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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Disbursements, REVIVE AMERICA PAC filing #915941

Last update: Jan. 8, 2015 | 7:46 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule B disbursements itemized on this filing
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Covers Jan. 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014
Total receipts: $14,530
Total spending: $21,238
Ending cash: $2,465
Outstanding debts: $1,442
Originally filed April 10, 2014, 10:34 a.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SB21B Rapid Response Television, LLC Stafford, TX $8,729 2014-01-30 media placement
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $5,000 2014-02-24 telemarketing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $1,596 2014-03-28 telemarketing
SB21B American Caging, Inc. Stafford, TX $898 2014-01-29 direct mails services
SB21B Hannibal Software, Inc. Washington, DC $750 2014-01-30 data conversion
SB21B American Caging, Inc. Stafford, TX $710 2014-01-03 credit card fees
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $696 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $638 2014-01-08 credit card fees
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $406 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $354 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $175 2014-02-13 telemarketing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $114 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $94 2014-03-28 telemarketing
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $53 2014-03-03 credit card processing
SB21B Maelstrom Technology Solutions, LLC Brookfield, WI $48 2014-03-31 online fundraising
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $39 2014-02-03 credit card processing
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $30 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $30 2014-01-23 service charge
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $16 2014-01-31 service charge
SB21B Infocision Cleveland, OH $16 2014-02-11 telemarketing
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $12 2014-02-28 service charge
SB21B Capital One Bank Houston, TX $12 2014-03-31 service charge