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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Disbursements, MADISON PROJECT INC. filing #855451

Last update: July 28, 2014 | 9:16 p.m.
Downloadable file: All schedule B disbursements itemized on this filing
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this committee files new campaign finance reports
Covers Jan. 1, 2013 through Jan. 31, 2013
Total receipts: $22,708
Total spending: $55,740
Ending cash: $324,140
Outstanding debts: $1,544
Originally filed Feb. 14, 2013, 8 a.m.

Type: F3X: Monthly/quarterly report.
Read the full report at the Federal Election Commission.


Line Type
City, State, ZIP
SB21b Direct Mail Fundraising Herndon, VA $9,572 2013-01-18 PAC Postage PAC POSTAGE
SB21b Bigeye Direct Herndon, VA $8,102 2013-01-16 PAC Postage Delivery PAC POSTAGE DELIVERY
SB21b Direct Mail Fundraising Herndon, VA $5,250 2013-01-16 PAC Postage PAC POSTAGE
SB21b Roy Magno Aubrey, TX $5,000 2013-01-24 PAC Field Consulting PAC FIELD CONSULTING
SB21b Rst Marketing Associates Forest, VA $4,473 2013-01-03 PAC Postage Delivery PAC POSTAGE DELIVERY
SB21b Ryun, Andrew Washington, DC $4,006 2013-01-01 PAC Field Consulting PAC FIELD CONSULTING
SB21b Ryun, Jim Washington, DC $3,681 2013-01-19 PAC Field Consulting PAC FIELD CONSULTING
SB21b Horowitz, Daniel Baltimore, MD $3,067 2013-01-19 PAC Field Consulting PAC FIELD CONSULTING
SB21b Colortree Of Virginia Richmond, VA $2,731 2013-01-24 PAC Printing Mailing PAC PRINTING MAILING
SB21b Direct Mail Fundraising Herndon, VA $1,657 2013-01-29 PAC Postage PAC POSTAGE
SB21b Sunrise Data Services Herndon, VA $1,257 2013-01-31 PAC List Rental Maintenance PAC LIST RENTAL MAINTENANCE
SB21b Human Events Group Washington, DC $1,000 2013-01-18 PAC Event Tickets PAC EVENT TICKETS
SB21b Washington Intelligence Bureau Chantilly, VA $875 2013-01-17 PAC Caging Escrow PAC CAGING ESCROW
SB21b Aristotle Washington, DC $750 2013-01-19 PAC Software MEMO: PAC SOFTWARE
SB21b Ryun, Jim Washington, DC $750 2013-01-19 See Below SEE BELOW
SB21b Maryland Unemployment Fund Baltimore, MD $707 2013-01-17 PAC Taxes PAC TAXES
SB21b Donor Bureau Arlington, VA $590 2013-01-31 PAC Statistical Modeling PAC STATISTICAL MODELING
SB21b Colortree Of Virginia Richmond, VA $556 2013-01-31 PAC Printing Mailing PAC PRINTING MAILING
SB21b Sunrise Data Services Herndon, VA $377 2013-01-24 PAC List Rental Maintenance PAC LIST RENTAL MAINTENANCE
SB21b Ryun, Andrew Washington, DC $373 2013-01-04 See Below SEE BELOW
SB21b Sunrise Data Services Herndon, VA $340 2013-01-03 PAC List Rental Maintenance PAC LIST RENTAL MAINTENANCE
SB21b United States Postal Office Purcellville, VA $320 2013-01-18 PAC PO Box Renewal PAC PO BOX RENEWAL
SB21b DC Treasurer Washington, DC $300 2013-01-16 PAC Taxes PAC TAXES
SB21b Sunrise Data Services Herndon, VA $209 2013-01-10 PAC List Rental Maintenance PAC LIST RENTAL MAINTENANCE
SB21b American Airlines Dallas, TX $206 2013-01-04 PAC Airfare MEMO: PAC AIRFARE
SB21b Ryun, Jim Washington, DC $118 2013-01-19 See Below SEE BELOW
SB21b Comcast Washington, DC $118 2013-01-19 PAC TELEPHONE MEMO: PAC TELEPHONE
SB21b Sunrise Data Services Herndon, VA $110 2013-01-17 PAC List Rental Maintenance PAC LIST RENTAL MAINTENANCE
SB21b Ryun, Jim Washington, DC $79 2013-01-23 See Below SEE BELOW
SB21b Ryun, Andrew Washington, DC $62 2013-01-04 PAC Mileage MEMO: PAC MILEAGE
SB21b Fedex Washington, DC $59 2013-01-23 PAC SHIPPING MEMO: PAC SHIPPING
SB21b Ryun, Jim Washington, DC $39 2013-01-24 See Below SEE BELOW
SB21b United States Postal Office Purcellville, VA $20 2013-01-23 PAC Postage MEMO: PAC POSTAGE
SB21b Cafe Recess Washington, DC $19 2013-01-24 PAC MEETING EXPENSE MEMO: PAC MEETING EXPENSE
SB21b United States Postal Office Purcellville, VA $19 2013-01-24 PAC Postage MEMO: PAC POSTAGE