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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, CLUB FOR GROWTH ACTION filing #886384

Last update: July 27, 2014 | 8:16 a.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers July 1, 2013 through July 31, 2013
Total receipts: $89,477
Total spending: $67,994
Ending cash: $885,968
Originally filed Aug. 20, 2013, 5:24 p.m.

Type: F3X: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Macneil, David Chatham, NJ 079281627 $20,000 2013-07-30 Silvercrest Asset Management Group Executive
SA11AI Hillman, Tatnall Aspen, CO 816111228 $15,000 2013-07-23 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Hillman, Tatnall Aspen, CO 816111228 $10,000 2013-07-18 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Westbrooke Management Inc., Westbrooke Mgmnt Essex, CT 064261311 $2,500 2013-07-23 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Serio, Patricia Covina, CA 917243937 $2,500 2013-07-30 Serco Mold Inc. president
SA11AI Korpan, Richard Evergreen, CO 804397969 $2,000 2013-07-22 n.a Retired
SA11AI Chase, Derwood S. Jr. Charlottesville, VA 229025096 $2,000 2013-07-03 Chase Invetsment Counsel Corporatio Investment Counselor
SA11AI Probasco, Scott L. Jr. Chattanooga, TN 374011638 $1,200 2013-07-26 n/a retired
SA11AI Maddox, Barney Cleburne, TX 760334550 $1,000 2013-07-30 Self Doctor
SA11AI Snider, John Chicago, IL 606144312 $1,000 2013-07-30 Financial Controllers Inc. Accountant
SA11AI Powell, James San Angelo, TX 769014444 $1,000 2013-07-05 Self Rancher
SA11AI Purnell, William Littleton, CO 801278593 $1,000 2013-07-27 na na
SA11AI Foulke, Maureen H. Mamaroneck, NY 105434261 $1,000 2013-07-30 n.a. None
SA11AI Gibbs, Ann Jacksonville, FL 322108321 $1,000 2013-07-26 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Pusta, Lenora Hall Payson, AZ 855416152 $1,000 2013-07-30 n/a Retired
SA11AI Dejong, James Dyer, IN 463112537 $1,000 2013-07-30 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Apgar, Martha B. Saint Petersburg, FL 337055402 $1,000 2013-07-30 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Diamond, Eugene C. Palos Park, IL 604641206 $750 2013-07-25 Franciscan Alliance Healthcare Executive
SA11AI Robinson, Edward N. Park City, UT 840601120 $500 2013-07-29 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Mears, Randy Clearwater, FL 337647518 $500 2013-07-05 Ranmar Development Inc. Land Developer/Contractor
SA11AI Downey, Wallace E. Argyle, TX 762262532 $500 2013-07-25 Downey Publishing President
SA11AI Coopat, E. Thomas Jr. Kihei, HI 967537714 $500 2013-07-01 n.a. Retired
SA11AI Biggs, Sheridan Quaker Street, NY 121410160 $500 2013-07-22 N.A. Retired
SA11AI Moore, Davis W. Jr. Sedalia, CO 801350214 $400 2013-07-26 Self Retired Trial Lawyer
SA11AI Mills, Edwin S. Evanston, IL 602011952 $300 2013-07-24 Info Requested Info Requested
SA11AI Schaller, Roger Burtchville, MI 480591324 $300 2013-07-30 Schaller Tool and Die Co. Management
SA11AI Claiborne, Walter III Batchelor, LA 707153514 $300 2013-07-29 Self-Employed Real Estate
SA11AI Moyer, Peter New Canaan, CT 068402820 $300 2013-07-30 n.a Retired
SA11AI Grubelich, Francis Bethesda, MD 208141432 $300 2013-07-23 NA Retired
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2013-07-20 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Hawkins, Robert L. Jr. Jefferson City, MO 651096941 $250 2013-07-25 n/a Retired Lawyer
SA11AI Buerger, Mary Hillsdale, MI 492421154 $250 2013-07-25 n.a Housewife
SA11AI McNece, Greg Davis, CA 956171830 $250 2013-07-16 Davisville Properties Inc. CEO
SA11AI Gamst, Paul Eden Prairie, MN 553471124 $225 2013-07-26 Beard Group MGT LLC Real Estate
SA11AI Goltman, J. Portsmouth, RI 028711240 $200 2013-07-23 Navy Physicist
SA11AI Hiteshew, C. Talbott Jr. Pittsburgh, PA 152382145 $200 2013-07-29 Hunter Associates Inc. Stock Broker
SA11AI Newland, Roy G. South Bend, IN 466372115 $200 2013-07-30 NA Retired
SA11AI Bliss, William Chambersburg, PA 172024485 $200 2013-07-29 none retired
SA11AI Nichols, Milton B. Jr. Augusta, ME 043306044 $200 2013-07-29 n.a Retired
SA11AI Rotondi, Charles A. South Orange, NJ 070791513 $200 2013-07-23 R S Mfg. Co. Inc. Real Estate Mgr.
SA11AI Brown, Mabel W. Geneseo, IL 612541345 $200 2013-07-26 Self Lawyer
SA11AI Hall, Allen S. Ocala, FL 344716895 $200 2013-07-29 NA Retired
SA11AI McCoy, Gary Leonardtown, MD 206505141 $150 2013-07-19 NA Retired
SA11AI Geissinger, Frederick Evansville, IN 477251444 $150 2013-07-25 n/a Retired
SA11AI Schappert, Charles G. Paulsboro, NJ 080661722 $150 2013-07-22 HP5 Inc. CEO
SA11AI Montgomery, Robert H. Bradenton, FL 342125113 $100 2013-07-16 NA Retired
SA11AI Krack, Conrad Maryville, TN 378036351 $100 2013-07-29 Retired marine engineer
SA11AI Lien, Chuck Rapid City, SD 577090440 $100 2013-07-29 Pete Lien and Sons Inc. Bus Exec
SA11AI Moreo, Peter C. Carmel, CA 939238931 $100 2013-07-12 Imaginova GM
SA11AI Cohn, Charles S. Granite Bay, CA 957466482 $100 2013-07-12 Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Advisor
SA11AI Krack, Conrad Maryville, TN 378036351 $100 2013-07-18 Retired marine engineer