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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC filing #916600

Last update: July 27, 2014 | 10:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Oct. 1, 2013 through Oct. 31, 2013
Total receipts: $34,054
Total spending: $28,199
Ending cash: $224,214
Originally filed April 11, 2014, 3:54 p.m.

This filing is an amendment! See an earlier version here Filing #895963.
Type: F3XA: Monthly/quarterly report (AMENDED).
This filing also includes 14 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Clark, William H. III Dallas, TX 752052827 $5,000 2013-10-08 Retired Attorney
SA11AI Weldon, Peter J. Winter Park, FL 327891527 $2,600 2013-10-17 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Clark, William H. III Dallas, TX 752052827 $2,600 2013-10-08 Retired Attorney
SA11AI Clark, William H. III Dallas, TX 752052827 $2,600 2013-10-08 Retired Attorney
SA11AI Rich, Andrea Philadelphia, PA 191062264 $2,600 2013-10-02 Center for Independent Thought President
SA11AI Hayden, Marilyn Scottsdale, AZ 852553762 $2,600 2013-10-24 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Schierl, Paul Green Bay, WI 543014257 $1,000 2013-10-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Spence, Corinne Sacramento, CA 958644957 $1,000 2013-10-24 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Court, Anita Ligonier, PA 156582419 $1,000 2013-10-21 N/A retired
SA11AI Russell, David Enid, OK 737036622 $1,000 2013-10-23 n.a. physician
SA11AI Court, Anita Ligonier, PA 156582419 $1,000 2013-10-21 N/A retired
SA11AI Crowley, Philip P. Far Hills, NJ 079312217 $1,000 2013-10-17 Johnson Johnson lawyer
SA11AI Mayhall, Robert Scottsdale, AZ 852592514 $1,000 2013-10-24 WDP Partners LLC Real Estate
SA11AI Nolan, William J. Fort Worth, TX 761851835 $1,000 2013-10-02 Nolan Capital LLC Real Estate
SA11AI Nolan, William J. Fort Worth, TX 761851835 $1,000 2013-10-02 Nolan Capital LLC Real Estate
SA11AI Luning Prak, Jacob Arnold, MD 210121634 $500 2013-10-10 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Muehlberger, Scott M. Houston, TX 77007 $500 2013-10-17 Bracewell Giuliani Lawyer
SA11AI Rose, Leslie Palm Beach, FL 334804214 $500 2013-10-24 None Retired
SA11AI Luning Prak, Jacob Arnold, MD 210121634 $500 2013-10-10 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Luning Prak, Jacob Arnold, MD 210121634 $500 2013-10-10 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Siebert, Fred H. Jr. Palatine, IL 600747229 $500 2013-10-11 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Armstrong, Art M. Atlanta, GA 303502849 $500 2013-10-22 U S Iron Racing LLC President
SA11AI Nearon, David A. Alamo, CA 945072314 $500 2013-10-17 n.a. semi retired
SA11AI Siebert, Fred H. Jr. Palatine, IL 600747229 $500 2013-10-28 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Edgington, John Fritch, TX 790368510 $500 2013-10-11 Chevron Phillips Chemical Co Worker
SA11AI May, Jonathan E. Oklahoma City, OK 731161629 $500 2013-10-22 Self Sales
SA11AI Reeves, Philip Calabasas, CA 913021828 $500 2013-10-16 self employed Writer/Actor
SA11AI Leach, Paul C. Glen Ellen, CA 954421510 $500 2013-10-17 Paul Leach Company private investment banking
SA11AI Leach, Paul C. Glen Ellen, CA 954421510 $500 2013-10-17 Paul Leach Company private investment banking
SA11AI Luning Prak, Jacob Arnold, MD 210121634 $500 2013-10-10 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Alton, Duane Liberty Lake, WA 990198531 $325 2013-10-18 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Cannon, Sue M. Denver, CO 802273909 $300 2013-10-04 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Biggs, Sheridan Quaker Street, NY 121410160 $300 2013-10-11 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Wyly, Andrew Dallas, TX 752017852 $300 2013-10-16 Andrew Wyly Film CO Film Maker
SA11AI McAdams, Donald Bellaire, TX 774015007 $300 2013-10-21 none retired
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2013-10-21 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Jernigan, W. C. Shoal Creek, AL 352425934 $250 2013-10-29 n/a Retired
SA11AI Cohn, Charles S. Granite Bay, CA 957466482 $250 2013-10-18 Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Advisor
SA11AI Wedgeworth, James Hilton Head Island, SC 299386125 $250 2013-10-21 Charter 1 Reality Marketing President
SA11AI Hopkins, Scott Fort Worth, TX 761071738 $250 2013-10-08 partner in pinnacle anesthesia cons doctor (anesthesiologist)
SA11AI Muehlberger, Scott M. Houston, TX 77007 $250 2013-10-17 Bracewell Giuliani Lawyer
SA11AI Jernigan, W. C. Shoal Creek, AL 352425934 $250 2013-10-29 n/a Retired
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2013-10-21 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Lane, Dewey Pascagoula, MS 395681245 $250 2013-10-24 n.a Retired
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2013-10-21 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Parratt, Steffen Princeton Junction, NJ 085501244 $250 2013-10-03 Organization Simplification Inc. Entrepreneur
SA11AI Parratt, Steffen Princeton Junction, NJ 085501244 $250 2013-10-03 Organization Simplification Inc. Entrepreneur
SA11AI Gamst, Paul Eden Prairie, MN 553471124 $225 2013-10-19 Beard Group MGT LLC Real Estate
SA11AI Stiles, Hubert Jr. Towson, MD 212046814 $202 2013-10-18 from T Rowe Price Associates retired
SA11AI Kinskey, Rodney Casper, WY 826093288 $200 2013-10-17 none Retired
SA11AI Persons, Robert Waynesville, NC 287857979 $200 2013-10-18 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Persons, Robert Waynesville, NC 287857979 $200 2013-10-18 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Nicholas, Phyllis Greenwich, CT 068313104 $200 2013-10-24 none homemaker
SA11AI Wyly, Andrew Dallas, TX 752017852 $200 2013-10-16 Andrew Wyly Film CO Film Maker
SA11AI Dejoux, Natalie Grace Palm Beach, FL 334804544 $200 2013-10-18 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Tobin, Raymond G. San Diego, CA 921710218 $200 2013-10-11 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Gibson, Thomas Scottsboro, AL 357696540 $200 2013-10-08 Retired Physican
SA11AI Gibson, Thomas Scottsboro, AL 357696540 $200 2013-10-08 Retired Physican
SA11AI Hutchinson, F. Frances Powell, OH 430658730 $200 2013-10-18 na retired
SA11AI Bliss, William Chambersburg, PA 172024485 $200 2013-10-09 none retired
SA11AI Brodie, Mary Fry Chicago, IL 606144467 $200 2013-10-01 N/A Retired
SA11AI King, James J. Farmington, CT 060340047 $200 2013-10-25 self employed Systems
SA11AI King, James J. Farmington, CT 060340047 $200 2013-10-25 self employed Systems
SA11AI King, James J. Farmington, CT 060340047 $200 2013-10-25 self employed Systems
SA11AI Persons, Robert Waynesville, NC 287857979 $200 2013-10-18 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Kresge, Cary Winter Park, FL 327891453 $200 2013-10-18 Florida Medical Development Businessman
SA11AI Kresge, Cary Winter Park, FL 327891453 $200 2013-10-24 Florida Medical Development Businessman
SA11AI Brodie, Mary Fry Chicago, IL 606144467 $200 2013-10-01 N/A Retired
SA11AI Schluter, Fredric E. Jr. Naples, FL 341107000 $200 2013-10-09 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Schluter, Fredric E. Jr. Naples, FL 341107000 $200 2013-10-09 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Macfarland, Brewster Chicago, IL 606544607 $200 2013-10-18 Law Bulletin Publishing Company Executive
SA11AI Macfarland, Brewster Chicago, IL 606544607 $200 2013-10-25 Law Bulletin Publishing Company Executive
SA11AI Cannon, Sue M. Denver, CO 802273909 $200 2013-10-04 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Carter, Janet Cisco, TX 764370087 $200 2013-10-18 n/a HOMEMAKER
SA11AI Karecki, Edward Chicago, IL 606185103 $199 2013-10-19 info requested info requested
SA11AI Holder, David A. N Huntingdon, PA 156427032 $150 2013-10-24 FES sales
SA11AI Zartman, William Baton Rouge, LA 708155200 $150 2013-10-28 n.a Retired
SA11AI Chase, Derwood S. Jr. Charlottesville, VA 229025096 $150 2013-10-25 Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio Investment Counselor
SA11AI Devilbiss, Edwin L. Hilton Head Island, SC 299261077 $125 2013-10-01 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Devilbiss, Edwin L. Hilton Head Island, SC 299261077 $125 2013-10-01 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Cole, Francis H. Jr. M.D. Millington, TN 380536901 $110 2013-10-11 University of Tennessee Physican
SA11AI Cole, Francis H. Jr. M.D. Millington, TN 380536901 $110 2013-10-11 University of Tennessee Physican
SA11AI Heard, Herbert San Angelo, TX 769021111 $100 2013-10-15 SGP of Texas Insurance Agent
SA11AI Whitman, Barton Vonore, TN 378855349 $100 2013-10-30 Kennett Capital Inc. Executive
SA11AI Todd, Keith Norcross, GA 300921735 $100 2013-10-24 none Stay-at-home Dad
SA11AI Tobin, Raymond G. San Diego, CA 921710218 $100 2013-10-11 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Stratton, Alan Frankfort, IL 604238773 $100 2013-10-15 none Retired
SA11AI Stratton, Alan Frankfort, IL 604238773 $100 2013-10-15 none Retired
SA11AI Schriver, Byron Jr. Little Rock, AR 722122908 $100 2013-10-28 n.a Retired
SA11AI Robinson, John Sacramento, CA 958296516 $100 2013-10-24 san francisco retired
SA11AI Rhoad, John Washington Court House, OH 431602604 $100 2013-10-24 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Pike, Chuck Vienna, VA 221815400 $100 2013-10-17 Club for Growth Executive Vice President
SA11AI Moreo, Peter C. Carmel, CA 939238931 $100 2013-10-26 Imaginova GM
SA11AI Montanye, Carlyle N. Jr. Glyndon, MD 210710014 $100 2013-10-11 n.a Retired
SA11AI Montanye, Carlyle N. Jr. Glyndon, MD 210710014 $100 2013-10-11 n.a Retired
SA11AI Mitchell, Thomas Pickens, SC 296718696 $100 2013-10-24 J Galt Company consultant
SA11AI Mitchell, Michael D. San Angelo, TX 769048001 $100 2013-10-22 Mitchell Automotive Group Automobile Dealer
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-10-21 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-10-01 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-10-01 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $100 2013-10-01 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI McGregor, Larry Scottsdale, AZ 852555124 $100 2013-10-15 n.a Retired
SA11AI McGregor, Larry Scottsdale, AZ 852555124 $100 2013-10-15 n.a Retired
SA11AI Kornylak, Harold D.O. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 $100 2013-10-24 self physician
SA11AI Kirk, John Greene, NY 137781231 $100 2013-10-25 Raymond Corporation Engineer
SA11AI Keltner, Donald H. Los Angeles, CA 900257140 $100 2013-10-15 Self Attorney
SA11AI Keltner, Donald H. Los Angeles, CA 900257140 $100 2013-10-15 Self Attorney
SA11AI Kapetansky, Fred Columbus, OH 432093212 $100 2013-10-01 Fm Kapetansly Md Inc Physician
SA11AI Kapetansky, Fred Columbus, OH 432093212 $100 2013-10-01 Fm Kapetansly Md Inc Physician
SA11AI Jensen, Arvid E. Kelso, WA 986269631 $100 2013-10-17 N/A Retired
SA11AI Heard, Herbert San Angelo, TX 769021111 $100 2013-10-15 SGP of Texas Insurance Agent
SA11AI Harris, Ellie G. Estes Park, CO 805177595 $100 2013-10-23 NA Retired
SA11AI Harrell, Susan W. Marietta, GA 300641306 $100 2013-10-24 North Atlanta Pediatric Assoc physician
SA11AI Greco, Matthew E. Leesburg, FL 347487464 $100 2013-10-17 n.a Retired
SA11AI Gill, E. Edward Hayden, ID 838352828 $100 2013-10-29 n.a Retired
SA11AI Fitzgibbon, Thomas Des Plaines, IL 600161551 $100 2013-10-01 n/a Retired
SA11AI Doyle, David A. North Port, FL 342874407 $100 2013-10-29 n.a. retired
SA11AI Doyle, David A. North Port, FL 342874407 $100 2013-10-29 n.a. retired
SA11AI Doyle, David A. North Port, FL 342874407 $100 2013-10-29 n.a. retired
SA11AI Dietzler, Andrew Littleton, CO 801284672 $100 2013-10-17 n.a retired engineer
SA11AI Derbes, Joseph Houston, TX 770792827 $100 2013-10-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Darr, James San Diego, CA 921096865 $100 2013-10-08 n.a Retired
SA11AI Dafov, Nick Houston, TX 770947962 $100 2013-10-24 N/a N/a
SA11AI Dafov, Nick Houston, TX 770947962 $100 2013-10-15 N/a N/a
SA11AI Dafov, Nick Houston, TX 770947962 $100 2013-10-15 N/a N/a
SA11AI Coopat, E. Thomas Jr. Kihei, HI 967537714 $100 2013-10-23 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Clark, Ken Algona, IA 505114013 $100 2013-10-08 NA Retired
SA11AI Caulkins, Dan P. Decatur, IL 625219125 $100 2013-10-17 Patterson House Inc. self
SA11AI Brown, Mark M.D. Malibu, CA 90265 $100 2013-10-24 avema physician
SA11AI Brown, Mark M.D. Malibu, CA 90265 $100 2013-10-24 avema physician
SA11AI Brown, Alison Gray, ME 040399405 $100 2013-10-24 none retired
SA11AI Ames, Bruce Berkeley, CA 947091435 $100 2013-10-17 Child. Hospital of Oakland Res.Inst scientist
SA11AI Muehlberger, Scott M. Houston, TX 77007 $75 2013-10-17 Bracewell Giuliani Lawyer
SA11AI Ledger, Howard M. Plano, TX 750867191 $65 2013-10-24 northern data resources inc real estate investor
SA11AI Baldasaro, Nick Chapel Hill, NC 275143213 $60 2013-10-23 Decline to State Physicist
SA11AI Stueck, Paul Lanexa, VA 23089 $53 2013-10-18 Stueck Group Consultant
SA15 COTTON FOR SENATE DARDANELLE, AR 72834 $50 2013-10-22
SA15 COTTON FOR SENATE DARDANELLE, AR 72834 $50 2013-10-04
SA11AI Fletcher, Andrew Venice, FL 342853436 $50 2013-10-04 n.a Retired
SA11AI Fletcher, Andrew Venice, FL 342853436 $50 2013-10-04 n.a Retired
SA11AI Breault, David Gahanna, OH 432303147 $50 2013-10-24 Mid-State Bolt Nut Co accountant
SA11AI Ferguson, James H. Northfield, IL 600932728 $50 2013-10-25 none retired
SA11AI Brennan, Susan Nampa, ID 836878445 $50 2013-10-09 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Brennan, Susan Nampa, ID 836878445 $50 2013-10-09 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Morgan, John Monroe, WA 982729691 $50 2013-10-08 N/A Retired
SA11AI Seley, James San Marino, CA 911081604 $50 2013-10-21 Seley Co. Commodity Merchant
SA11AI Templeman, J. R. Lake Forest, IL 600454027 $50 2013-10-02 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Chamberlin, Keith Medford, OR 975049049 $50 2013-10-09 n.a Retired
SA11AI Stehr, James Atlantic Beach, FL 322335829 $50 2013-10-04 Duval County Public Schools Public School Teacher
SA11AI Stehr, James Atlantic Beach, FL 322335829 $50 2013-10-04 Duval County Public Schools Public School Teacher
SA11AI Memmer, James C. Carrollton, TX 750117806 $50 2013-10-27 n.a. retired
SA11AI Pettit, Judith Bonita, CA 919022632 $50 2013-10-17 n.a. retired
SA11AI Steyn, Ruth Oxford, MS 38655 $50 2013-10-18 None Retired
SA11AI Rish, Wayne Scottsdale, AZ 852595406 $50 2013-10-24 none retired
SA11AI Mutschler, Ellwood W. Jr. Elkton, MD 219211739 $50 2013-10-21 QPS LLC Accountant
SA11AI Johnson, Raymond O. Sunnyvale, CA 940867627 $50 2013-10-23 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Johnson, Raymond O. Sunnyvale, CA 940867627 $50 2013-10-23 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Montgomery, Bruce Glenwood, MD 217389316 $50 2013-10-18 Syntonics LLC Manager
SA11AI Mutschler, Ellwood W. Jr. Elkton, MD 219211739 $50 2013-10-21 QPS LLC Accountant
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $50 2013-10-17 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Wallis, Wanda Kalamazoo, MI 490486171 $50 2013-10-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Schefter, Mary Aloha, OR 97007 $50 2013-10-24 sales retired
SA11AI Montgomery, Robert A. Englewood, FL 342247622 $50 2013-10-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Montgomery, Robert A. Englewood, FL 342247622 $50 2013-10-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Morgan, John Monroe, WA 982729691 $50 2013-10-08 N/A Retired
SA11AI Fries, Anna C. Columbus, OH 432213218 $50 2013-10-22 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Seley, James San Marino, CA 911081604 $50 2013-10-21 Seley Co. Commodity Merchant
SA11AI Mason, Warren Lewisville, TX 750676712 $50 2013-10-17 Deloitte Consultant Mgmt Consultant
SA11AI Chamberlin, Keith Medford, OR 975049049 $50 2013-10-09 n.a Retired
SA11AI Notzon, Michael Victoria, TX 779041167 $50 2013-10-17 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Coleman, Justin Atlanta, GA 303072105 $50 2013-10-25 Scientific-Atlanta Finance Manager
SA11AI Warren, Donald Floral, AR 725349687 $50 2013-10-21 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Crofoot, Hazel Bradenton, FL 342037251 $50 2013-10-01 n.a. retired/housewife
SA11AI Harris, Ellie G. Estes Park, CO 805177595 $50 2013-10-23 NA Retired
SA11AI Warren, Donald Floral, AR 725349687 $50 2013-10-21 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Wallis, Wanda Kalamazoo, MI 490486171 $50 2013-10-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Templeman, J. R. Lake Forest, IL 600454027 $50 2013-10-02 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Smith, Vernon T. Honey Brook, PA 193440190 $40 2013-10-24 n.a. RETIRED
SA11AI Daley, Ron San Francisco, CA 941122511 $40 2013-10-08 N/a Retired
SA11AI Husney, Rosemarie Columbus, OH 432121708 $40 2013-10-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Husney, Rosemarie Columbus, OH 432121708 $40 2013-10-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Daley, Ron San Francisco, CA 941122511 $40 2013-10-08 N/a Retired
SA15 COTTON FOR SENATE DARDANELLE, AR 72834 $36 2013-10-31
SA11AI Husney, Rosemarie Columbus, OH 432121708 $35 2013-10-09 n/a Retired
SA11AI Husney, Rosemarie Columbus, OH 432121708 $35 2013-10-04 n/a Retired
SA11AI Gibson, Lorelei M. Mission Hills, KS 662081707 $35 2013-10-24 none retired
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $30 2013-10-21 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $30 2013-10-21 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Green, Ray Bradley, CA 934266949 $30 2013-10-23 N/A Retired
SA11AI Green, Ray Bradley, CA 934266949 $30 2013-10-23 N/A Retired
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $30 2013-10-21 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Brooks, Karen Jacksonville, FL 322254650 $30 2013-10-04 n.a Wife and mother
SA15 COTTON FOR SENATE DARDANELLE, AR 72834 $29 2013-10-25
SA11AI Palermo, William Fayetteville, AR 727014433 $25 2013-10-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Salwen, Jay K. Latham, NY 121101209 $25 2013-10-11 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Salwen, Jay K. Latham, NY 121101209 $25 2013-10-11 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Beddingfield, Rose Mary College Station, TX 778402333 $25 2013-10-17 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI Stephens, Barbara East Bernard, TX 774359230 $25 2013-10-24 Schlumberger Records
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $25 2013-10-17 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $25 2013-10-17 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Hollenstain, Donna Salinas, CA 939071660 $25 2013-10-15 NA Retired
SA11AI Hollenstain, Donna Salinas, CA 939071660 $25 2013-10-15 NA Retired
SA11AI Garlick, Forrest Livermore, CA 94551 $25 2013-10-22 N/A out of work
SA11AI Syverson, Clint Oakland, MI 483632847 $25 2013-10-18 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Fulford, Al S. Columbus, OH 432131481 $25 2013-10-08 NA Retired
SA11AI Fulford, Al S. Columbus, OH 432131481 $25 2013-10-08 NA Retired
SA11AI Foster, Matt San Jose, CA 95120 $25 2013-10-18 Flextronics Lawyer
SA11AI Elsaesser, Connie Dallas, TX 752343841 $25 2013-10-30 n.a. Homemaker
SA11AI Elsaesser, Connie Dallas, TX 752343841 $25 2013-10-30 n.a. Homemaker
SA11AI Elsaesser, Connie Dallas, TX 752343841 $25 2013-10-30 n.a. Homemaker
SA11AI Williams, Roger Lake Zurich, IL 600478064 $25 2013-10-01 Retired Engineer
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Corbridge, William Lola, TX 000077861 $25 2013-10-23 ConocoPhillips Portfolio mgt
SA11AI Mosca, Ronald Kingston, PA 187045212 $25 2013-10-18 none retired
SA11AI Williams, Roger Lake Zurich, IL 600478064 $25 2013-10-01 Retired Engineer
SA11AI Wiseman, Floyd Canonsburg, PA 153175625 $25 2013-10-17 N/A Retired
SA11AI Wiseman, Floyd Canonsburg, PA 153175625 $25 2013-10-24 N/A Retired
SA11AI Mitcham, John Safety Harbor, FL 346955249 $25 2013-10-24 none retired
SA11AI Prak, Lia Luning Penllyn, PA 194221629 $25 2013-10-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Beddingfield, Rose Mary College Station, TX 778402333 $25 2013-10-24 n/a Homemaker
SA11AI McCullough, Robert D. II Tulsa, OK 741367255 $25 2013-10-24 self physician
SA11AI McCormack, Tim Marcy, NY 134032506 $25 2013-10-24 Remington Arms Company Retired
SA11AI Prak, Lia Luning Penllyn, PA 194221629 $25 2013-10-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Maxey, Margaret N. Vero Beach, FL 329671818 $25 2013-10-04 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Maxey, Margaret N. Vero Beach, FL 329671818 $25 2013-10-04 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Rietow, Rob Honolulu, HI 968371028 $25 2013-10-24 n.a. Consultant
SA11AI Schock, Richard Grantville, PA 170288634 $20 2013-10-17 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Lytwyniuk, Robert Walnut, CA 91789 $20 2013-10-25 US Ar Force Retired
SA11AI Robinson, Dennis Montclair, CA 917632237 $20 2013-10-09 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Puckett, James Hesperia, CA 92345 $20 2013-10-31 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Puckett, James Hesperia, CA 92345 $20 2013-10-31 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Lytwyniuk, Robert Walnut, CA 91789 $20 2013-10-25 US Ar Force Retired
SA11AI Kruse, Jean Farwell, NE 688381634 $20 2013-10-18 none retired
SA11AI Robinson, Dennis Montclair, CA 917632237 $20 2013-10-09 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Lytwyniuk, Robert Walnut, CA 91789 $20 2013-10-25 US Ar Force Retired
SA11AI Synnestvedt, Yorvar Kempton, PA 195299320 $20 2013-10-23 Self Massage Therapist
SA11AI Synnestvedt, Yorvar Kempton, PA 195299320 $20 2013-10-23 Self Massage Therapist
SA11AI Brearton, John Morrison, IL 612709728 $20 2013-10-27 breartons BB service inc mech/operator
SA11AI Powell, Kathleen Raleigh, NC 276157700 $15 2013-10-01 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Powell, Kathleen Raleigh, NC 276157700 $15 2013-10-01 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Zander, Barbara I. Glen Rock, PA 173279080 $15 2013-10-25 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Lang, Carol La Mirada, CA 906370952 $15 2013-10-21 n/a retired
SA11AI Lang, Carol La Mirada, CA 906370952 $15 2013-10-21 n/a retired
SA11AI Zander, Barbara I. Glen Rock, PA 173279080 $15 2013-10-25 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI McKinnon, Dorine St. Petersburg, FL 337091726 $10 2013-10-03 n.a. retired
SA11AI Behm, Douglas A. Phoenix, AZ 850244366 $10 2013-10-03 American Express Software Architect
SA11AI Goldsmith, Barry A. Greeley, CO 806348309 $10 2013-10-24 n.a. Physician
SA11AI Graves, J. Robert Coatesville, PA 193201549 $10 2013-10-11 NA Retired
SA11AI Berdan, Dirk Renton, WA 980598700 $10 2013-10-31 SSA Marine mechanic
SA11AI Berdan, Dirk Renton, WA 980598700 $10 2013-10-18 SSA Marine mechanic
SA11AI Behm, Douglas A. Phoenix, AZ 850244366 $10 2013-10-03 American Express Software Architect
SA11AI Graves, J. Robert Coatesville, PA 193201549 $10 2013-10-11 NA Retired
SA11AI Clark, Shirley Musselshell, MT 590590255 $10 2013-10-04 none retired
SA11AI Corradino, Joseph Cape Coral, FL 33909 $10 2013-10-17 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Clark, Shirley Musselshell, MT 590590255 $10 2013-10-04 none retired
SA11AI McKinnon, Dorine St. Petersburg, FL 337091726 $10 2013-10-03 n.a. retired
SA11AI Brown, Robert Tilton, NH 032765728 $10 2013-10-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Miller, Don Tigard, OR 972248163 $10 2013-10-18 Biamp Systems Engineer
SA11AI Brown, Robert Tilton, NH 032765728 $10 2013-10-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Elwell, Mark Arkport, NY 148079656 $10 2013-10-17 n.a. sales
SA11AI Eyler, Richard Magnolia, TX 773554608 $10 2013-10-24 Northern Natural Gas retired
SA11AI Hawkins, Fred Duluth, GA 30096 $10 2013-10-24 self consultant
SA11AI Hawkins, Fred Duluth, GA 30096 $5 2013-10-16 self consultant
SA11AI Sgarlata, Chris Dallas, TX 752522444 $5 2013-10-24 self Financial Analyst
SA11AI Gibson, James W. Redding, CA 960031715 $5 2013-10-24 n.a Retired
SA11AI Gibson, James W. Redding, CA 960031715 $5 2013-10-24 n.a Retired
SA11AI Gibson, James W. Redding, CA 960031715 $5 2013-10-24 n.a Retired
SA11AI Hawkins, Fred Duluth, GA 30096 $5 2013-10-24 self consultant
SA11AI Hawkins, Fred Duluth, GA 30096 $5 2013-10-16 self consultant