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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: July 27, 2014 | 11:46 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule B disbursements itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Jan. 1, 2014 through Jan. 31, 2014
Total receipts: $700,564
Total spending: $152,815
Ending cash: $12,171,571
Originally filed March 21, 2014, 3:53 p.m.

This filing is an amendment! See an earlier version here Filing #909147.
Type: F3XA: Monthly/quarterly report (AMENDED).
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SB21b State of Rhode Island - Board of Elections Providence, RI $63,000 2014-01-17 Filing Fine Filing Fine
SB23 National Republican Congressional Committee Washington, DC $15,000 2014-01-23
SB23 Republican National Committee Washington, DC $15,000 2014-01-23
SB23 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC $15,000 2014-01-23
SB29 Republican National Committee - Recount Fund Washington, DC $15,000 2014-01-31 RNC Recount Fund RNC Recount Fund
SB23 The Blue Dog PAC McLean, VA $4,950 2014-01-28
SB21b PAYMENTECH, INC. SALEM, NH $3,400 2014-01-31 Credit Card Fees Credit Card Fees
SB23 Friends Of David Jolly Indian Rocks Beach, FL $2,500 2014-01-22 Debt Retirement Debt Retirement
SB23 Womack For Congress Committee Rogers, AR $2,000 2014-01-28
SB23 Chris Gibson For Congress Saratoga Springs, NY $2,000 2014-01-28
SB21b National Rifle Association of America Fairfax, VA $1,500 2014-01-08 Website Hosting / Service Fee Website Hosting / Service Fee
SB23 Latta For Congress Bowling Green, OH $1,500 2014-01-28
SB23 Rodney For Congress Taylorville, IL $1,500 2014-01-28
SB23 Bluegrass Committee Washington, DC $1,000 2014-01-28
SB23 Duncan For Congress Knoxville, TN $1,000 2014-01-28
SB23 Blaine For Congress Jefferson City, MO $1,000 2014-01-28
SB23 Mcconnell Senate Committee '14 Louisville, KY $1,000 2014-01-28
SB29 Friends of Donna Campbell San Antonio, TX $1,000 2014-01-27 Donna Campbell, STATE SENATE 25th TX Donna Campbell, STATE SENATE 25th TX
SB29 Senator Kel Seliger Campaign Midland, TX $750 2014-01-27 Kelton Seliger, STATE SENATE 31st TX Kelton Seliger, STATE SENATE 31st TX
SB29 Deuell for State Senate Greenville, TX $750 2014-01-27 Bob Deuell, STATE SENATE 2nd TX Bob Deuell, STATE SENATE 2nd TX
SB29 Prolist Inc. Gaithersburg, MD $548 2014-01-30 Independent Expenditure - Postage Independent Expenditure - Postage
SB29 Stefani Carter Campaign Dallas, TX $500 2014-01-27 Stefani Carter, STATE HOUSE 102nd TX Stefani Carter, STATE HOUSE 102nd TX
SB29 Charles Perry for State Representative Lubbock, TX $500 2014-01-27 Charles Perry, STATE HOUSE 83rd TX Charles Perry, STATE HOUSE 83rd TX
SB29 Dr. Mike VanDeWalle, D.C. Campaign Austin, TX $500 2014-01-15 Mike VanDeWalle, STATE HOUSE 50th TX Mike VanDeWalle, STATE HOUSE 50th TX
SB29 Prolist Inc. Gaithersburg, MD $444 2014-01-30 Independent Expenditure - Postcard Independent Expenditure - Postcard
SB21b Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. McLean, VA $377 2014-01-13 Account Analysis Fees Account Analysis Fees
SB21b American Express Company Phoenix, AZ $368 2014-01-31 Credit Card Fees Credit Card Fees
SB29 Mike Holmes Campaign Wetumpka, AL $250 2014-01-23 Mike Holmes, STATE HOUSE 31st AL Mike Holmes, STATE HOUSE 31st AL
SB29 Connection Strategy, LLC Arlington, VA $162 2014-01-30 Independent Expenditure - Phone Bank Independent Expenditure - Phone Bank
SB29 Prolist Inc. Gaithersburg, MD $40 2014-01-30 Independent Expenditure - Data Match Independent Expenditure - Data Match
SB29 Connection Strategy, LLC Arlington, VA $31 2014-01-30 Independent Expenditure - Phone Bank Independent Expenditure - Phone Bank
SB21b Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. McLean, VA $22 2014-01-02 Credit Card Fees Credit Card Fees
SB21b Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. McLean, VA $16 2014-01-03 Credit Card Fees Credit Card Fees
SB21b BBT Bank Fairfax, VA $3 2014-01-21 Bank Fee Bank Fee