/A Retired
SA11AI Woernle, Michael Dorchester Center, MA 021243714 $300 2014-03-11 NE Baptist Hospital Nurse/RN
SA11AI Wahab, Haitham New York, NY 101286921 $300 2014-03-07 Cine Magnetics, Inc. CEO
SA11AI Vannewkirk, Stephen West Chester, PA 193826012 $300 2014-03-07 VT Graphics Inc. Photopolymer Tech
SA11AI Travis-Stevens, June Chicopee, MA 010221076 $300 2014-03-05 N/A Retired
SA11AI Shaw, Henry D. Wayland, MA 017783621 $300 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Rao, Pradeep Palo Alto, CA 94306 $300 2014-03-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Raney, Brusilla Grand Junction, CO 815039565 $300 2014-03-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Raiser, Helen San Francisco, CA 941091509 $300 2014-01-10 Faiser Organization Chair
SA11AI Poole, Peter Oakton, VA 221241648 $300 2014-03-18 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Morse, Robert A. Washington, DC 200151784 $300 2014-01-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Miller, Robert Cedar, MI 496219557 $300 2014-01-22 n/a Retired
SA11AI McRobbie, Laurie B Bloomington, IN 474014336 $300 2014-03-03 Indiana University Senior Advisor
SA11AI McLean, Janet North Canton, OH 44720 $300 2014-02-26 RETIRED RETIRED
SA11AI Matthews, David C Villanova, PA 190851118 $300 2014-03-06 Self-Employed Artist
SA11AI Markowitz, David M Pepper Pike, OH 44124 $300 2014-02-24 Oskie Capital Founder
SA11AI Loeb, Gerald E South Pasadena, CA 910304130 $300 2014-02-25 Univ Of Southern Calif Professor
SA11AI Keenan, William E. Charlotte, NC 282104779 $300 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Kalkman, Carol Montrose, CO 81401 $300 2014-01-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Hamilton, William K Santa Rosa, CA 954031738 $300 2014-02-21 N/A RETIRED
SA11AI Griffin, Art Mesa, AZ 85207 $300 2014-01-24 Verizon Business Senior Technical Writer
SA11AI Friedman, Robert E Hillsborough, CA 94010 $300 2014-02-20 CFE GENERAL COUNSEL
SA11AI Friedberg, Richard New York, NY 100276855 $300 2014-02-12 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Freeman, S. Gay South Chatham, MA 026591303 $300 2014-01-23 n/a retired
SA11AI Frankowiak, Sara Bloomington, IL 61704 $300 2014-01-24 State Farm Insurance Cos Actuary
SA11AI Olsen, Gloria P Kerrville, TX 780283953 $300 2014-02-21 N/A Retired
SA11AI Duffin, Murray Sarasota, FL 342392111 $300 2014-01-22 n/a Retired
SA11AI Craft, Barbara Ayden, NC 28513 $300 2014-03-18 Self Dentist
SA11AI Colombo, Gloria Stockton, NJ 085591305 $300 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Chen, Charles Westwood, MA 020901077 $300 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Breed, Larkin Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 $300 2014-01-23 self consultant
SA11AI Barker, Robert Fort Smith, AR 729169357 $300 2014-03-18 n/a Retired
SA11AI Ambler, Gloria El Paso, TX 79902 $300 2014-01-24 EPISD counselor
SA11AI Burnside, Michael San Francisco, CA 941111905 $275 2014-01-14 Chevron Biofuels Manager
SA11AI Martinez, Colette A Kathleen, GA 310472161 $270 2014-01-22 n/a none
SA11AI Sabin, Portia C. Battle Ground, WA 986046909 $260 2014-03-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Sullivan Company CPA Bethesda, MD 208145371 $260 2014-02-21
SA11AI Feder, Phyllis New York, NY 10023 $255 2014-02-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Allvin, Rhian Phoenix, AZ 850131115 $255 2014-01-10 Libraries for the Future State Director
SA11AI Leventhal, Anthony Brooklyn, NY 112062822 $250 2014-03-21 Morrell Warehouse Mgr
SA11AI Orr, Ethel Stockton, CA 95212 $250 2014-03-30 Retired Nurse
SA11AI Nichols, Garry Manlius, NY 13104 $250 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Nelson, Charles W South Pasadena, CA 910316228 $250 2014-02-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Reynolds, Cheryl Boise, ID 83706 $250 2014-01-01 Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Cente Medical Transcriptionist
SA11AI Nash, Lisa Emerald Hills, CA 94062 $250 2014-01-09 Blue Planet Network Executive Director
SA11AI Nadler, Donna New York, NY 10128 $250 2014-01-05 AXA Financial Advisor
SA11AI Mulligan, Kimberly Tucson, AZ 857501268 $250 2014-03-17 Old Pueblo Anesthesia Physician
SA11AI Moss, Jim Globe, AZ 85501 $250 2014-03-10 JK MOSS Enterprises Retail Prop. Mgt
SA11AI Arey, Janet Riverside, CA 925075982 $250 2014-01-28 n/a Retired
SA11AI Morrison, Holmes Charleston, WV 25314 $250 2014-02-21 Retired Retired
SA11AI Rickard, Kathryn M Washington, DC 200152416 $250 2014-01-30 Self Psychologist
SA11AI Moore, Elizabeth East Lansing, MI 488233151 $250 2014-03-21 n/a Retired
SA11AI Montague-Clouse, Lynne Denver, CO 80210 $250 2014-01-09 Metro Volunteers Project Manager
SA11AI Monson, David River Forest, IL 60305 $250 2014-03-27 n/a Retired
SA11AI Mitchell, Scott Billings, MT 59102 $250 2014-02-04 Holland Hart, LLP Attorney
SA11AI Miserez, Lynette R Fairfax, VA 220322541 $250 2014-03-10 Government Attorney
SA11AI Miller, Roberta Tucson, AZ 857459485 $250 2014-03-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Arensmeyer, John C Tiburon, CA 94920 $250 2014-03-18 Small Business Majority CEO
SA11AI Michelson, Gertrude New York, NY 100035109 $250 2014-03-18 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Merryman, Frances Tucson, AZ 85716 $250 2014-01-22 The Northern Trust Company Wealth Strategist
SA11AI Merideth, Reuben E Tucson, AZ 85718 $250 2014-03-31 Eye Care for Animals Veterinarian
SA11AI Melvin, Susan Y Long Beach, CA 90803 $250 2014-02-24 Long Beach Memorial Physician
SA11AI Rodgers, Mary Columbia, MD 210462446 $250 2014-01-29 Univ of Maryland Physical Therapist
SA11AI Means, Larry Pine, CO 804708858 $250 2014-03-17 n/a retired
SA11AI Rose, Emmanelle Columbia, TN 38401 $250 2014-03-18 n/a Retired
SA11AI McMullen, John Austin, TX 787311426 $250 2014-01-09 NA Retired
SA11AI Angel, Roger Tucson, AZ 85716 $250 2014-01-09 U of Arizona professor
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $250 2014-03-29 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Roth, Charles J. Glen Gardner, NJ 088263215 $250 2014-01-24 Adamy Inc. President
SA11AI Rothe, Edward Doylestown, PA 18901 $250 2014-03-19 Self Architect
SA11AI Rothstein, Randy Great Neck, NY 110211441 $250 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Roy, Courtney A. Newtown, CT 064702445 $250 2014-03-06 n/a none
SA11AI McDowell, Jennifer Pittsburgh, PA 15228 $250 2014-02-03 self retired
SA11AI McDavid, John Bethesda, MD 20817 $250 2014-01-01 n/a Retired
SA11AI Rubel, Lawrence Huntingburg, IN 47542 $250 2014-02-09 Robley Rex VA Medical Center Physician
SA11AI Ruef, Anna Marie Weare, NH 03281 $250 2014-03-17 Womankind Counseling Center Psychologist
SA11AI Mayhew, James Snoqualmie, WA 98065 $250 2014-02-03 Volt Information Sciences, Inc. Chief Financial Officer
SA11AI Mattson, Peter Great Neck, NY 11021 $250 2014-01-08 none retired
SA11AI Russell, Milton H Montpelier, VT 056010562 $250 2014-03-05 Montpelier Pharmacy Pharmacist
SA11AI Martin, Jennifer Fairfield, CT 06824 $250 2014-02-10 Match Marketing Group Marketing
SA11AI Ryden, Katherine East Hampton, NY 11937 $250 2014-01-11 retired retired
SA11AI Markus, Laurie Fairfield, CT 06824 $250 2014-02-19 Self Attorney
SA11AI Zelman, Ellen Moreland hills, OH 44022 $250 2014-01-27 None Retired
SA11AI Saacke, Scott La Grange Park, IL 605265510 $250 2014-01-13 Enesco Chief Information Officer
SA11AI Maresca, Michael Lagrangeville, NY 12540 $250 2014-01-10 Self Physician
SA11AI Manning, Linda Lake Mary, FL 32746 $250 2014-02-21 Self-Employed Psychotherapist
SA11AI Mann, Robin Rosemont, PA 19010 $250 2014-01-09 none volunteer environmental activist
SA11AI Maitland, Michael Chicago, IL 60611 $250 2014-01-01 University of Chicago Physician
SA11AI Safran, Thomas Los Angeles, CA 900494134 $250 2014-03-11 Self Real Estate Development Property Mgm
SA11AI Sand, Ron Redding, CA 96001 $250 2014-03-18 Shasta Community Health Center Physician
SA11AI Litschel, David Santa Barbara, CA 93110 $250 2014-01-08 David Litschel Photography Photographer
SA11AI Whittemore, Mary Marlborough, MA 01752 $250 2014-03-27 Read to a Child, Inc. Office manager
SA11AI Schapiro, Lorraine Owings Mills, MD 211171658 $250 2014-01-11 n/a Retired
SA11AI Scheibler, Simone Peshastin, WA 98847 $250 2014-01-24 wenatchee valley medical center physician
SA11AI Scheven, David Scottsdale, AZ 85262 $250 2014-03-03 Retired Retired
SA11AI LeSueur, Kevin Mesa, AZ 85204 $250 2014-03-27 CSP Business Media LLC VP Finance
SA11AI Schroth, Gary P Danville, CA 945261968 $250 2014-02-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Lee, Malcolm D New York, NY 101070101 $250 2014-02-20 Blackmaled Productions Producer
SA11AI Schultz, Daniel M.D., F.A. North Potomac, MD 208782359 $250 2014-01-24 Self-Employed physician
SA11AI Schwabe, Margaret Westport, CT 068806115 $250 2014-02-10 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Sewell, John D. Tucson, AZ 85750 $250 2014-02-14 None Retired Engineer
SA11AI Lazowska, Ed Seattle, WA 981176123 $250 2014-01-29 University of Washington Professor
SA11AI Latham, Alida Seattle, WA 98102 $250 2014-03-04 Self Photographer
SA11AI LaShoto, Henry Waltham, MA 02452 $250 2014-03-31 Self Chiropractor
SA11AI Lane, James Portland, OR 97239 $250 2014-03-10 Parker, Butte Lane PC Attorney
SA11AI Labiner, David Tucson, AZ 857501221 $250 2014-02-04 University of AZ Faculty
SA11AI Klem, Sue Lincoln, MA 01773 $250 2014-03-27 none environmental volunteer
SA11AI Kleck, William Tucson, AZ 85739 $250 2014-01-24 N/A retired
SA11AI Kireker, Marie WEybridge, VT 05753 $250 2014-03-25 retired retired
SA11AI King, Brian Chicago, IL 606186230 $250 2014-02-12 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI King, Aubrey Los Angeles, CA 900453554 $250 2014-03-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Kim, Dong Houston, TX 77030 $250 2014-01-09 UT Health Neurosurgeon
SA11AI Shapiro, Susan Philadelphia, PA 191473365 $250 2014-03-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Alm, Kate Davenport, CA 950170145 $250 2014-03-20 Self Musician
SA11AI Shaw, Kelly Montclair, NJ 07042 $250 2014-03-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Kaplan, Saul Fairfax, VA 22031 $250 2014-03-29 midatlantic permanente medical group physician
SA11AI Kantor, Douglas Silver Spring, MD 209012220 $250 2014-02-21 DELOITTE CONSULTING CONSULTING
SA11AI Kanarek, Linda San Francisco, CA 94118 $250 2014-01-08 Retired Retired teacher
SA11AI Kaiser, Joyce Miami, FL 331334110 $250 2014-03-04 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Jones, Sally Kewsick, VA 22947 $250 2014-03-26 none retired
SA11AI Johnston, Mary M. Harrisonburg, VA 228026520 $250 2014-03-25 James Madison university Graduate assistant
SA11AI Johnson, Gregory Port Hadlock, WA 983390861 $250 2014-03-12 n/a retired
SA11AI Jenkins-Joffe, Elizabeth Washington, DC 20015 $250 2014-01-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Sherrill, Anne Greensboro, NC 27410 $250 2014-03-30 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Shilling, Monica J Santa Monica, CA 90402 $250 2014-03-24 Proskauer Attorney
SA11AI Irwin, Lois J Mercer Island, WA 980402636 $250 2014-02-21 RETIRED RETIRED
SA11AI Hurd, Denise Farmington Hills, MI 48336 $250 2014-03-25 retired retired
SA11AI Hourihan, Steve Southport, CT 068901175 $250 2014-02-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Houchin, Carrie Huntingburg, IN 475421029 $250 2014-03-05 n/a Retired
SA11AI Hoffman, Ruth McLean, VA 22102 $250 2014-03-27 Biotech Biotech
SA11AI Hodgson, Catherine A Sarasota, FL 342332119 $250 2014-02-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Sinatra, Nancy Los Angeles, CA 90035 $250 2014-03-20 Self-Employed Entertainer
SA11AI Siskind, Amy Mamaroneck, NY 10543 $250 2014-02-06 Amjack Rilar LLC Consultant
SA11AI Henneberg, Janis Palo Alto, CA 94306 $250 2014-03-12 Oaktree Capital Management Accountant
SA11AI Hendrix, Roger W Pittsburgh, PA 152171326 $250 2014-03-03 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH PROFESSOR
SA11AI Skibbie, David Takoma Park, MD 209127733 $250 2014-02-20 Emcare, inc Physician
SA11AI Hathaway, Keely Santa Barbara, CA 931031618 $250 2014-01-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Harris, John M. Jr. Tucson, AZ 85715 $250 2014-01-15 University of Arizona Faculty
SA11AI Hansen, Anna Lise Phoenix, AZ 85020 $250 2014-01-11 COPENHAGEN IMPORTS OWNER
SA11AI Zuelow, Lewis Novato, CA 94947 $250 2014-01-09 retired retired
SA11AI Hallowell, Elinor Lamont Tucson, AZ 857164939 $250 2014-02-26 none retired
SA11AI Hallowell, Elinor Lamont Tucson, AZ 857164939 $250 2014-02-19 none retired
SA11AI Hall, R. Avery Burlington, VT 054014583 $250 2014-01-22 n/a retired
SA11AI Grover, William Centerbrook, CT 06409 $250 2014-01-08 retired retired
SA11AI Spahr, Chris Arlington, VA 22207 $250 2014-03-04 CLSA Equity Analyst
SA11AI Griffith, William Augusta, ME 04330 $250 2014-03-12 US Veterans Affairs Physician
SA11AI Griffith, William Augusta, ME 04330 $250 2014-02-26 US Veterans Affairs Physician
SA11AI Alexander, Linda Johns Creek, GA 30022 $250 2014-03-28 self photography
SA11AI Greer, James New Haven, CT 065101823 $250 2014-03-26 n/a Retired
SA11AI Greenburger, Francis New York, NY 10003 $250 2014-01-27 Time Equities, Inc. Chairman, CEO
SA11AI Spaulding, Joanna E. Prescott, AZ 863054026 $250 2014-01-08 n/a Retired
SA11AI Greco, Joan Chicago, IL 60614 $250 2014-02-04 Self Investor
SA11AI Gores, H. Drewry Cincinnati, OH 452071911 $250 2014-01-21 Kohnen Patton LLP Attorney
SA11AI Gordon, Marvin Milton, MA 021864026 $250 2014-01-08 Retired retired
SA11AI Goodman, Thea Chicago, IL 60637 $250 2014-01-07 Self-employed writer
SA11AI Spielman, Paul Reno, NV 89511 $250 2014-03-12 Ormat Engineer
SA11AI Staples, Shirley Brooklyn, NY 112152105 $250 2014-02-26 N/A RETIRED
SA11AI Stone, Bernard Lambertville, NJ 08530 $250 2014-03-12 self artist
SA11AI Gebelein, Susan Wayzata, MN 553912200 $250 2014-01-22 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Gass, Judith Brookline, MA 024465243 $250 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Garrett, Mary Ridgefield, CT 068775517 $250 2014-03-31 IBM Marketing Executive
SA11AI Garland, Carole Lamy, NM 87540 $250 2014-03-11 retired retired
SA11AI Galliker, Marie Paulette Estero, FL 339281913 $250 2014-01-14 n/a Retired
SA11AI Fusco, Joe Los Altos, CA 940244914 $250 2014-01-08 n/a Retired
SA11AI Furenlid, Lars R. Tucson, AZ 85748 $250 2014-03-31 University of Arizona Professor of Medical Imaging
SA11AI Fuhrman, Bradley Paso, TX 799128177 $250 2014-02-24 Texas Tech Univ Physician
SA11AI Swope, Anne Kiawah Island, SC 29455 $250 2014-01-08 retired retired
SA11AI Tanner, Art Groton, CT 063403658 $250 2014-01-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Fogle, Frank D Ottawa, KS 660673141 $250 2014-03-25 N/A Retired
SA11AI Tarantino, Shira Stamford, CT 069061330 $250 2014-02-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Fletcher, Joyce Boston, MA 02108 $250 2014-01-09 retired retired
SA11AI Fitzpatrick, Ruby Newtown, CT 064702572 $250 2014-02-19 N/A Homemaker
SA11AI Fein, Esther New York, NY 100243105 $250 2014-01-28 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Feehan, Loretta J Denver, CO 802065523 $250 2014-01-09 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Egan, Jennifer Brooklyn, NY 11217 $250 2014-01-06 Self Employed Writer
SA11AI Tesone, Margaret Le Grand, CA 953339735 $250 2014-01-13 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Dwyer, Philip J. Fairfield, CT 06825 $250 2014-03-06 Central CT YMCA President/CEO
SA11AI Olwell, Carol Portland, OR 972103293 $250 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Olson, Catherine Minnetrista, MN 55364 $250 2014-03-30 Boston Scientific Program Director
SA11AI Dutcher, Jim Sun Valley, ID 833530066 $250 2014-03-05 Self Filmmaker
SA11AI Duren, Grace A. Ann Arbor, MI 481043623 $250 2014-01-17 n/a retired
SA11AI Duncanson, Alan S Indianapolis, IN 462562384 $250 2014-02-20 SAIC Engineer
SA11AI Duggan, Lindsay Weston, CT 068832202 $250 2014-02-16 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Dubose, Linda B Winston Salem, NC 271065755 $250 2014-02-21 Wake Forest School Of Medicine Professor
SA11AI Drexel, Nancy Burlingame, CA 940105522 $250 2014-03-12 Self Attorney
SA11AI Douglass, Catherine J. New York, NY 100280112 $250 2014-03-25 inMotion, Inc. Attorney
SA11AI Dodd, Elizabeth San Francisco, CA 94115 $250 2014-02-26 none homemaker
SA11AI Dodd, Elizabeth San Francisco, CA 94115 $250 2014-01-27 none homemaker
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $250 2014-03-25 self writer
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $250 2014-03-12 self writer
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $250 2014-02-12 self writer
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $250 2014-01-28 self writer
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $250 2014-01-12 self writer
SA11AI Dilg, Joe Houston, TX 77019 $250 2014-01-27 Vinson Elkins LLP Attorney
SA11AI Dewar, Bruce Leesburg, VA 20176 $250 2014-01-02 self employed handyman
SA11AI DeMeo, Elizabeth San Carlos, CA 94070 $250 2014-01-01 Benz Communications Head of Finance Operations
SA11AI Dean, Jill Tucson, AZ 85745 $250 2014-03-11 none retired
SA11AI Davis, Norma Millbrae, CA 94030 $250 2014-01-09 Retired Retired
SA11AI Dauphinais, Denise Washington, DC 20002 $250 2014-01-28 Self-Employed International Elections Expert
SA11AI Danner, Blythe Redondo Beach, CA 90278 $250 2014-02-05 Self-employed Actor
SA11AI Dackow, Edith Summit, NJ 07901 $250 2014-03-21 N/A retired
SA11AI Czuprynski, James S. Bartlett, IL 601034077 $250 2014-01-09 Zero Defect Computing Inc Consultant
SA11AI Ulrich, Janice Tucson, AZ 85718 $250 2014-03-13 retired retired
SA11AI Vallillo, Marissa Fairfield, CT 06824 $250 2014-02-20 Self marketing
SA11AI Cox, Rob Newtown, CT 06470 $250 2014-02-20 Thomson Reuters Columnist
SA11AI Ward, Alida Fairfield, CT 06824 $250 2014-02-15 Greenfield Hill Church Clergy
SA11AI Court, Brian Seattle, WA 981444316 $250 2014-01-29 The Miller Hull Partnership Architect
SA11AI Coleman, George E. Farmington, NM 874993337 $250 2014-01-28 Coleman Oil Gas, Inc. President
SA11AI Coghlan, Jacqui Fairfield, CT 06824 $250 2014-02-11 self homemaker
SA11AI Whaley, Mary Tucson, AZ 85750 $250 2014-01-26 Lovitt Touche, Inc. Insurance Consultant
SA11AI Chinski, Eric Brooklyn, NY 11218 $250 2014-01-06 Farrar, Straus and Giroux book editor
SA11AI Carpenter, Todd Englewood, CO 80113 $250 2014-01-31 University of Colorado physician
SA11AI Carlson, Carol J. Columbia, MD 210442670 $250 2014-01-17 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Canada, Andrew Efland, NC 272439624 $250 2014-01-08 GLOBALRX Pharmacist
SA11AI Campbell, Maria New York, NY 10128 $250 2014-01-02 Self Literary Scout
SA11AI Caldwell, Durham Springfield, MA 011192701 $250 2014-03-18 Self-employed Writer
SA11AI Wiley, William Ross, CA 94957 $250 2014-03-15 none none
SA11AI Wilson, Sarah San Francisco, CA 94110 $250 2014-01-28 not employed not employed
SA11AI Buckvar-Keltz, Lynn Scarsdale, NY 10583 $250 2014-02-28 NYU medical center physician
SA11AI Winski, Susan G. San Diego, CA 92122 $250 2014-03-17 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Brissenden, Walter Springfield, IL 627043346 $250 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Brinkley, Christie White Plains, NY 10601 $250 2014-02-04 Self employed Model/actress
SA11AI Winsor, Ellen Jamestown, RI 028351845 $250 2014-02-05 Volunteer Policy Advocate
SA11AI Winsor, Ellen Jamestown, RI 028351845 $250 2014-03-31 Volunteer Policy Advocate
SA11AI Bourdais, Jill Paris, None 75004 $250 2014-01-28 retired retired US Citizen
SA11AI Winters, Edward Tucson, AZ 857497189 $250 2014-03-31 Self Employed Investor
SA11AI Bittman, Ann Chevy Chase, MD 20815 $250 2014-01-09 HDMA EVP COO
SA11AI Bierbrier, Christine Cambridge, MA 021385518 $250 2014-01-09 Self Health care management
SA11AI Bialik, Jodi Newtown, CT 06470 $250 2014-02-20 Scott A. Bialik, DDS Secretary
SA11AI Berg, Susan J. Seattle, WA 981052135 $250 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Wiren, Alice Seattle, WA 981153826 $250 2014-02-18 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Beck, John Cohasset, MA 020251166 $250 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Beard-Galati, Meghan Newtown, CT 06740 $250 2014-02-18 Decorum Model Management Talent agent
SA11AI Baxter, Arthur Modesto, CA 95356 $250 2014-02-06 N/A Retired
SA11AI Bartlett, Bo Columbus, GA 31901 $250 2014-03-27 Self Artist
SA11AI Barnhart, Marilyn Marana, AZ 856584029 $250 2014-03-11 n/a Retired
SA11AI Ackert, Briggs Tucson, AZ 857459626 $250 2014-03-11 N/A Retired
SA11AI Bangs, Frank S. Jr. Tucson, AZ 857183055 $250 2014-01-09 Self Attorney
SA11AI Ball, Kyle Atlanta, GA 30355 $250 2014-01-08 retired public relations
SA11AI Bahnick, Karen Kay Green Valley, AZ 85622 $250 2014-03-12 none retired
SA11AI Work, Susan Victor, ID 834555420 $250 2014-01-29 n/a Retired
SA11AI Ashworth, C Taylor Glendale, AZ 853104270 $250 2014-03-03 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Pomerleau, Martha Spokane, WA 992033247 $250 2014-03-30 n/a Retired
SA11AI Plumley, Ben San Francisco, CA 94114 $250 2014-03-31 Pangaea Global AIDS Chief executive officer
SA11AI Petroulas, Theodore New York, NY 10003 $250 2014-02-03 Vector Associates LLC Analyst
SA11AI Paskie, Victoria Houston, TX 770771662 $250 2014-03-31 CBI Piping Engineering Specialist
SA11AI Pasarin, Guillermo Fort Lauderdale, FL 333012632 $250 2014-01-24 Broward Neurosurgeons, LLC Surgeon
SA11AI Cook, James E Incline Village, NV 89450 $234 2014-03-31 Percipo Industries Llc Consultant
SA11AI Arnason, Sytske Millerton, NY 125464445 $225 2014-03-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Finch, James Basalt, CO 81621 $225 2014-03-25 self retired
SA11AI MacKay, Sandra Portola Valley, CA 94028 $225 2014-02-18 San Francisco State Univ Professor
SA11AI Adams, Louise Denny Germantown, MD 208741992 $225 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Pottle, Marcia S Oxford, ME 042704207 $220 2014-02-20 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Rink, Nancy T. Bakersfield, CA 933124699 $220 2014-03-27 Self-Employed Information Requested
SA11AI Signer, Marilyn B Lakeland, FL 338133266 $218 2014-03-31 N/A Retired
SA11AI Hughes, Peter A Yarmouthhport, MA 02675 $214 2014-03-13 N/A Retired
SA11AI Guthrie, Carol Palo Alto, CA 943062336 $214 2014-03-31 Chevron Usa Inc Consultant
SA11AI Dwyer, Joanne Saranac Lake, NY 129833219 $214 2014-03-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Carney, Ellen M. Newburyport, MA 019503864 $214 2014-03-10 Self Analyst
SA11AI Alphonse, Philip Chicago, IL 606572032 $214 2014-03-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Clark, David A Las Vegas, NV 891022111 $214 2014-02-24 State Bar Of Nv Attorney
SA11AI Craig, Nick Harvard, MA 014511209 $214 2014-03-24 Ntthentic Leadership Institute President
SA11AI Heit, Daniel S. Pittsburgh, PA 152322852 $214 2014-03-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Foose, Albert G North Olmsted, OH 44070 $214 2014-02-21 N/A Retired
SA11AI Nathanson, C A Gardiner, NY 125255102 $214 2014-03-07 Columbia University Professor
SA11AI Corbet, Marion C. Pleasant Valley, NY 125690725 $214 2014-03-19 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Dykeman, Margaret Scottsdale, AZ 852506471 $214 2014-03-27 Self-Employed Information Requested
SA11AI Dial, Janet L Willis, TX 773783446 $214 2014-02-24 Self Yoga Instructer
SA11AI Stewart, Frances L. Denton, TX 762010739 $214 2014-02-21 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Lillis, Christopher Fredericksburg, VA 22401 $214 2014-03-31 Chancler Internal Medicine Physician
SA11AI Stein, Jimena Coral Gables, FL 331461442 $214 2014-03-31 Self-Employed Information Requested
SA11AI Rivinus, Timothy M. Cranston, RI 029055151 $214 2014-03-27 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Conn, Michael E Davis, CA 95618 $210 2014-01-30 n/a retired
SA11AI Crooks, Jane Durham, NH 03824 $200 2014-03-18 Retired Retired
SA11AI Soden, John Seattle, WA 98112 $200 2014-03-11 None retired
SA11AI Fredrick, Joseph Palo Alto, CA 943033950 $200 2014-01-24 ENEURATHE ENGINEER
SA11AI Guile, Alison G. Plattsburgh, NY 129034008 $200 2014-03-25 n/a Retired
SA11AI Guile, Alison G. Plattsburgh, NY 129034008 $200 2014-03-05 n/a Retired
SA11AI Ryburn, Carolyn C. Glade Spring, VA 243402513 $200 2014-03-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Tarlov, Suzanne Boston, MA 02116 $200 2014-02-26 n/a Retired
SA11AI Rausch, Sandra L Oro Valley, AZ 857377209 $200 2014-01-28 n/a retired
SA11AI Zukin, Jean Atherton, CA 94027 $200 2014-03-12 n/a retired
SA11AI McClish, Wayne El Dorado, AR 71730 $200 2014-01-23 Quanico Oil Gas CFO
SA11AI Roy, Cynthia Redding, CT 068963310 $200 2014-03-06 Regional Hospice and Home Care of West President CEO
SA11AI Bardakci, Ruth Berkeley, CA 94708 $200 2014-01-17 self homemaker
SA11AI Edwards, Jimmy C. Cincinnati, OH 452243167 $200 2014-01-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Ommen, Gordon White Bear Lake, MN 55110 $200 2014-03-12 Capitaline finance
SA11AI Pipa, Mary Elysburg, PA 178249472 $200 2014-03-11 n/a retired
SA11AI Oertel, Richard W Portland, OR 972394716 $200 2014-03-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Tesone, Margaret Le Grand, CA 953339735 $200 2014-03-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Roederer, Beatriz Fairbanks, AK 997095141 $200 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $200 2014-03-04 self writer
SA11AI Mellberg, Gretchen Cedar Rapids, IA 524024304 $200 2014-02-04 n/a Retired
SA11AI Mellberg, Gretchen Cedar Rapids, IA 524024304 $200 2014-03-07 n/a Retired
SA11AI Pietrangelo, Mary St. Clair, MI 48079 $200 2014-01-28 Spitz Pathology Group Physician
SA11AI Thomason, Camilla Austin, TX 787304908 $200 2014-01-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Djanikian, Gregory Narberth, PA 190722407 $200 2014-03-28 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Shepard, Robert P Chattanooga, TN 374113215 $200 2014-01-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Kozma, Robert B San Francisco, CA 94123 $200 2014-02-20 Retired Retired
SA11AI Miller, Bruce L. Tucson, AZ 857506425 $200 2014-01-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Brissenden, Walter Springfield, IL 627043346 $200 2014-02-04 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Miller, Ruth Lee Whittier, CA 906051469 $200 2014-02-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Kuwahara, Denis J. Port Orchard, WA 983660839 $200 2014-03-12 n/a retired
SA11AI Skoog, Susan Evanston, IL 60201 $200 2014-01-24 Self Food stylist
SA11AI Shepard, Robert P Chattanooga, TN 374113215 $200 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Shorba, John P. Torrance, CA 905036436 $200 2014-01-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Thomason, Camilla Austin, TX 787304908 $200 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Drexel, Nancy Burlingame, CA 940105522 $200 2014-01-17 Self Attorney
SA11AI Pullen, Mark Waxhaw, NC 28173 $200 2014-03-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Balint, John Delmar, NY 120543712 $200 2014-01-24 Albany Med Ctr Physician/Professor
SA11AI Palmer, Nancy Roslindale, MA 021314517 $200 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Bliss, Arthur Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 $200 2014-03-18 Retired Engineer/Social Worker
SA11AI Weintraub, Max New York, NY 100036706 $200 2014-01-23 n/a retired
SA11AI Zechman, Philip M. Jersey Shore, PA 17740 $200 2014-03-12 n/a retired
SA11AI Balint, John Delmar, NY 120543712 $200 2014-03-10 Albany Med Ctr Physician/Professor
SA11AI Letson, Jan Los Altos, CA 94024 $200 2014-03-13 N/a Retired
SA11AI Whitaker, Rosemary Fort Collins, CO 80521 $200 2014-02-07 retired retired
SA11AI Lewis, Jean Sarasota, FL 34243 $200 2014-01-17 None Homemaker
SA11AI Swann, Daniel McDonough, GA 30253 $200 2014-03-07 AirTran Airways Pilot
SA11AI Badger, William South Royalton, VT 050689524 $200 2014-03-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Palmer, Nancy Roslindale, MA 021314517 $200 2014-01-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Keating, David New Britain, CT 060521537 $200 2014-03-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Freeman, S. Gay South Chatham, MA 026591303 $200 2014-02-28 n/a retired
SA11AI Hull, Bruce APO, AE 09139 $190 2014-03-10 University of Maryland University Coll Professor US Citizen
SA11AI Falter, Anne C Freeburg, MO 650352414 $164 2014-03-25 N/A Retired
SA11AI Olsen, Susan Lincolnshire, IL 600693430 $150 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Friedberg, Richard New York, NY 100276855 $150 2014-03-07 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Davids, Susannah Cincinnati, OH 452081274 $150 2014-01-23 n/a Retired
SA11AI Michelson, Gertrude New York, NY 100035109 $150 2014-01-24 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Reed, Doris E Endwell, NY 137603323 $150 2014-02-07 n/a retired
SA11AI Oertel, Richard W Portland, OR 972394716 $150 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Reed, Doris E Endwell, NY 137603323 $150 2014-02-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Adams, Richard Ambler, PA 190022611 $150 2014-03-07 n/a retired
SA11AI Oertel, Richard W Portland, OR 972394716 $150 2014-02-21 n/a Retired
SA11AI Adams, Louise Denny Germantown, MD 208741992 $150 2014-02-04 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Polacek, John Eagle Point, OR 975249571 $150 2014-02-12 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Murray, Linda Seattle, WA 98115 $150 2014-03-11 retired retired
SA11AI Murray, Linda Seattle, WA 98115 $150 2014-02-06 retired retired
SA11AI Arnason, Sytske Millerton, NY 125464445 $150 2014-01-27 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Miller, Lisa E Houston, TX 770246824 $150 2014-03-17 Houston Community College System Teacher
SA11AI Munzing, Paula C. Orange, CA 928693615 $150 2014-01-15 n/a Retired
SA11AI Cannon, Loring Prescott, AZ 86301 $150 2014-01-22 n/a Retired
SA11AI Larsen, Christine Wellesley, MA 02482 $150 2014-03-11 self garden designer
SA11AI Kalkman, Carol Montrose, CO 81401 $150 2014-03-31 N/A Retired
SA11AI Hughes, Roy Derby, KS 67037 $150 2014-01-28 retired retired
SA11AI Zechman, Philip M. Jersey Shore, PA 17740 $150 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Hull, Bruce APO, AE 09139 $150 2014-01-15 University of Maryland University Coll Professor
SA11AI Colabella, Chris Ridgewood, NJ 07450 $150 2014-01-29 Construction Information Systems President
SA11AI Kim, Jana Rockford, MI 49341 $150 2014-03-10 Grand Rapids Public Schools teacher
SA11AI Adams, Richard Ambler, PA 190022611 $150 2014-02-18 n/a retired
SA11AI Olsen, Susan Lincolnshire, IL 600693430 $150 2014-01-22 n/a Retired
SA11AI Olsen, Susan Lincolnshire, IL 600693430 $150 2014-03-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Lindsay, William Camarillo, CA 930102783 $150 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Lindsay, William Camarillo, CA 930102783 $150 2014-01-30 n/a Retired
SA11AI Palesch, Thomas Maple Plain, MN 55359 $105 2014-01-09 RETIRED retired
SA11AI Kuwahara, Denis J. Port Orchard, WA 983660839 $100 2014-03-13 n/a retired
SA11AI Weintraub, Max New York, NY 100036706 $100 2014-03-07 n/a retired
SA11AI Badger, William South Royalton, VT 050689524 $100 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Johnson, Gregory Port Hadlock, WA 983390861 $100 2014-01-28 n/a retired
SA11AI Clements, Marilyn T Stamford, CT 06902 $100 2014-03-08 self Artist
SA11AI Clements, Marilyn T Stamford, CT 06902 $100 2014-02-08 self Artist
SA11AI Clements, Marilyn T Stamford, CT 06902 $100 2014-01-08 self Artist
SA11AI Clements, Marilyn T Stamford, CT 06902 $100 2014-01-08 self Artist
SA11AI Hughes, Roy Derby, KS 67037 $100 2014-03-11 retired retired
SA11AI Adams, Barbara Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 $100 2014-02-01 self yoga studio owner and teacher
SA11AI Shorba, John P. Torrance, CA 905036436 $100 2014-03-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Shorba, John P. Torrance, CA 905036436 $100 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Wheeler, Rosemary Fort Collins, CO 80525 $100 2014-01-18 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Hoffman, Ruth McLean, VA 22102 $100 2014-01-09 Biotech Biotech
SA11AI Wheeler, Rosemary Fort Collins, CO 80525 $100 2014-02-18 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Sinatra, Nancy Los Angeles, CA 90035 $100 2014-01-05 Self-Employed Entertainer
SA11AI Sinatra, Nancy Los Angeles, CA 90035 $100 2014-01-08 Self-Employed Entertainer
SA11AI Wheeler, Rosemary Fort Collins, CO 80525 $100 2014-03-18 n/a homemaker
SA11AI Austin, Lisa Bal Harbour, FL 33154 $100 2014-03-31 self employed art dealer
SA11AI Skibbie, David Takoma Park, MD 209127733 $100 2014-01-28 Emcare, inc Physician
SA11AI Cannon, Loring Prescott, AZ 86301 $100 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Heenan, Paul Oakville L6M 1H2 L6M1H2, ON None $100 2014-03-28 n/a Retired US citizen
SA11AI Heenan, Paul Oakville L6M 1H2 L6M1H2, ON None $100 2014-03-21 n/a Retired US citizen
SA11AI Heenan, Paul Oakville L6M 1H2 L6M1H2, ON None $100 2014-02-26 n/a Retired US citizen
SA11AI Cannon, Loring Prescott, AZ 86301 $100 2014-02-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Austin, Lisa Bal Harbour, FL 33154 $100 2014-01-09 self employed art dealer
SA11AI Skoog, Susan Evanston, IL 60201 $100 2014-02-03 Self Food stylist
SA11AI Soden, John Seattle, WA 98112 $100 2014-01-08 None retired
SA11AI Hall, R. Avery Burlington, VT 054014583 $100 2014-02-20 n/a retired
SA11AI Guttman, Jean L. Waban, MA 024681728 $100 2014-01-29 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Wiley, William Ross, CA 94957 $100 2014-02-06 none none
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $100 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Greer, James New Haven, CT 065101823 $100 2014-01-29 n/a Retired
SA11AI Greer, James New Haven, CT 065101823 $100 2014-01-27 n/a Retired
SA11AI Spiegel, Dan San Antonio, TX 78249 $100 2014-01-21 Trinity University Professor
SA11AI Spiegel, Dan San Antonio, TX 78249 $100 2014-02-21 Trinity University Professor
SA11AI Spiegel, Dan San Antonio, TX 78249 $100 2014-03-21 Trinity University Professor
SA11AI Adams, Barbara Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 $100 2014-01-01 self yoga studio owner and teacher
SA11AI Prose, Claudia Chapel Hill, NC 27514 $100 2014-01-21 Cone Health Systems pediatrician
SA11AI Prose, Claudia Chapel Hill, NC 27514 $100 2014-02-21 Cone Health Systems pediatrician
SA11AI Gleicher, Michael Tucson, AZ 85743 $100 2014-03-27 Self Computer consultant
SA11AI Gleicher, Michael Tucson, AZ 85743 $100 2014-02-19 Self Computer consultant
SA11AI Ommen, Gordon White Bear Lake, MN 55110 $100 2014-03-31 Capitaline finance
SA11AI Swann, Daniel McDonough, GA 30253 $100 2014-01-27 AirTran Airways Pilot
SA11AI Bliss, Arthur Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 $100 2014-01-08 Retired Engineer/Social Worker
SA11AI Bishop, Robert G Tucson, AZ 85742 $100 2014-02-19 API, Inc. President/pilot
SA11AI Bishop, Robert G Tucson, AZ 85742 $100 2014-01-28 API, Inc. President/pilot
SA11AI Prose, Claudia Chapel Hill, NC 27514 $100 2014-03-21 Cone Health Systems pediatrician
SA11AI Fuhrman, Bradley Paso, TX 799128177 $100 2014-03-24 Texas Tech Univ Physician
SA11AI Alexander, Linda Johns Creek, GA 30022 $100 2014-03-10 self photography
SA11AI Zuelow, Lewis Novato, CA 94947 $100 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Zukin, Jean Atherton, CA 94027 $100 2014-01-09 n/a retired
SA11AI Polacek, John Eagle Point, OR 975249571 $100 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Bennett, Mac Nashville, TN 372153208 $100 2014-03-11 Self-Employed Self-Employed
SA11AI Fredrick, Joseph Palo Alto, CA 943033950 $100 2014-03-11 ENEURATHE ENGINEER
SA11AI Bennett, Mac Nashville, TN 372153208 $100 2014-02-11 Self-Employed Self-Employed
SA11AI Bennett, Mac Nashville, TN 372153208 $100 2014-01-11 Self-Employed Self-Employed
SA11AI Beebe, Philip Alameda, CA 94501 $100 2014-03-27 retired retired
SA11AI Beebe, Philip Alameda, CA 94501 $100 2014-03-04 retired retired
SA11AI Feder, Phyllis New York, NY 10023 $100 2014-03-05 n/a Retired
SA11AI Taylor, Debra Fresno, CA 93720 $100 2014-03-04 Federal Defender, Eastern District of Paralegal
SA11AI Beebe, Philip Alameda, CA 94501 $100 2014-01-27 retired retired
SA11AI Taylor, Debra Fresno, CA 93720 $100 2014-03-31 Federal Defender, Eastern District of Paralegal
SA11AI Polacek, John Eagle Point, OR 975249571 $100 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Oakley, Mary Ann Atlanta, GA 303454152 $100 2014-01-08 n/a Retired
SA11AI Raynak, joe scottsdale, AZ 85255 $100 2014-03-10 banner medical group physician
SA11AI Bass, Suzanne Frisco, TX 75034 $100 2014-03-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bass, Suzanne Frisco, TX 75034 $100 2014-02-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Munzing, Paula C. Orange, CA 928693615 $100 2014-03-13 n/a Retired
SA11AI Bass, Suzanne Frisco, TX 75034 $100 2014-01-25 Retired Retired
SA11AI Moyer, Kathleen Springfield, VA 22152 $100 2014-03-17 Corsec Security Project Management Engineer
SA11AI Moyer, Kathleen Springfield, VA 22152 $100 2014-03-08 Corsec Security Project Management Engineer
SA11AI Moyer, Kathleen Springfield, VA 22152 $100 2014-02-17 Corsec Security Project Management Engineer
SA11AI Moyer, Kathleen Springfield, VA 22152 $100 2014-02-08 Corsec Security Project Management Engineer
SA11AI Moyer, Kathleen Springfield, VA 22152 $100 2014-01-17 Corsec Security Project Management Engineer
SA11AI Moore, Laurence J. Blacksburg, VA 24060 $100 2014-03-26 retired retired
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $100 2014-02-15 n/a retired
SA11AI Bartlett, Joyce Cupertino, CA 95014 $100 2014-03-18 none retired
SA11AI Miller, Robert Cedar, MI 496219557 $100 2014-03-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Miller, Lisa E Houston, TX 770246824 $100 2014-01-22 Houston Community College System Teacher
SA11AI Djanikian, Gregory Narberth, PA 190722407 $100 2014-01-28 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Merriam, Caroline Ramsay Washington, DC 20007 $100 2014-03-17 Ramsay Merriam Fund Foundation President
SA11AI Merriam, Caroline Ramsay Washington, DC 20007 $100 2014-02-10 Ramsay Merriam Fund Foundation President
SA11AI Merriam, Caroline Ramsay Washington, DC 20007 $100 2014-01-17 Ramsay Merriam Fund Foundation President
SA11AI Pullen, Mark Waxhaw, NC 28173 $100 2014-02-27 Retired Retired
SA11AI Roederer, Beatriz Fairbanks, AK 997095141 $100 2014-01-22 n/a Retired
SA11AI DiPego, Gerald Beverly Hills, CA 90212 $100 2014-02-26 self writer
SA11AI Pipa, Mary Elysburg, PA 178249472 $100 2014-01-27 n/a retired
SA11AI Roy, Cynthia Redding, CT 068963310 $100 2014-02-07 Regional Hospice and Home Care of West President CEO
SA11AI McClish, Wayne El Dorado, AR 71730 $100 2014-03-25 Quanico Oil Gas CFO
SA11AI McClish, Wayne El Dorado, AR 71730 $100 2014-02-26 Quanico Oil Gas CFO
SA11AI Dekernion, Jean Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 $100 2014-01-30 UCLA Physician
SA11AI Barbush, Patrick J. Fullerton, CA 928352282 $100 2014-03-11 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Davis, Shirley Ross San Francisco, CA 94123 $100 2014-03-26 none retired
SA11AI Davis, Shirley Ross San Francisco, CA 94123 $100 2014-01-08 none retired
SA11AI Davids, Susannah Cincinnati, OH 452081274 $100 2014-01-27 n/a Retired
SA11AI Barbush, Patrick J. Fullerton, CA 928352282 $100 2014-01-29 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Mann, Robert San Francisco, CA 94127 $100 2014-03-17 Metabiota Manager
SA11AI Mann, Robert San Francisco, CA 94127 $100 2014-02-17 Metabiota Manager
SA11AI Mann, Robert San Francisco, CA 94127 $100 2014-01-17 Metabiota Manager
SA11AI Toruno, Marcia Oroville, CA 95966 $100 2014-01-23 None Retired
SA11AI Toruno, Marcia Oroville, CA 95966 $100 2014-02-11 None Retired
SA11AI Sand, Ron Redding, CA 96001 $100 2014-01-27 Shasta Community Health Center Physician
SA11AI Sanders, W. Ferrell Palo Alto, CA 94301 $100 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Toruno, Marcia Oroville, CA 95966 $100 2014-03-11 None Retired
SA11AI Schonwetter, Seymour Scottsdale, AZ 852511673 $100 2014-02-19 n/a retired
SA11AI Lewis, Jean Sarasota, FL 34243 $100 2014-03-27 None Homemaker
SA11AI Palesch, Thomas Maple Plain, MN 55359 $100 2014-03-31 RETIRED retired
SA11AI Letson, Jan Los Altos, CA 94024 $100 2014-01-08 N/a Retired
SA11AI Crooks, Jane Durham, NH 03824 $100 2014-01-28 Retired Retired
SA11AI Crooks, Jane Durham, NH 03824 $100 2014-01-22 Retired Retired
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $100 2014-01-24 Retired Retired
SA11AI Bahnick, Karen Kay Green Valley, AZ 85622 $100 2014-03-28 none retired
SA11AI Larson, Lynne C. Phoenix, AZ 850327650 $100 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Larsen, Christine Wellesley, MA 02482 $100 2014-01-09 self garden designer
SA11AI Larsen, Christine Wellesley, MA 02482 $100 2014-01-08 self garden designer
SA11AI Warren, Susan Casselberry, FL 32707 $100 2014-01-16 None Retired
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $100 2014-03-10 Retired Retired
SA11AI Warren, Susan Casselberry, FL 32707 $100 2014-02-16 None Retired
SA11AI Kumin, Philip Baltimore, MD 21202 $100 2014-03-30 None Unemployed
SA11AI Kumin, Philip Baltimore, MD 21202 $100 2014-03-27 None Unemployed
SA11AI Kumin, Philip Baltimore, MD 21202 $100 2014-03-06 None Unemployed
SA11AI Kumin, Philip Baltimore, MD 21202 $100 2014-01-23 None Unemployed
SA11AI Kriger, Sharolyn Redwood City, CA 940651267 $100 2014-03-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Kriger, Sharolyn Redwood City, CA 940651267 $100 2014-02-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Kozma, Robert B San Francisco, CA 94123 $100 2014-03-31 Retired Retired
SA11AI Knowles, Lesley Chesterfield, MO 630173503 $100 2014-03-13 n/a retired
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $100 2014-03-27 Retired Retired
SA11AI Warren, Susan Casselberry, FL 32707 $100 2014-03-16 None Retired
SA11AI Kireker, Marie WEybridge, VT 05753 $100 2014-01-09 retired retired
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $100 2014-03-27 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $100 2014-03-03 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $100 2014-01-08 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Waugh, Wendy R Hillsborough, NC 27278 $100 2014-01-29 n/a Retired
SA11AI Kim, Jana Rockford, MI 49341 $100 2014-02-04 Grand Rapids Public Schools teacher
SA11AI Adams, Barbara Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 $100 2014-03-01 self yoga studio owner and teacher
SA11AI Waugh, Wendy R Hillsborough, NC 27278 $100 2014-02-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Keating, David New Britain, CT 060521537 $100 2014-01-28 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Colabella, Chris Ridgewood, NJ 07450 $100 2014-03-12 Construction Information Systems President
SA11AI Guttman, Jean L. Waban, MA 024681728 $75 2014-03-10 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Oertel, Richard W Portland, OR 972394716 $75 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $75 2014-03-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Larson, Lynne C. Phoenix, AZ 850327650 $75 2014-02-25 n/a Retired
SA11AI Moore, Laurence J. Blacksburg, VA 24060 $65 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Moore, Laurence J. Blacksburg, VA 24060 $65 2014-02-21 retired retired
SA11AI Raynak, joe scottsdale, AZ 85255 $50 2014-02-05 banner medical group physician
SA11AI Bartlett, Joyce Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-01-21 none retired
SA11AI Larson, Lynne C. Phoenix, AZ 850327650 $50 2014-03-14 n/a Retired
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $50 2014-02-19 n/a Retired
SA11AI Oakley, Mary Ann Atlanta, GA 303454152 $50 2014-02-06 n/a Retired
SA11AI Hallowell, Elinor Lamont Tucson, AZ 857164939 $50 2014-03-12 none retired
SA11AI Dekernion, Jean Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 $50 2014-02-22 UCLA Physician
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $50 2014-03-19 n/a Retired
SA11AI Harris, John M. Jr. Tucson, AZ 85715 $50 2014-03-27 University of Arizona Faculty
SA11AI Kriger, Sharolyn Redwood City, CA 940651267 $50 2014-02-04 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Dekernion, Jean Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 $50 2014-03-22 UCLA Physician
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $50 2014-03-12 Retired Retired
SA11AI Ryburn, Carolyn C. Glade Spring, VA 243402513 $50 2014-01-24 n/a retired
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $50 2014-01-08 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Guttman, Jean L. Waban, MA 024681728 $50 2014-03-31 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Taylor, Debra Fresno, CA 93720 $50 2014-03-27 Federal Defender, Eastern District of Paralegal
SA11AI Finkel, Fern F Wilmette, IL 60091 $50 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Davis, Shirley Ross San Francisco, CA 94123 $50 2014-02-26 none retired
SA11AI Whitesel, Linda K. Mifflintown, PA 170598696 $50 2014-03-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Whitesel, Linda K. Mifflintown, PA 170598696 $50 2014-03-11 n/a retired
SA11AI Whitesel, Linda K. Mifflintown, PA 170598696 $50 2014-02-10 n/a retired
SA11AI Ball, Kyle Atlanta, GA 30355 $50 2014-03-28 retired public relations
SA11AI Crooks, Jane Durham, NH 03824 $50 2014-03-20 Retired Retired
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $50 2014-03-13 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Dial, Janet L Willis, TX 773783446 $50 2014-03-25 Self Yoga Instructer
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-01-08 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $50 2014-01-19 n/a Retired
SA11AI Dekernion, Jean Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 $50 2014-01-22 UCLA Physician
SA11AI Austin, Lisa Bal Harbour, FL 33154 $50 2014-03-12 self employed art dealer
SA11AI Garland, Carole Lamy, NM 87540 $50 2014-01-11 retired retired
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $50 2014-03-31 Retired Retired
SA11AI Garland, Carole Lamy, NM 87540 $50 2014-03-31 retired retired
SA11AI Whitaker, Rosemary Fort Collins, CO 80521 $50 2014-03-27 retired retired
SA11AI Greer, James New Haven, CT 065101823 $50 2014-02-20 n/a Retired
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-01-27 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Greer, James New Haven, CT 065101823 $50 2014-02-26 n/a Retired
SA11AI Crooks, Jane Durham, NH 03824 $50 2014-01-14 Retired Retired
SA11AI Gleicher, Michael Tucson, AZ 85743 $50 2014-02-26 Self Computer consultant
SA11AI Munzing, Paula C. Orange, CA 928693615 $50 2014-03-31 n/a Retired
SA11AI Falter, Anne C Freeburg, MO 650352414 $50 2014-03-20 N/A Retired
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $50 2014-01-13 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $50 2014-01-27 Retired Retired
SA11AI Larson, Lynne C. Phoenix, AZ 850327650 $50 2014-01-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Bartlett, Joyce Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-02-21 none retired
SA11AI Munzing, Paula C. Orange, CA 928693615 $50 2014-02-19 n/a Retired
SA11AI Miller, Bruce L. Tucson, AZ 857506425 $50 2014-03-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Bishop, Robert G Tucson, AZ 85742 $50 2014-03-31 API, Inc. President/pilot
SA11AI Moore, Laurence J. Blacksburg, VA 24060 $50 2014-01-24 retired retired
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-02-26 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Bartlett, Joyce Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-03-21 none retired
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-03-12 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $50 2014-03-27 n/a retired
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-03-25 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $50 2014-03-27 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Stone, Bernard Lambertville, NJ 08530 $50 2014-02-04 self artist
SA11AI Pottle, Marcia S Oxford, ME 042704207 $50 2014-02-21 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Miller, Ruth Lee Whittier, CA 906051469 $50 2014-02-20 N/A Retired
SA11AI Gleicher, Michael Tucson, AZ 85743 $50 2014-01-27 Self Computer consultant
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $50 2014-02-13 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Barbush, Patrick J. Fullerton, CA 928352282 $43 2014-02-21 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Whitesel, Linda K. Mifflintown, PA 170598696 $40 2014-01-17 n/a retired
SA11AI Whitesel, Linda K. Mifflintown, PA 170598696 $40 2014-03-21 n/a retired
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $25 2014-02-05 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Tarlov, Suzanne Boston, MA 02116 $25 2014-01-28 n/a Retired
SA11AI Pietrangelo, Mary St. Clair, MI 48079 $25 2014-03-09 Spitz Pathology Group Physician
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $25 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $25 2014-03-12 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Raynak, joe scottsdale, AZ 85255 $25 2014-01-01 banner medical group physician
SA11AI Pietrangelo, Mary St. Clair, MI 48079 $25 2014-02-09 Spitz Pathology Group Physician
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $25 2014-03-04 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Kaiser, Joyce Miami, FL 331334110 $25 2014-01-29 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Pullen, Mark Waxhaw, NC 28173 $25 2014-03-27 Retired Retired
SA11AI Raynak, joe scottsdale, AZ 85255 $25 2014-03-29 banner medical group physician
SA11AI Waugh, Wendy R Hillsborough, NC 27278 $25 2014-03-20 n/a Retired
SA11AI Oakley, Mary Ann Atlanta, GA 303454152 $25 2014-01-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Oakley, Mary Ann Atlanta, GA 303454152 $25 2014-02-14 n/a Retired
SA11AI Oakley, Mary Ann Atlanta, GA 303454152 $25 2014-03-12 n/a Retired
SA11AI Tarlov, Suzanne Boston, MA 02116 $25 2014-03-28 n/a Retired
SA11AI Tarlov, Suzanne Boston, MA 02116 $25 2014-02-28 n/a Retired
SA11AI Raynak, joe scottsdale, AZ 85255 $25 2014-02-27 banner medical group physician
SA11AI Armentrout, Scott Jasper, GA 30143 $20 2014-03-10 n/a Retired
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $20 2014-02-26 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $20 2014-01-28 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $20 2014-03-06 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Shapiro, Marilyn Walnut Creek, CA 94595 $20 2014-02-19 Retired Retired
SA11AI Wong, Brian D Seattle, WA 98115 $20 2014-03-25 The Bedside Trust Consultant and Coach
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $20 2014-01-28 n/a retired
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $15 2014-03-03 n/a retired
SA11AI Thompson, Robert S. Enumclaw, WA 980228043 $15 2014-02-03 n/a retired
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $15 2014-03-03 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI Maresca, Michael Lagrangeville, NY 12540 $15 2014-02-04 Self Physician
SA11AI Maresca, Michael Lagrangeville, NY 12540 $15 2014-03-04 Self Physician
SA11AI McKnight, Jay Cupertino, CA 95014 $15 2014-02-03 retired electrical engineer
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $10 2014-03-28 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Reynolds, Cheryl Boise, ID 83706 $10 2014-02-03 Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Cente Medical Transcriptionist
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $10 2014-01-28 Merck Project Manager
SA11AI Bardakci, Ruth Berkeley, CA 94708 $10 2014-03-27 self homemaker
SA11AI Reynolds, Cheryl Boise, ID 83706 $10 2014-03-04 Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Cente Medical Transcriptionist
SA11AI Lee, Mindy Port Washington, NY 11050 $10 2014-03-20 Goldman Sachs Software Developer
SA11AI Swann, Daniel McDonough, GA 30253 $10 2014-03-31 AirTran Airways Pilot
SA11AI Freed, Martin Evanston, IL 60201 $10 2014-03-03 Self Lawyer
SA11AI Beard-Galati, Meghan Newtown, CT 06740 $10 2014-03-12 Decorum Model Management Talent agent
SA11AI Bardakci, Ruth Berkeley, CA 94708 $10 2014-03-04 self homemaker
SA11AI Freed, Martin Evanston, IL 60201 $10 2014-02-03 Self Lawyer
SA11AI Litschel, David Santa Barbara, CA 93110 $10 2014-02-03 David Litschel Photography Photographer
SA11AI Litschel, David Santa Barbara, CA 93110 $10 2014-03-04 David Litschel Photography Photographer
SA11AI Hallowell, Elinor Lamont Tucson, AZ 857164939 $10 2014-02-04 none retired
SA11AI King, Chi-Kai Parsippany, NJ 07054 $10 2014-02-28 Merck Project Manager