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Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance


Last update: July 29, 2014 | 2:46 a.m.
Downloadable files: Contributions | Disbursements
Alerts: Get automatic alerts when this candidate files new campaign finance reports
Candidate Spending (as of 7/16/2014): $731,908
Candidate's Cash (as of 7/16/2014) $386,485
Outside support $0
Outside opposition $0

Incumbent US Rep. (WA-02). Next scheduled election: primary to be held 8/5/14
Authorized committee(s): CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN

Recent 24- and 48-hour filings

Only filings made since the last monthly/quarterly report are shown. A total of $8,100 has been reported raised in the filings shown below.

Filing ID (Type)
Coverage Date
Independent Expenditures
943105 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received 7/25/14 - 7/25/14 $7,100 $0
942735 48-hour notice of contributions/loans received 7/20/14 - 7/20/14 $1,000 $0

Candidate Filings

Only the most recent version of monthly and quarterly reports is shown below.

Filing ID (Type)
Committee Name
Coverage Date
Cash on hand
942953 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 7/1/14 - 7/16/14 $11,395 $23,820 $386,485 $0
940025 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 4/1/14 - 6/30/14 $222,827 $220,339 $398,911 $0
919979 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 1/1/14 - 3/31/14 $86,554 $76,973 $396,423 $0
906082 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 10/1/13 - 12/31/13 $152,381 $200,636 $386,841 $0
890742 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 7/1/13 - 9/30/13 $133,973 $54,670 $435,096 $0
877399 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 4/1/13 - 6/30/13 $111,010 $102,678 $355,794 $0
865375 CITIZENS TO ELECT RICK LARSEN 1/1/13 - 3/31/13 $56,230 $52,789 $347,462 $0