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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: July 29, 2014 | 3:16 a.m.
Downloadable files: Contributions | Disbursements
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this candidate files new campaign finance reports
Candidate Spending (as of 6/30/2014): $469,019
Candidate's Cash (as of 6/30/2014) $444,117
Outside support $10
Outside opposition $0

Incumbent US Rep. (CA-09). Next scheduled election: general to be held 11/4/14
Authorized committee(s): MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS

Candidate Filings

Only the most recent version of monthly and quarterly reports is shown below.

Filing ID (Type)
Committee Name
Coverage Date
Cash on hand
939285 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 5/15/14 - 6/30/14 $104,231 $50,781 $444,117 $5,917
927604 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 4/1/14 - 5/14/14 $67,234 $43,996 $390,667 $2,954
919442 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 1/1/14 - 3/31/14 $133,278 $71,706 $367,428 $5,094
905569 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 10/1/13 - 12/31/13 $131,044 $68,632 $305,856 $2,954
891168 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 7/1/13 - 9/30/13 $140,775 $84,371 $243,444 $3,704
879227 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 4/1/13 - 6/30/13 $169,811 $96,771 $187,041 $3,704
866738 MCNERNEY FOR CONGRESS 1/1/13 - 3/31/13 $135,066 $52,759 $114,000 $5,963