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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION filing #910508

Last update: July 27, 2014 | 7:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Aug. 1, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2013
Total receipts: $683,770
Total spending: $161,281
Ending cash: $1,408,457
Originally filed March 5, 2014, 4:57 p.m.

This filing is an amendment! See an earlier version here Filing #888263.
Type: F3XA: Monthly/quarterly report (AMENDED).
This filing also includes 15 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI James, Virginia Lambertville, NJ 085300060 $500,000 2013-08-16 Self Investor
SA11AI Young, Fred M. Jr. Racine, WI 534023819 $70,000 2013-08-29 n.a Retired
SA11AI Katz, Cary Las Vegas, NV 891340522 $50,000 2013-08-02 College Loan Corporation CEO
SA11AI Mossy, Wiley Houston, TX 770563250 $5,000 2013-08-27 Mossy Nissan Retired
SA11AI Murphree, Terence Houston, TX 770772578 $5,000 2013-08-07 United Steel Structures Construction Executive
SA11AI Goddard, John Loves Park, IL 611325550 $5,000 2013-08-30 Investment Resources Corp. President
SA15 Red Sea, LLC Bethesda, MD 20814 $3,228 2013-08-30
SA11AI Mason, David E. Northfield, IL 600933229 $2,500 2013-08-01 none Retired
SA11AI Rust, Robert W. Coral Gables, FL 331346100 $2,500 2013-08-07 None Retired
SA11AI Peay, Nicholas Cleveland Heights, OH 441184060 $1,500 2013-08-07 NA Retired
SA11AI Schwab, Robert Phoenix, AZ 850184427 $1,500 2013-08-07 none retired
SA11AI Metcalfe, Norman Corona Del Mar, CA 926251812 $1,500 2013-08-12 n.a. Investor
SA11AI Winker, Jim Sioux Falls, SD 571054952 $1,000 2013-08-15 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Stranahan, Duane Jr. Naples, FL 341033555 $1,000 2013-08-29 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Midgley, James Plano, TX 750752910 $1,000 2013-08-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Angelo, Alfred A. Cranford, NJ 070162461 $1,000 2013-08-14 Angelo OBrien P.A. CPA
SA11AI Crail, Joe Irvine, CA 926239626 $1,000 2013-08-07 Western Mutual Ins Exec
SA11AI Frater, Robert Houston, TX 770086940 $1,000 2013-08-22 self employed CFP
SA11AI Wilson, George Clarksburg, CA 956125021 $1,000 2013-08-07 Wilson Farms Farmer
SA11AI Tromovitch, Elizabeth B. Menlo Park, CA 940260490 $1,000 2013-08-12 NONE Retired Teacher
SA11AI Randall, Dick Cupertino, CA 950144825 $1,000 2013-08-19 n.a. retired
SA11AI Weiss, John Tucson, AZ 857429129 $1,000 2013-08-07 n.a. retired
SA11AI Mola, Luis R. Fort Lauderdale, FL 333011580 $1,000 2013-08-23 none retired
SA11AI Adams, William E. Portersville, PA 160510001 $750 2013-08-01 Adams Mfg. Manufacturer
SA11AI Miller, Thomas S. Dallas, TX 752052869 $500 2013-08-12 n.a Retired
SA11AI Uihlein, Lucia Longboat Key, FL 342281055 $500 2013-08-17 n.a. homemaker
SA11AI Stiles, Hubert Jr. Towson, MD 212046814 $500 2013-08-09 from T. Rowe Price retired
SA11AI Epperson, Marcus Houston, TX 770902135 $500 2013-08-01 none retired
SA11AI Brodie, Mary Chicago, IL 606144467 $500 2013-08-19 N/A Retired
SA11AI Berenson, Harold Larkspur, CO 801185616 $500 2013-08-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Baxter, Harold Palm Beach, FL 334804744 $500 2013-08-22 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Nau, Carl A. Jr. Phoenix, AZ 850204840 $400 2013-08-26 n/a retired
SA11AI Reuther, Alfred R. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 482363612 $400 2013-08-14 N/A Retired
SA11AI Weiss, Daniel Mentor, OH 440604251 $350 2013-08-08 Your Diabetes Endocrine Nutrition Physician
SA11AI Herr, C. Ryman Jr. Lebanon, NJ 088333105 $300 2013-08-07 n.a Retired
SA11AI Richardson, Samuel Canton, MS 390468431 $300 2013-08-17 n.a. physician
SA11AI Barker, Richard Lynn, MA 019041119 $300 2013-08-26 n/a Retired
SA11AI Rauch, Sally Longboat Key, FL 342281302 $250 2013-08-17 n.a. homemaker
SA11AI Mayo, David Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917308328 $250 2013-08-07 n.a. Insurance sales
SA11AI Sallwasser, Paul Plantation, FL 333242170 $250 2013-08-09 Ernst Young CPA
SA11AI Spangler, John Salt Lake City, UT 841711282 $250 2013-08-09 n.a. retired
SA11AI Jonson, Edward C. Hudson, NH 030514408 $250 2013-08-01 Raytheon Co. Project Design
SA11AI Jones, Gilbert A. Bellingham, WA 982297926 $250 2013-08-07 n/a retired
SA11AI Hoskins, Christine Bonaire, GA 310054709 $250 2013-08-01 Westside Christian Academy Teacher
SA11AI Good, Richard Naples, FL 341149444 $250 2013-08-01 n/a retired
SA11AI Downey, James Los Altos Hills, CA 940222631 $200 2013-08-07 altos sonoma corp president
SA11AI Dickson, David T. San Diego, CA 921191813 $200 2013-08-01 None Retired
SA11AI Lee, Don Oakdale, CA 953619770 $200 2013-08-07 n.a Retired
SA11AI Strathearn, Bruce Oxnard, CA 930320867 $200 2013-08-23 Self-Reality Investments Retired
SA11AI Goldman, Warren B. New Rochelle, NY 108047336 $200 2013-08-15 n.a Retired
SA11AI Williams, Richard F. Sparks Glencoe, MD 211529765 $200 2013-08-01 n.a Retired
SA11AI Horner, Michael Altadena, CA 910015370 $200 2013-08-12 Tom Sawyer Camps Inc Exec
SA11AI McIntire, Sara Juneau, AK 998017305 $200 2013-08-14 None Retired
SA11AI Poundstone, Donald Portland, OR 972134334 $150 2013-08-15 Southern CA. Orthodox Presbyterian Chu Presbyterian Minister
SA11AI Weaver, Kenneth Mechanicsburg, PA 170559241 $150 2013-08-07 Tyco Electronics Retired
SA11AI Connell, Warren Phoenix, AZ 850506986 $150 2013-08-16 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Lindl, Anne Livermore, CA 945503533 $101 2013-08-01 Not Working Teacher
SA11AI Rhoad, John Washington Court House, OH 431602604 $100 2013-08-17 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Moreo, Peter C. Carmel, CA 939238931 $100 2013-08-25 Imaginova GM
SA11AI Buus, Karl D. Yucaipa, CA 923993959 $75 2013-08-19 None Retired
SA11AI Pettit, Judith Bonita, CA 919022632 $70 2013-08-17 n.a. retired
SA11AI Sullivan, Andrew Omaha, NE 681141760 $50 2013-08-17 Marriott International tech support
SA11AI Buus, Karl D. Yucaipa, CA 923993959 $50 2013-08-07 None Retired
SA11AI Huebner, Allen Randolph, NJ 078694325 $45 2013-08-07 USLR Driver
SA11AI Wychunas, Charles Panama City, FL 324081233 $25 2013-08-01 att Sys Tech