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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION filing #908312

Last update: July 27, 2014 | 5:46 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Jan. 1, 2014 through Jan. 31, 2014
Total receipts: $126,423
Total spending: $260,345
Ending cash: $1,642,765
Originally filed Feb. 19, 2014, 12:04 p.m.

Type: F3XN: Monthly/quarterly report.
This filing also includes 19 itemized independent expenditures.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Selhorst, Lawrence Naples, FL 341088210 $10,000 2014-01-31 American Spring Wire Corp. Semi Retired
SA11AI Anderson, Travis K. Morristown, NJ 079605459 $10,000 2014-01-13 GGH Co. stockbroker
SA11AI Savickas, John Dallas, TX 752302256 $10,000 2014-01-10 preston valley investment company commercial real estate investments
SA11AI Weldon, Peter J. Winter Park, FL 327891527 $10,000 2014-01-17 n.a. retired
SA11AI Maldonado, Wilford E. M.D. Okemos, MI 488642052 $5,000 2014-01-28 Self Physician
SA11AI Jacknow, Gerald Austin, TX 787461638 $5,000 2014-01-31 Clinical Pathology Associates Retired
SA15 Red Sea, LLC Bethesda, MD 20814 $3,670 2014-01-31
SA11AI Krack, Conrad Maryville, TN 378036351 $3,000 2014-01-30 Retired marine engineer
SA11AI Nicholas, Phyllis Greenwich, CT 06831 $2,500 2014-01-31 none homemaker
SA11AI Schwinn, Daniel Melbourne Beach, FL 329511028 $2,500 2014-01-05 Avidyne Manager
SA11AI Dejoux, Natalie Grace Palm Beach, FL 334804544 $2,000 2014-01-09 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Stambaugh, William S. Arlington, VA 222031038 $2,000 2014-01-27 n/a Retired
SA11AI Hazlett, Roland J. Vero Beach, FL 329632259 $2,000 2014-01-30 Retired n/a
SA15 Red Sea, LLC Bethesda, MD 20814 $1,703 2014-01-31
SA11AI Middleton, Gordon R. Centreville, VA 201212184 $1,500 2014-01-30 BESC Engineer
SA11AI Minaides, Michael L. Bridgewater, NJ 088071530 $1,500 2014-01-30 ATT lawyer
SA11AI Canada, Jerry Jr Niagara Falls, NY 143044625 $1,200 2014-01-30 Harris Computer Business Manager
SA11AI Crossman, Robert H. Fort Myers, FL 339082866 $1,000 2014-01-27 n.a Retired
SA11AI Bryan, John T. Wichita, KS 672113624 $1,000 2014-01-31 usps Letter Carrier
SA11AI Huebner, Milton D. San Antonio, TX 782587703 $1,000 2014-01-24 CCC Group inc contractor
SA11AI Huebner, Milton D. San Antonio, TX 782587703 $1,000 2014-01-24 CCC Group inc contractor
SA11AI Douglass, Donald J. Merritt Island, FL 329538347 $1,000 2014-01-30 None Retired
SA11AI Snider, Ned Quincy, IL 623014462 $1,000 2014-01-31 Self Physician - Retired
SA11AI Shrull, Roswald E. Fort Worth, TX 761073724 $1,000 2014-01-31 none retired attorney
SA11AI Gray, Gretchen S. Broken Arrow, OK 740118407 $1,000 2014-01-08 none retired
SA11AI Schmuhl, William J. Jr. South Bend, IN 466142164 $1,000 2014-01-30 u of notre dame academic
SA11AI Caddick, David W. Sr. Ambler, PA 190020179 $1,000 2014-01-27 Selt Employed Contractor
SA11AI Reuther, Alfred R. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 482363612 $1,000 2014-01-27 N/A Retired
SA11AI Plum, Roy Hobe Sound, FL 334552504 $1,000 2014-01-30 n.a Retired
SA11AI Carpenter, Carol Milwaukee, WI 532171608 $1,000 2014-01-31 n/a retired
SA11AI Montgomery, Robert H. Bradenton, FL 342125113 $1,000 2014-01-07 NA Retired
SA11AI Katzell, Mildred E. Medford, NJ 080552221 $1,000 2014-01-31 n.a Retired
SA11AI Wilson, George Clarksburg, CA 956125021 $1,000 2014-01-16 Wilson Farms Farmer
SA11AI Bramwell, Elizabeth R. New York, NY 101281758 $1,000 2014-01-31 N/A Retired
SA11AI Krehel, John Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 320822307 $1,000 2014-01-24 n/a Retired
SA11AI Kirke, Gerald M. West Des Moines, IA 502665321 $1,000 2014-01-06 Kirke Financial Owner
SA11AI Gogel, Bernard G. Arlington, VA 222051108 $900 2014-01-30 Part-time Only Various BPR IS Consultant
SA11AI Serio, Patricia Covina, CA 917243937 $800 2014-01-13 Serco Mold Inc. Corp President
SA11AI Devilbiss, Edwin L. Hilton Head Island, SC 299261077 $750 2014-01-30 n/a Retired
SA11AI Van Hattem, John R. Mokena, IL 604488257 $600 2014-01-30 N/A Retired
SA11AI Walker, William C. Stone Mountain, GA 300876721 $600 2014-01-27 N.A. Retired
SA11AI McNamee, Philip H. Corona Del Mar, CA 926253008 $500 2014-01-30 Self-Employed Real Estate
SA11AI Zuleeg, Robert Orlando, FL 328255706 $500 2014-01-30 n/a Retired
SA11AI Young, James E. Howell, NJ 077312336 $500 2014-01-08 Military Retired
SA11AI Wedgeworth, James H. Hilton Head Island, SC 299386125 $500 2014-01-06 Charter 1 Reality Marketing President
SA11AI Purnell, William Littleton, CO 801278593 $500 2014-01-30 na na
SA11AI Matey, Thomas W. Melbourne, FL 329405943 $500 2014-01-06 n.a Retired
SA11AI Mann, John A. Jacksonville, IL 626503390 $500 2014-01-08 Hospitality specialists inc Hotel management
SA11AI Lieber, Clarence Goddard, KS 670528963 $500 2014-01-02 n.a. retired
SA11AI Laur, Tom Sr. Milwaukee, WI 532233013 $500 2014-01-30 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Keltner, Donald H. Los Angeles, CA 900257140 $500 2014-01-31 Self Attorney
SA11AI Kane, Fred Fairfax, VA 220322708 $500 2014-01-30 Retired retired executive
SA11AI Jones, Gilbert A. Bellingham, WA 982297926 $500 2014-01-30 n/a retired
SA11AI Holman, Wayne III Glen Ellyn, IL 601373923 $500 2014-01-23 None Retired
SA11AI Haass, Robert Pompton Plains, NJ 074442175 $500 2014-01-30 n.a Retired
SA11AI Gustafson, Jim Leesburg, FL 347482147 $500 2014-01-30 none retired
SA11AI Greenberg, Russell Weston, CT 068831600 $500 2014-01-30 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Glockler, Herrmann Reno, NV 895198041 $500 2014-01-09 Retired Engineer
SA11AI Gielow, Douglas Lexington, MI 484509357 $500 2014-01-30 Gielow Pickles Inc Food Manufacturer
SA11AI Caldwell, Lynn Atlanta, GA 303392961 $500 2014-01-31 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Boettger, Ray R. Escondido, CA 920262831 $500 2014-01-17 n/a Retired
SA11AI Bettencourt, Donald Sunapee, NH 037823105 $500 2014-01-30 Aquatics For Life Inc. Small Business Owner
SA11AI Archibald, Peggy J. Naples, FL 341137709 $500 2014-01-27 Self homemaker/retired teacher
SA11AI Pence, Thomas Wapato, WA 989519011 $400 2014-01-02 n.a Retired
SA11AI Stiger, Pam Redmond, WA 980538331 $400 2014-01-31 Alaska Airlines flight attendant
SA11AI Alton, Duane Liberty Lake, WA 990198531 $350 2014-01-23 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Brown, Mabel W. Geneseo, IL 612541345 $300 2014-01-31 Self Lawyer
SA11AI Eckert, Charles H. Greensburg, PA 156014924 $300 2014-01-30 Sensus USA Inc Financial Analyst
SA11AI Casey, Jim Corona Del Mar, CA 926251101 $300 2014-01-30 n.a. software sales
SA11AI Decamp, Rosemary R. Spring Lake, MI 494561564 $300 2014-01-30 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Kacek, George Chelmsford, MA 018244218 $300 2014-01-31 n.a Retired
SA11AI Holder, David A. N Huntingdon, PA 156427032 $250 2014-01-30 FES sales
SA11AI Boyd, Richard D. Berkeley, CA 947021231 $250 2014-01-30 NA Retired
SA11AI Hrubetz, Albert Dallas, TX 752296648 $250 2014-01-30 n.a Retired
SA11AI Holder, David A. N Huntingdon, PA 156427032 $250 2014-01-30 FES sales
SA11AI Denison, Larry Richmond, VA 232344221 $250 2014-01-27 Lee Foods Inc. CEO
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2014-01-20 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Murdock, Kathryn Grand Junction, CO 815016573 $250 2014-01-08 Self Orthodontic Technician
SA11AI Winters, David Bartlett, IL 601034079 $250 2014-01-24 ATT Sales Executive
SA11AI Samuelson, Vernon Rock Hill, SC 297303942 $250 2014-01-30 Teradata Project Manager
SA11AI Wallace, John Laguna Hills, CA 926535657 $250 2014-01-08 N/A Retired
SA11AI Gustafson, Jim Leesburg, FL 347482147 $250 2014-01-24 none retired