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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Itemized Receipts, MADISON PROJECT INC. filing #868109

Last update: July 28, 2014 | 10:46 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule A receipts itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers March 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013
Total receipts: $90,810
Total spending: $130,026
Ending cash: $284,191
Outstanding debts: $1,544
Originally filed April 19, 2013, 8 a.m.

Type: F3X: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SA11AI Hillman, Tatnall L Aspen, CO 816111228 $4,000 2013-03-22 None Retired
SA17 Nova List Company Herndon, VA 201714682 $3,634 2013-03-29 NOTE:LRI-USUAL NORMAL
SA11AI Rothschld, Sanford Towson, MD 21204 $2,000 2013-03-08 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Sumida, Alice Portland, OR 97201 $1,824 2013-03-21 Information Requested Information Requested
SA17 Nova List Company Herndon, VA 201714682 $1,761 2013-03-06 NOTE:LRI-USUAL NORMAL
SA11AI Davis, John Sarasota, FL 342361542 $1,200 2013-03-07 None Retired
SA11AI Davis, John Sarasota, FL 342361542 $1,200 2013-03-26 None Retired
SA11AI Warren, Jean Oklahoma City, OK 73116 $640 2013-03-12 None Retired
SA11AI Nielson, Marilyn Rolling Hills Esta, CA 90274 $500 2013-03-22 None Retired
SA11AI Middleton, Sharon Centreville, VA 20121 $500 2013-03-22 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Dunn, William Stuart, FL 34994 $500 2013-03-08 Dunn Capital Mgt. LLC Executive
SA11AI Lathrop, Glen Webbers Falls, OK 744709754 $500 2013-03-20 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Asplundh, Myra Bryn Athyn, PA 190090011 $500 2013-03-06 None Retired
SA11AI Eaton, Wesley Peabody, MA 019608583 $480 2013-03-08 None Retired
SA11AI Kirk, Leonard Bel Air, MD 210143934 $400 2013-03-08 None Retired
SA11AI Malone, Robert Rio Verde, AZ 852637164 $400 2013-03-29 None Retired
SA11AI Wait, Merle Protection, KS 67127 $400 2013-03-25 Self-Employed Farmer
SA11AI Cobb, Eleanor Los Angeles, CA 900362707 $300 2013-03-22 None Retired
SA11AI Blackie, Benson Murray, KY 420713017 $300 2013-03-11 None Retired
SA11AI Gaylor, Donald Allentown, PA 181039628 $300 2013-03-22 None Retired
SA11AI Downs, Louise Falmouth, ME 041052845 $300 2013-03-12 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Chacko, Rosemary San Antonio, TX 78218 $300 2013-03-06 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Hayward, Thomas Seattle, WA 98104 $250 2013-03-21 Self Employed Consultant
SA11AI Wise, Robert Valdosta, GA 316056424 $250 2013-03-22 Radiology Assoc. Of Valdosta Physician
SA11AI Burks, Helen Claremore, OK 740171069 $250 2013-03-26 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Buerger, Mary Hillsdale, MI 492421154 $250 2013-03-13 None Homemaker
SA11AI Harris, Martin San Antonio, TX 78218 $250 2013-03-01 Self-Employed Cpa
SA11AI Griffith, Richard Houston, TX 770029531 $250 2013-03-21 Self-Employed Invester
SA11AI Stock, Catherine Torrance, CA 90503 $240 2013-03-20 None Retired
SA11AI Guest, James Mililani, HI 96789 $240 2013-03-11 None Retired
SA11AI Acquistapace, Marjorie Carlsbad, CA 92009 $240 2013-03-27 None Retired
SA11AI Pridgen, Henry Cordele, GA 31015 $200 2013-03-25 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Pridgen, Henry Cordele, GA 31015 $200 2013-03-07 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Whitten, Oscar Riverside, CA 92518 $200 2013-03-29 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Brown, Gordon Keller, TX 762485717 $200 2013-03-07 None Retired
SA11AI Morris, Clifton Easton, PA 180452716 $200 2013-03-20 None Retired
SA11AI Fowler, Robert Austin, TX 78730 $200 2013-03-26 Self Employed Attorney
SA11AI Hooper, Carolyn San Diego, CA 921301821 $200 2013-03-06 Self Employed Interior Designer
SA11AI Chacko, Rosemary San Antonio, TX 78218 $200 2013-03-06 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Logasa, Mary Sonoma, CA 954763707 $200 2013-03-25 None Retired
SA11AI Hooper, Carolyn San Diego, CA 921301821 $160 2013-03-20 Self Employed Interior Designer
SA11AI Puelston, Warren Minneapolis, MN 554362028 $160 2013-03-12 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Buchanan, Robert Pueblo, CO 81008 $150 2013-03-07 None Retired
SA11AI Guest, James Mililani, HI 96789 $150 2013-03-26 None Retired
SA11AI Finlay, Kay Rancho Mirage, CA 922703808 $150 2013-03-26 None Retired
SA11AI Crocker, Byron Beaumont, TX 77706 $150 2013-03-06 Episcopal Church Retired Episcopal Priest
SA11AI Rogers, Robert Seattle, WA 981126227 $140 2013-03-06 None Retired
SA11AI Hartford, John Concord, CA 94521 $135 2013-03-11 None Retired
SA11AI Peak, Sylvia Baton Rouge, LA 708091121 $100 2013-03-08 None Homemaker
SA11AI Brown, Gordon Keller, TX 762485717 $100 2013-03-25 None Retired
SA11AI Donihoo, Billy Plano, TX 75094 $100 2013-03-07 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Lum, Cheong Honolulu, HI 96821 $100 2013-03-08 None Retired
SA11AI Newman, Harold Morrice, MI 48857 $100 2013-03-20 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Crocker, Byron Beaumont, TX 77706 $100 2013-03-22 Episcopal Church Retired Episcopal Priest
SA11AI Parks, Roy Abilene, TX 796018212 $100 2013-03-22 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Hartford, John Concord, CA 94521 $80 2013-03-15 None Retired
SA11AI Parks, Roy Abilene, TX 796018212 $50 2013-03-07 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Moyers, Jay Centennial, CO 80122 $50 2013-03-22 Information Requested Information Requested
SA11AI Donihoo, Billy Plano, TX 75094 $50 2013-03-22 Self Employed Farmer
SA11AI Buchanan, Robert Pueblo, CO 81008 $40 2013-03-12 None Retired
SA11AI Asplundh, Myra Bryn Athyn, PA 190090011 $40 2013-03-21 None Retired
SA11AI Lindsey, Marjorie Bakersfield, CA 93311 $40 2013-03-26 None Retired